
[REJECTED] Fury Warrior Weapon Damage Inexistent

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Post Posted: 14-04-2022, 16:47:26 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz spell link:
Character name:Donlukyano
Bug description: Weapon damage is inexistent for this spec(haven't tested arms or prot dont care)Only thing that boosts my attacs is Strength and attack power and that's it.The description of Titan's grip says.Two handed weapons deal more damage and have more stats.Hahaha good one but not on Freakz.


You can see base damage rampage
1: I equip several lower level weapons with no strength and i get 0 increase on my damage.I mean cmon not even one point of damage?
2: Only thing that boosts my damage is the little versatility on the 131 ilvl weapon.Boosts damage by 10 points Lmao
3: Then i have the Big Boi weapons 233 ilvl i should do Loads of damage now right?Right?Wrong!They are just sticks with stats and that's it.
4: They have around 175 strength so i get like 400 damage for that strength.
5: Now i unequip my 2 trinkets which have roughly the same strength 155 or so and the damage difference is like 40 points of damage which is the strength difference/
Now my question is Where is the weapon damage?
Can someone fix this spec already or everybody playing Arms this patch has made people stop testing fury and actually Fixing it?
I haven't played Shadowlands that much because i got full donated gear and was doing so low damage compared to blizz numbers and i saw these bugs months ago and i tought Bah this is so obvious they will fix it eventually because there is no way it stays like this right?Boy how wrong i was.Guess there is no Testers/Devs for Fury left on this server huh?
Yes i have tested all damage on dummy it's the same so don't tell me it's only visual bug from tooltips.
PS: Also there is no Real Warrior left on this server.That's why nobody gives 2 Fricks about Fury warrior and fixing it because Fury was the Real Men spec and if something was bugged it would get instantly detected and posted by the Tryharders and Neckbeards.Good luck playing a spec with no weapon damage and no aura damage.I'm officially done with this.
Coming back after a month and a half of break from wow to find the same bugged BS.

Last edited by Don.LukyaNo on 15-04-2022, 02:03:20; edited 5 times in total
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Post Posted: 03-05-2022, 13:10:01 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

You don't look at tooltips, you calculate, if you think Rampage is bugged then report Rampage but there are no issues with Titan's grip.

What is Titan's grip, it is an ability that allows you to dual wield two handers and two handers give higher stats and do more damage than one handers and Warrior's abilities scale off of weapon dps and stats ofcourse hence the quote in the ability that you will deal more damage, passive itself doesn't modify damage in any way.

Whats the thing with one handers, you basically trade the damage for faster AA hence the passive Single Minded Fury to compensate for stat loss.

Calculation from previous topic with 2 handers using Raging blow as an example.

0.611(scaling) x 731.4 (ability damage value) x 1.29 (aura modifier) = 576 +- 5%(IIRC) (shadowlands thing).

Calculation for one handers using Raging blow as an example:

0.611(scaling) x 640.4(ability damage value) x 1.29 (aura modifier) x 1.12( single minded fury modifier) = 565 +- 5% shadowlands randomness .

Proof. Rejected.

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