
[REJECTED] [Hunter][BeastMastery] Beast cleave V2

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Post Posted: 01-12-2017, 18:09:23 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz spell link:
Bug description: Beast Cleave doing way too low damage after this fix :

made this post and got rejected:

You said that the damage from beast cleave gets reduced by armor. Maybe i am freaking blind but can you show me where is the reduction from armor here?:
Damage = TriggerDamage * (1 + 0.1 * ArtifactTraitRank(FuriousSwipes))

This is the formula for pet's melee attack:
Damage = 0.6 * TotalAttackPower / 3.5 * 2 * TotalPetDamageMultiplier * ArmorReduction

See "* ArmorReduction"... where do you see "* ArmorReduction"on beast cleave damage formula?

Do you realise how stupid that sounds? So first you reduce 30% of the pet's damage because armor..them you reduce again 30% of beast cleave damage from armor again. So beast cleave gets 60% damage reduction from target's armor? are you fuking kidding me?

You either consider Beast cleave a standalone spel and it gets armor reduction (but gets full damage from the pet melee atack-without armor reduction) or consider it dependent on pet's melee atack(with armor reduction) but you dont reduce it's CANT reduce it twice!!!!!!!!

Update @ 01-12-2017, 18:09:23

TriggerDamage is pet's melee damage which already have armor reduction in it. So the damage formula would be :

(0.6 * TotalAttackPower / 3.5 * 2 * TotalPetDamageMultiplier * ArmorReduction) * (1 + 0.1 * ArtifactTraitRank(FuriousSwipes))

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Post Posted: 01-12-2017, 18:44:43 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

No, it doesn't get reduced by 60% you just don't know how to do math.

Beast cleave is using TriggerDamage* 1 * FS traits correct but, like any physical damage ability in the game its damage is affected by the target's armor.

They are independent abilities and because they are both physical, each time you hit with either of them their damage its affected by the armor simple as that.

If the Beast Cleave damage it is based on pet's attack does not mean that has to ignore armor . Hope that is clear to you.

Posting a new BUG REPORT has to follow the template you get when opening a new topic or it can be instantly rejected.

Freakz Lich King 25H

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 01-12-2017, 19:35:00 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I understand what you say. Where is the "* ArmorReduction" from damage formula. Why other physical abilities like pet melee attack have it and this one not?

Let's assume that you are right:
biggest main pet atack = 111.3 - beast cleave should do 111.3k * 1.4 (traits) * 0.7(i was doing damage on , which have 30% damage reduction)

@Garn since you can do math so well, 111.3k * 1.4 * 0.7= 109k. I was doing 130.8k. Why? Your argument is invalid. Please give valid arguments like damage formulas not personal opinions like "like any physical damage ability in the game its damage is affected by the target's armor".

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Post Posted: 01-12-2017, 20:15:06 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I don't think it should double dip from armor, if this is what he is reporting.All other spells that do dmg based on another spell do not double dip from dmg reduction/ increase
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Post Posted: 01-12-2017, 22:48:16 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

That is exactly what i am reporting. The first post i made was rejected with the reason that it's double dipping from armor.
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Post Posted: 02-12-2017, 00:08:36 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

It's physical damage. It WILL ALWAYS be reduced by armor.

This screenshot was done on retail, just now. 29k melee damage, beast cleave did 20k (which is exactly 30% reduction due to armor).

STOP creating posts based on what you think, make posts based on actual proofs from retail

Update @ 02-12-2017, 00:08:36

Also, if you're wondering why was your max damage 130k when your biggest melee attack was 111k? Because let me tell you something new you probably don't know either: Bite/Smack/Claw also triggers beast cleave, and those do higher damage than your pet's melee attack.

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