
[REJECTED] [Mage][Arcane] Arcane Missiles

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Post Posted: 08-07-2017, 13:55:03 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz spell link: (wowhead link)
Bug description: Since yestarday 7/7/2017 everything with the procs of the arcane missiles was k but when i logged in today and went on a dungeon 7/8/2017 the arcane missiles took like 16 AB (Arcane Blasts) + like 3-4 Arcane Barrage to proc once. After like 30 mins of this they started to proc more often but still not often enough compared to the other days.(I still need to cast like 8 or more AB to get proc). Maybe something happen with the buff from 15-30 and made that new bug. I highly doubt that only i experience this issue.
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Post Posted: 08-07-2017, 14:31:34 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

It has (15+mastery)% chance to proc, doubled on arcane blasts. It is RNG, so even if you'd have 98% proc chance, there would be a chance to not proc for 10 times in a row, you just might be unlucky. Before you had 30 base proc chance, increased by mastery, doubled by arcane blast, every second spell procced a missile, it was utterly broken. Yes, you have exactly half of the proc chance you had yesterday, but I assure you that it's correct.

Update @ 08-07-2017, 15:31:34

I just tested on live, I got 2 procs from 5 AB casts. I'm sorry to say something like this, but this being RNG, you can just be unlucky Thinking

Spent those 2 procs, now I got another 2 from just 4 AB casts.

Spent those 2, I got 1 proc in 7 casts. It's RNG

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