
[REJECTED] [Monk][All Specs][Spell] Spinning Crane Kick and Rushing Jade Wind

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Post Posted: 14-06-2015, 20:37:19 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz spell link:
Bug description:
Rushing Jade Wind has been redesigned and replaces Spinning Crane Kick.

Rushing Jade Wind: The Monk summons a whirling tornado around them, dealing damage to nearby enemies (heals nearby allies for Mistweavers). Rushing Jade Wind has the same costs, Chi generation, and periodic rate as Spinning Crane kick, but, deals 80% of the periodic damage or healing, lasts 6 seconds, is instant, and not channeled.
The damage and healing on both SCK and RJW is exacly the same on every specs

And the mana cost for both SCK and RJW should be 12.5% of maximun mana witch is not but is instead about 6% max mana (wowhead link)

Also the damage of SCK and RJW seems very high, i couldnt find any formula or anything that proofs it but i can show a mistweaver monk hitting for way less with those abilities when he has way more gear

(about 11k per tick without critting)

Proof: /
Same healing, same damage, RJW is not reduced by 20%, since this ability should do 80% of the periodic damage of SCK
Here also proofs my SCK and RJW does about 17k non-crit damage with about 445 ilvl with intelect gear, but again i have no way to proof this bug with any formula. /
Mana is 21450 and my max mana is 344999, so the cost of both abilities is 21450/344999=0.062=6.2%

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Post Posted: 23-06-2015, 20:53:11 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

First of all, that 12,5% mana cost is for WoD. If you check the changelog you'll see that the correct mana cost is 7,2% for patch 5.4 and that's exactly the mana cost that we have

Secondly, that's not how you calculate a spell's mana cost, it costs 7,2% of BASE mana - and your base mana is 300.000 not 344.999.

The damage got fixed a while ago, it took benefit from intellect.

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