
[REJECTED] Rocktusk Battleboar

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 26-07-2017 06:53)
Joined: 24 Feb 2017
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Post Posted: 14-07-2017, 10:05:04 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz link:
Bug description: This is the mount which you get from garison with 10.000g. And it`s bugged. There are two bugs i have discovered. First, it gets stuck. When walking on a bridge you have to jump because it just cant climb or something. And second, for which i have photos, he walks underwater. When other mounts swim, he walks. On rivers and things he walks. And the biggest problem, it cant get to surface. Even if you go to sea, deep water, whatever, keep space to go up and it wont go above water. It`s like when you get there, near above the water, it stops swiming at it will keep jumping. I hope you can understand from the photos. I cant go above water with it, it will jump instead of going up. Try the bug yourself if you can, bcs in some battlegrounds and dungeons there is water and...You can suffocate with this mount bcs it wont go above the water. And as i said, it can walk on shallow rivers even if all other mounts would swim there.

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Moved to Legion forums, careful where you post.

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