
[REJECTED] ilvl Bug - Higher lvl relic resulted in lower overall ilvl

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Post Posted: 17-03-2019, 12:33:09 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Hi all!

I used to have 900 ilvl on my main specc (restoration druid). I have replaced an 880 ilvl relic with an 890 ilvl relic on my artifact weapon and instead of my ilvl going up it has gone down to 899.81. I know, seems rather imposible. But this is what happened...
No other items have been swapped and the only thing I did was to swap the relics. I'm not sure what I can do to prove that I had 900 ilvl before.

I have compared my balance specc with that of my restoration and as you can see below (Also images are attached in the link):

Resto Specc
HP: 3713K
Overall ilvl: 899.81
weapon ilvl: 906
Number of traits: 49

Balance Specc
HP: 3492K
Overall ilvl: 899.93
weapon ilvl: 897
Number of traits: 38

Again, no items are being changed (except for the artifact weapon) while swapping between the two speccs or have been changed when I added the relic. As you can see, I have a higher Ilvl with my Balance specc than my Restoration specc.
HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE when I have a lower weapon ilvl on the Balance specc AND lower HP? I have also confirmed the ilvl with .ilvl command

I have also made an ingame ticket and was replied with something like: "This is not possible, must've been an item change"
So, here is proof that it's possible.


I have also included an image with the the relic i swapped


Would appriciate any feedback or let me know if you want more info on this. I would like to get this sorted out!


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