
[RESPINS] cerere vip

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 14-04-2019 14:57)
Joined: 10 Feb 2017
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Post Posted: 03-12-2017, 22:09:47 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1. Nick [fara cuvinte indecente/vulgare/obscene] ZUU.Y
2. Varsta 26
3. Vechimea pe server am cateva bune
4. Motivul cererii nu pot folosi toate rasele ''( ce am fost si ce am ajuns )'' -
5. Accepti clauzele prevazute in Regulamentul serverului ? DA boss

Update @ 03-12-2017, 22:09:47

ZUU.Y wrote:
1. Nick [fara cuvinte indecente/vulgare/obscene] ZUU.Y
2. Varsta 26
3. Vechimea pe server am cateva ore bune
4. Motivul cererii nu pot folosi toate rasele ''( ce am fost si ce am ajuns )'' -
5. Accepti clauzele prevazute in Regulamentul serverului ? DA boss

Mori Bogat S-au Mori Incercand
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Status: Offline
(since 16-08-2019 10:08)
Joined: 13 Apr 2015
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Votes: 275

Post Posted: 04-12-2017, 07:47:00 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Eu cred ca am spus destul de clar poti juca pe sv ca si player

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Status: Offline
(since 10-11-2018 13:01)
Joined: 19 Oct 2016
Posts: 1205, Topics: 25
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Post Posted: 04-12-2017, 08:52:38 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Si inca o chestie sa adaug, iti va fi sters XP ul care ti l ai dat abuziv

L 11/30/2017 03:20:43 Cmd: "ZUU.Y<416><STEAM_0:0:1855690682><TERRORIST>" 'amx_givexp 5000000 ZUU.Y'
L 11/30/2017 03:21:08 Cmd: "ZUU.Y<416><STEAM_0:0:1855690682><TERRORIST>" 'amx_givexp ZUU.y 5000000 '
L 11/30/2017 03:21:14 Cmd: "ZUU.Y<416><STEAM_0:0:1855690682><TERRORIST>" 'amx_givexp ZUU.Y 5000000 '
L 11/30/2017 03:21:21 Cmd: "ZUU.Y<416><STEAM_0:0:1855690682><TERRORIST>" 'amx_givexp ZUU.Y 5000000 '
L 12/01/2017 01:41:39 Cmd: "ZUU.Y<704><STEAM_0:0:1855690682><TERRORIST>" 'amx_givexp zuu 9000000000 '
L 12/01/2017 01:41:42 Cmd: "ZUU.Y<704><STEAM_0:0:1855690682><TERRORIST>" 'amx_givexp zuu 9000000000 '
L 12/01/2017 01:42:23 Cmd: "ZUU.Y<704><STEAM_0:0:1855690682><TERRORIST>" 'amx_givexp zuu 9000000000 '
L 12/01/2017 01:42:28 Cmd: "ZUU.Y<704><STEAM_0:0:1855690682><TERRORIST>" 'amx_givexp zuu 9000000000 '
L 12/01/2017 01:42:28 Cmd: "ZUU.Y<704><STEAM_0:0:1855690682><TERRORIST>" 'amx_givexp zuu 9000000000 '
L 12/01/2017 01:42:29 Cmd: "ZUU.Y<704><STEAM_0:0:1855690682><TERRORIST>" 'amx_givexp zuu 9000000000 '
L 12/01/2017 01:42:29 Cmd: "ZUU.Y<704><STEAM_0:0:1855690682><TERRORIST>" 'amx_givexp zuu 9000000000 '
L 12/01/2017 01:42:50 Cmd: "ZUU.Y<704><STEAM_0:0:1855690682><TERRORIST>" 'amx_givexp zuu 9000000000 '
L 12/01/2017 01:43:11 Cmd: "ZUU.Y<704><STEAM_0:0:1855690682><TERRORIST>" 'amx_givexp zuu 900000 '
L 12/01/2017 01:43:18 Cmd: "ZUU.Y<704><STEAM_0:0:1855690682><TERRORIST>" 'amx_givexp zuu 900000 '
L 12/01/2017 01:43:24 Cmd: "ZUU.Y<704><STEAM_0:0:1855690682><TERRORIST>" 'amx_givexp zuu 900000 '
L 12/01/2017 01:43:36 Cmd: "ZUU.Y<704><STEAM_0:0:1855690682><TERRORIST>" 'amx_givexp zuu 902343565437836453486'
L 12/01/2017 01:43:49 Cmd: "ZUU.Y<704><STEAM_0:0:1855690682><TERRORIST>" 'amx_givexp zuu 902343565437'
L 12/01/2017 01:44:00 Cmd: "ZUU.Y<704><STEAM_0:0:1855690682><TERRORIST>" 'amx_givexp zuu 2343565437 '

L 12/01/2017 01:44:34 Cmd: "ZUU.Y<704><STEAM_0:0:1855690682><TERRORIST>" 'amx_givexp zuu 2343565437 '
L 12/01/2017 01:45:36 Cmd: "ZUU.Y<704><STEAM_0:0:1855690682><TERRORIST>" 'amx_givexp zuu 2343565437 '
L 12/01/2017 01:45:43 Cmd: "ZUU.Y<704><STEAM_0:0:1855690682><TERRORIST>" 'amx_givexp zuu 23435654'
L 12/01/2017 01:45:57 Cmd: "ZUU.Y<704><STEAM_0:0:1855690682><TERRORIST>" 'amx_givexp zuu 234356549'
L 12/02/2017 14:58:25 Cmd: "NEGRUTU<2040><STEAM_0:0:1855690682><CT>" 'amx_givexp zuu 10000 '
12/02/2017 15:15:23 Cmd: "ZUU.Y<2186><STEAM_0:0:1855690682><CT>" 'amx_givexp zuu 945677'
L 12/02/2017 15:15:26 Cmd: "ZUU.Y<2186><STEAM_0:0:1855690682><CT>" 'amx_givexp zuu 945677 '
L 12/02/2017 15:16:27 Cmd: "ZUU.Y<2186><STEAM_0:0:1855690682><CT>" 'amx_givexp zuu 945677 '
L 12/02/2017 15:16:27 Cmd: "ZUU.Y<2186><STEAM_0:0:1855690682><CT>" 'amx_givexp zuu 945677 '
L 12/02/2017 15:45:40 Cmd: "ZUU.Y<2186><STEAM_0:0:1855690682><TERRORIST>" 'amx_givexp zuu 945677 '

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