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Post Posted: 27-02-2017, 11:46:16 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


1. [ZP] Addon: Custom Level System v3.0
2. [ZP] First Blood Reward v3.0
3. [ZP] Premium Member + Gold Member v5.2
4. [ZP] Health Reminder (Nemesis + Sniper + Survivor + Assassin + Bombardier)
5. Weapon Wars v2.0
6. [ZP] Extra Item: Advance Invisible v1.0


1. [ZP] List of Modified + Requested Plugins
2. [ZP] New List of Models
3. [ZP] List of VIP Extra Items
4. [ZP] List of VIP Zombie Classes
5. PHP - Server Banner
6. List of Common Errors


1. Sniper vs Nemesis Round (ZPA only)
2. Sniper vs Nemesis Round (ZP5.0 only)
3. Sniper vs Assassin Round (ZP5.0 only)
4. ZP5.0.8 (Plasma, Knifer, Dragon, Night Crawler)


1. [EXP] Why Sentry Gun do not Shoot the Zombie?
2. [SUG] How to Arrange The Plugins
3. [SOLVED] [AMX] Load error 17 (invalid file format or version)


1. Zombie Plague 4.3 Fix 5a
2. Zombie Plague Advance 1.6.1
3. Zombie Plague 5.0
4. Zombie Plague 5.0 (Beta)
5. Zombie Plague 5.0.8 (Sniper & Assassin + Compatibility with ZPA)
6. Zombie Base Builder v6.5
7. Zombie Biohazard v2.00 (Beta)
8. Zombie Escape v2.3
9. Zombie Swarm 3.1
10. Zombie Plague Shade 1.0.4 - Bombardier Branch
11. Zombie Escape v2 (2.0.4 - 22.06.2014)
12. Zombie Plague Special 3.0


1.CSO Maps (8 maps)

A. (ZPA 1.6.1/ ZP 4.3)

1. Addons/ Sub-plugins:>

1.1 Infection Countdown
1.2 Level Up System XP 3.2
1.3 Display the Current Mode
1.5 First Zombie Translucent/ Invisible
1.6 No Sound
1.7 Health Reminder (Nemesis + Sniper + Survivor + Assassin)

2. Human Extra Items:

>2.1 Jetpac2 3.2
2.2 Player Aura v1.6
2.3 Deadly Shot
2.4 Plasma Gun
2.5 Dragon Sword v2.0
2.6 Nail Gun
2.7 Thunderbolt v3
2.8 Beam Sword (Light Saber)
2.9 Power Saw
2.10 Shooting Star
2.11 Buy Classes
2.12 Buy Classes for ZP4.3

3. Zombie Extra Items:

3.1 Wall Climb

4. Zombie Classes:

4.1 Deimos Zombie

B. (ZP 5.0.5 AND ABOVE)

1. Addons/ Sub-plugins:

1.1 Military Ran2 System 2.1.2
1.2 Item Limiter
1.3 New Infection Method
1.4 Infection Countdown
1.5 Day-Night system v1.3
1.6 Blood Colour
1.7 Zombie Lifesteal
1.8 Zombies Armor System
1.9 C.A.T Armor System
1.10 C.A.T Respawn System
1.11 Damage Combo
1.12 VIP Model
1.13 Items Discount
1.14 Frost + Fire Grenade
1.15 Grenade Effect
1.16 RZ VIP Plugin v1.0
1.17 Ice Cube
1.18 Game Stats Hud Information
1.19 Player Level Upgrades
1.20 Ultimate VIP
1.21 InformerX by Wbyokomo.
1.22 Advanced Knockback.
1.23 Display Current Mode.

2. Human Extra Items:

2.1 Jetpac2
2.2 Airstrike
2.3 Damage Aura

3. Zombie Extra Items:

3.1 Midnight's Darkness
3.2 Fast Attac2

4. Zombie Classes:

4.1 Burning Zombie Info: Burning Ability.
4.2 Brute Mother Info: Can heal Other zombies.
4.3 Executioner Zombie Info: Fast Attack.
4.4 Dasher Zombie
4.5 Half Blood Zombie. Info: has the ability to take only half the damage dealt to it.
4.6 Headless Zombie.

5. Human Classes:

5.1 Human Classes Collection.

C. (Both/ ZPA & ZP 5.0.*)

1. Addons/ Sub-plugins:

1.1 Zombie VIP 1.7.2
1.2 Donate Ammo Packs
1.3 First Blood Reward v1.0 by zmd94
1.4 Show Team Score
1.5 Connect Announce with Sound v0.2
1.6 Player Disconnect Info
1.7 Auto Responder Chat
1.7 Aim Info
1.8 Parachute
1.9 Score Admin Info
1.10 Knockback Bomb
1.11 Free Ammo Packs
1.12 Low HP Heartbeat
1.13 Advanced Bullet Damage
1.14 Advertiser
1.15 High Ping Kicker
1.16 Ammo Packs Leader
1.17 Auto Unstuck
1.18 Admin Expired Date
1.19 Premium Member + Gold Member
1.20 Multi Survivor Weapon
1.21 Push Away!
1.22 Lighting Vote
1.23 Semiclip v3.0.2
1.24 Show Zombie Health
1.25 Zombie Health Bar
1.26 Admin Hierarchy
1.27 Advanced Bullet Damage
1.28 Random Lighting
1.29 Fireworks on End Round
1.30 Bad Spawns Preventer
1.31 Gib Death 2.1
1.32 Lame Connection Punisher 1.2
1.33 Register System v9.0
1.34 One Name v3.0
1.35 Auto Message Displayer (Advertiser)
1.36 Happy Hours
1.37 Choose The Survivor Weapon v2.0
1.38 Rewards v1.4
1.39 Reload Progress
1.40 Score Admin Info
1.41 Ultimate Bank 1.1
1.42 HudTextArgs Blocker
1.43 Quad Damage
1.44 Public Server Rules v1.2
1.45 PS Rank PsychoStats v3.x
1.46 Bullet Whiz
1.47 Admin Spectator ESP v1.3
1.48 Advanced Weapon Tracers
1.49 Fake Full Original v1.7.6
1.50 Simple Knife Knockback
1.51 Auto-Save Ammo Packs
1.52 Round Fog
1.53 Stats, EXP Mod & Ranking System
1.54 Countdown Vox
1.55 Frags & Ammopacks Leader
1.56 Human Player Model Menu

Human Extra Items:
2.1 Unlimited Clip (Single Round)
2.2 Anti-Infection Armor 1.0
2.3 Force Shield Grenade
2.4 Sawn Off Shotgun
2.5 Minigun
2.6 Golden AK-47
2.7 No Recoil
2.8 Plasma Rifle
2.9 Nitrogen Galil
2.10 Antidote Gun
2.11 T-Virus
2.12 Multi jump
2.13 Gas Mas2
2.14 Jetpac2
2.15 Immunity
2.16 Dragon Cannon
2.17 Nuclear Bomb
2.18 Cyclone
2.19 Remote Machine Weapon
2.20 Unlimited Clip (Whole Map)
2.21 Elemental [Fire & Ice]
2.22 Pain/Nagato Mode
2.23 Paintball Gun
2.24 Thunder Knife
2.25 Tripmine
2.26 Advance Invisible
2.27 N4D Jetpac2.

Zombie Extra Items:

3.2 Dynamite Zombie
3.3 Concussion Grenade
3.4 Kill Bomb
3.5 Strip Bomb

Zombie Classes:

4.1 Bunny Hop Zombie
4.2 Climb Zombie Info: Can climb wall.
4.3 Bullet Proof Zombie Info: Can only be hurt by secondary weapons.
4.4 Thermal ZombieInfo: Can see through walls.
4.5 Stamper Zombie Info: Can create graves to block players.
4.6 Spitter Zombie Info: Can spit on humans and has dead acid.
4.7 Jockey Zombie Info: Can Jump on Human and do damage.
4.8 Nurse Zombie
4.9 Charger Zombie
4.10 Jumper Zombie

Freakz ZM3 Database Zombie Mode by EDUTz





1. [ZP 5.0] List of Working Plugins from ZP 4.3.
2. Collections of ZP 5.0 Plugin
3. New Plugins List (06/2011)
4. Sub-Plugins List (06/2011)
5. List of ZP 3rd Party Plugins.
6. VIP Extra Items
7. VIP Zombie Classes

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