
[REZOLVAT] eBets => S P E C I A L ; No: 9 (Italia: Serie A)

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Vlad Vega


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Post Posted: 20-10-2017, 18:42:20 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Nu aveti voie sa puneti acelasi pronostic la mai mult de un meci. (daca pui x2 pe un meci, nu mai ai voie sa pui x2 la alt tot asa pentru toate pronosticurile)
Nu aveti voie ca biletul vostru cu pronosticuri, sa fie identic cu biletul pus de cei care au postat inaintea voastra.
Nu uitati sa specificati exact: 1, 2, 1X, X sau X2 - pauza/final.
Cititi cu atentie pronosticurile permise si exemplele date, inainte sa postati!

Pronosticuri permise:

Sub/Peste 1,5; 2,5; 3,5 goluri.
1, x sau 2, 1x, x2 la pauza.(1-2 nu este permis)(EX: 1x pauza)
1, x sau 2, 1x, x2 la final.(1-2 nu este permis)(EX: x2 final)
Primul gol in minut: Par/Impar
1 sau 2 marcheaza prima.
1 sau 2 nu marcheaza niciun gol.
1 sau 2 bate primul corner.
1 sau 2 bate primul out.
1 sau 2 primeste primul cartonas galben.
1 sau 2 inscrie cel putin un gol pana la pauza.
Scor exact 0-0, 1-0, 0-1, 1-1...etc
Cutare jucator marcheaza. (EX: Real - PSG : Neymar marcheaza.)
GG (Ambele echipe marcheaza) EX: Real - PSG : GG
1GG, 2GG (ambele echipe marcheaza si 1 sau 2 gastiga meciul)
Goluri diferenta: -1, -2/3, -3/4, -5+ EX: Voluntari -2/3 goluri (Voluntari pierde la 2 sau 3 goluri diferenta )

Toate meciurile se disputa Joi 25/10/2017.
Cel care nimereste toate 5 meciuri, primeste
+40 reputatie din partea mea!
In cazul in care sunt doi castigatori, reputatia se imparte. Daca sunt mai multi castigatori, voi aduna cotele tuturor biletelor si voi oferi reputatia celui care are cota mai mare.
Aveti timp sa postati pana Joi 25.10.2017 Ora 21:45, succes!

You are not allowed to put the same prediction at more than one game. (if you put x2 on a match, you are no longer allowed to put x2 in another match ... and so for all predictions)
You are not allowed to have your forecasting ticket identical to the ticket of those who posted before you.
Do not forget to specify exactly: 1, 2, 1X, X or X2 - pause / end.
Read carefully the allowed predictions and examples given before posting!

Allowed forecasts:

Under / Over 1.5; 2.5; 3.5 goals.
1, x or 2, 1x, x2 at break (1-2 is not allowed) (EX: 1x pause)
1, x or 2, 1x, x2 at the end. (1-2 is not allowed) (EX: x2 final)
First Goal Per Minute: Odd / Even
1 or 2 marks the first.
1 or 2 does not score any goals.
1 or 2 beats the first corner.
1 or 2 beats first out.
1 or 2 receives the first yellow card.
1 or 2 scores at least one goal until the break.
Score exactly 0-0, 1-0, 0-1, 1-1 ... etc
Quest Player Marks. (EX: Real - PSG: Neymar marks.)
GG (both teams mark) EX: Real - PSG: GG
1GG, 2GG (both teams score and 1 or 2 gastiga the match)
Goals Odds: -1, -2/3, -3/4, -5+ EX: Juventus -2 / 3 Goals (Juventus lose to 2 or 3 goals difference)

All matches are played on Thursday 25/10/2017.
Whoever plays all 5 matches receives
+40 reputation from me!
If there are two winners, the reputation is shared. If there are more winners, I will collect the odds of all the tickets and I will offer the reputation of the highest share.
You have time to post until Thursday 25.10.2017 Time 21:45, Success!


21:45 Genoa - Napoli ;

21:45 Chievo - AC Milan ;

21:45 Bologna - Lazio ;

21:45 Fiorentina - Torino ;

21:45 AS Roma - Crotone ;

Do you want to increase your reputation? Sports betting [Tickets], Ebet Special & Ticket of the month | Photo contests: Picture of the week & Pictures from my world

Last edited by Vlad Vega on 26-10-2017, 16:53:22; edited 2 times in total
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Post Posted: 20-10-2017, 22:38:00 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

21:45 Genoa - Napoli 2

21:45 Chievo - AC Milan peste 1.5 goluri

21:45 Bologna - Lazio x2 pauza

21:45 Fiorentina - Torino 1x final

21:45 AS Roma - Crotone 1 marcheaza prima

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 21-10-2017, 11:52:19 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

21:45 Genoa - Napoli ,X2final

21:45 Chievo - AC Milan, Peste 1.5 goluri

21:45 Bologna - Lazio ,X2 pauza

21:45 Fiorentina - Torino , GG

21:45 AS Roma - Crotone ,1 inscrie cel putin un gol pana la pauza

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Post Posted: 21-10-2017, 16:06:56 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

21:45 Genoa - Napoli ; 2

21:45 Chievo - AC Milan ; x2

21:45 Bologna - Lazio ; Peste 1,5

21:45 Fiorentina - Torino ; GG

21:45 AS Roma - Crotone ; 1 marcheaza prima

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 22-10-2017, 22:25:23 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

21:45 Genoa - Napoli : Echipa 2 marcheaza cel putin 1 gol pana la pauza

21:45 Chievo - AC Milan : P1.5

21:45 Bologna - Lazio : X2

21:45 Fiorentina - Torino : GG

21:45 AS Roma - Crotone : P2.5

Succes tuturor -

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Post Posted: 23-10-2017, 10:30:06 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

21:45 Genoa - Napoli : P2.5

21:45 Chievo - AC Milan : 2

21:45 Bologna - Lazio : GG

21:45 Fiorentina - Torino : P1.5

21:45 AS Roma - Crotone : 1

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 24-10-2017, 17:59:14 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

21:45 Genoa - Napoli : 2 final

21:45 Chievo - AC Milan : GG

21:45 Bologna - Lazio : peste 1.5 goluri

21:45 Fiorentina - Torino : 1X final

21:45 AS Roma - Crotone : 1 pauza

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 25-10-2017, 09:35:18 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

21:45 Genoa - Napoli 2

21:45 Chievo - AC Milan peste 1.5 goluri

21:45 Bologna - Lazio x2

21:45 Fiorentina - Torino gg

21:45 AS Roma - Crotone 1 marcheaza prima

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Vlad Vega


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(since 29-03-2019 18:49)
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Post Posted: 26-10-2017, 16:32:55 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Shalom wrote:
21:45 Genoa - Napoli : Echipa 2 marcheaza cel putin 1 gol pana la pauza

21:45 Chievo - AC Milan : P1.5

21:45 Bologna - Lazio : X2

21:45 Fiorentina - Torino : GG

21:45 AS Roma - Crotone : P2.5

Succes tuturor -

3 din 5 pronosticuri exacte.

Narcisss wrote:
21:45 Genoa - Napoli ,X2final

21:45 Chievo - AC Milan, Peste 1.5 goluri

21:45 Bologna - Lazio ,X2 pauza

21:45 Fiorentina - Torino , GG

21:45 AS Roma - Crotone ,1 inscrie cel putin un gol pana la pauza

4 din 5 pronosticuri exacte.

AlexXxXxX wrote:
21:45 Genoa - Napoli ; 2

21:45 Chievo - AC Milan ; x2

21:45 Bologna - Lazio ; Peste 1,5

21:45 Fiorentina - Torino ; GG

21:45 AS Roma - Crotone ; 1 marcheaza prima

4 din 5 pronosticuri exacte.

Th3Bl00d wrote:

21:45 Genoa - Napoli 2

21:45 Chievo - AC Milan peste 1.5 goluri

21:45 Bologna - Lazio x2

21:45 Fiorentina - Torino gg

21:45 AS Roma - Crotone 1 marcheaza prima

4 din 5 pronosticuri exacte.

^_Azhazel_^ wrote:
21:45 Genoa - Napoli 2

21:45 Chievo - AC Milan peste 1.5 goluri

21:45 Bologna - Lazio x2 pauza

21:45 Fiorentina - Torino 1x final

21:45 AS Roma - Crotone 1 marcheaza prima

TwisTer wrote:
21:45 Genoa - Napoli : P2.5

21:45 Chievo - AC Milan : 2

21:45 Bologna - Lazio : GG

21:45 Fiorentina - Torino : P1.5

21:45 AS Roma - Crotone : 1

Gisio wrote:
21:45 Genoa - Napoli : 2 final

21:45 Chievo - AC Milan : GG

21:45 Bologna - Lazio : peste 1.5 goluri

21:45 Fiorentina - Torino : 1X final

21:45 AS Roma - Crotone : 1 pauza

^_Azhazel_^ / TwisTer / Gisio 5 din 5 pronosticuri corecte!


21:45 Genoa - Napoli 2 ------------------------- 1.35

21:45 Chievo - AC Milan peste 1.5 goluri ------ 1.30

21:45 Bologna - Lazio x2 pauza ---------------- 1.16

21:45 Fiorentina - Torino 1x final --------------- 1.20

21:45 AS Roma - Crotone 1 marcheaza prima - 1.04

Total: ---------------------------------------------- 6.05


21:45 Genoa - Napoli : 2 final ------------------- 1.35

21:45 Chievo - AC Milan : GG ------------------- 1.74

21:45 Bologna - Lazio : peste 1.5 goluri -------- 1.24

21:45 Fiorentina - Torino : 1X final -------------- 1.20

21:45 AS Roma - Crotone : 1 pauza ------------- 1.09

Total: ----------------------------------------------- 6.62


21:45 Genoa - Napoli : P2.5 --------------------- 1.64

21:45 Chievo - AC Milan : 2 ---------------------- 2.23

21:45 Bologna - Lazio : GG ----------------------- 1.73

21:45 Fiorentina - Torino : P1.5 ------------------ 1.19

21:45 AS Roma - Crotone : 1 --------------------- 1.16

Total: ----------------------------------------------- 7.95

The winner is TwisTer + 40 rep.

Multumesc tuturor pentru participare si va astept la urmatorul Ebets Special!

Do you want to increase your reputation? Sports betting [Tickets], Ebet Special & Ticket of the month | Photo contests: Picture of the week & Pictures from my world
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