
Reclamatie Haos - Denis

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Author Message1072

[Mentally Stable]

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(since 22-04-2014 10:02)
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Post Posted: 03-09-2012, 23:26:37 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Nick-ul tau in joc: aKonT
Nick-ul persoanei reclamate: Haos - Denis
Link :
Descriere incident:

Sa nu uitam scrie asa :
[Striker] wrote:
Aici vor posta ofiterii care confisca licentele unor infractori.
Ex: NOS pe masina = Permis Suspendat
Nume ofiter:
Nume infractor:
Poza (dovada):

1 - Doresc pozele in care "Fug" intensiv cu NRG /Train/Mashina spawn !
2 - Licenta de condus se ia pentru 10 minute de "Fuga" intensiva Doresc 2 poze care indica 10 minute
3 - Doresc de aseamenea poze in care "Fug" cu Avion sau cu ce specifica el !

P.S. Nu prea sunt acceptate "vorbe goale" gen am martor pe " X " - e evident sunteti ambi in acceasi factiune va aparati insa imi pare rau vreau dovezi clare la acuzatii " POZE "

Rog de asemenea ca reclamatia sa fie inchis de orice admin inafara de "Cel Acuzat" - "Haos" -

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[Banned user]


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(since 04-09-2012 12:16)
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Post Posted: 03-09-2012, 23:33:18 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Nu vrei sa stau si tv pe tine?Yawn
1.Ai abuzat de tren , nrg si stunt .
Prima oara ai fost la tren dupa stunt te omorai la fel si cu nrg.

uite aici a luat doar avionu si a i-a luat licenta
Costi wrote:
Nume Ofiter : Costi
Nume Criminal : sweet
Data : 29/7/2012
Durata : 24h
Motiv : A luat avionul cand avea wanted

Dacã ataci replica unui prost, riști sã te trezești cu tot prostul în discuție(lolflamE*).
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[Addicted to nothing]

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Post Posted: 03-09-2012, 23:34:49 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Atat am prins din escapada ta,ca in rest te alergam.

Ai prea multe dorinte pentru cineva care cum a luat jail a dat /q si ai intrat dupa ca sa poti face reclamatia asta,ca altfel iti luai warn pt non-fp. Si cu limbaju flegmatic din joc "hai dnd" si tot felu de faze si amenintari la adresa mea,si cu limbaju asta pupincuristic de aici nu rezolvi nimic.

[23:54:12] Denis. Shouts: stop!!

[23:54:14] Denis. Shouts: stop!!

[23:54:15] Denis. Shouts: stop!!

[23:54:15] Denis. Shouts: stop!!

[23:54:16] Denis. Shouts: stop!!

[23:54:16] [Officer Haos:o< STOP CONTROL!!]

[23:54:16] [Officer Haos:o< STOP CONTROL!!]

[23:54:16] Denis. Shouts: stop!!

[23:54:17] Denis. Shouts: stop!!

[23:54:18] [Officer Haos:o< STOP CONTROL!!]

[23:54:18] Denis. Shouts: stop!!

[23:54:19] News: Costi has respawned the player madalindx (/respawn).

[23:54:21] [Officer Haos:o< STOP CONTROL!!]

[23:54:21] Denis. Shouts: stop!!

[23:54:24] [Officer Haos:o< STOP CONTROL!!]

[23:54:25] [HQ]: Administrator Haos has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.

[23:54:26] [HQ]: Administrator Haos has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.

[23:54:26] [HQ]: Administrator Haos has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.

[23:54:27] * Haos has left the vehicle.

[23:54:27] HQ: All Units APB: Reporter: Denis.

[23:54:27] HQ: Crime: runner, Suspect: aKonT

[23:54:28] HQ: All Units APB: Reporter: Denis.

[23:54:28] HQ: Crime: runner, Suspect: aKonT

[23:54:36] ** Chief Denis.: Are cod, over. **

[23:54:38] aKonT Says: ce draq ai facut?

[23:54:39] ** Chief Denis.: A intors asta, over. **

[23:54:53] |____Current Wanted List____|

[23:54:53] aKonT:[WantedLevel:2], KicKs:[WantedLevel:3].

[23:54:55] ** Chief Haos: Nu are, over. **

[23:54:56] ** Chief Denis.: Are si permis suspendat, over. **

[23:55:12] ** Chief Denis.: Hai haos, over. **

[23:55:16] * Vehiculul tau, Haos.

[23:55:17] Goldenbrau [ID:4] whispers: imi poti da job paper boy?

[23:55:20] Denis. Says: permisu luat

[23:55:21] Goldenbrau [ID:4] whispers: ...

[23:55:34] KicKs's Wanted Level has Decreased. Current Wanted Level: 2

[23:55:49] Denis. Says: spike

[23:55:50] Denis. Says: ai?

[23:55:55] Haos Says: nu stiu cum

[23:55:57] Haos Says: se dau

[23:55:58] [HQ]: Officer Haos has removed all Roadblocks in the area, over.

[23:56:01] Denis. Says: iti arat dupa

[23:56:06] Invalid Name/ID!

[23:56:09] Taxi Driver Sergiu.xD is On Duty, fare: $250.

[23:56:20] Race 'Circuit' is about to start, type /race to join!

[23:56:20] Racemode: ring Laps: 3 Join fee: 5000 Lap lenght: 1.34km, Total: 4.04km

[23:56:27] Invalid Name/ID!

[23:56:29] Invalid Name/ID!

[23:56:47] Denis. Says: unnde'i?

[23:56:51] News: Catana has set Alin job to ID 10.

[23:56:55] Denis. Says: trebuia sa o iei in fata

[23:57:02] Denis. Says: ia trenu

[23:57:29] [Helper Catana: Ai nevoie de ajutor / de un job ? /needhelp text si te ajutam !]

[23:57:48] Denis. Says: unde dracu e -

[23:58:20] Haos Says: sub pamant

[23:58:24] * Haos has left the vehicle.

[23:58:27] Denis. Says: la tren?

[23:58:30] * Denis. has left the vehicle.

[23:58:33] * Vehiculul tau, Haos.

[23:58:37] Chat - [Helper] Costi : job taxi driver la id 39 **

[23:58:38] Denis. Says: nu-l mai prindem..

[23:58:44] ALL UNITS: Denis. is requesting immediate assistance, they have been marked on the map (red).

[23:58:44] News: Catana has set P@ul job to ID 11.

[23:58:51] Denis. Says: is hod:))

[23:59:59] Taxi Driver P@ul is On Duty, fare: $150.

[00:00:15] Denis. Says: dai

[00:00:19] Denis. Says: chilliar sub pamant

[00:00:22] News: Catana has respawned the player Catana (/respawn).

[00:00:24] Denis. Says: e sub pamant ba

[00:00:26] Denis. Says: la tren

[00:00:27] Denis. Says: -

[00:00:30] Denis. Says: dute baaa

[00:00:36] Denis. Says: e la tren ma

[00:00:40] Denis. Says: hely

[00:00:44] Denis. Says: are stunt

[00:00:46] Chat - [Helper] Catana : afk **

[00:00:52] * The time is now 0:00 hours. Weather has been changed.

[00:00:52] |___ BANK STATMENT ___|

[00:00:52] Paycheck: $16248 Tax Money: -$0

[00:00:52] Electricity Bill: -$2030

[00:00:52] Balance: $2909831

[00:00:52] Interest Rate: 0.3 percent

[00:00:52] Interest Gained $8727

[00:00:52] |--------------------------------------|

[00:00:52] New Balance: $2918558

[00:00:52] Rent: -$0

[00:00:56] Taxi Driver P@ul is On Duty, fare: $150.

[00:00:57] Denis. Says: si pe ala de avion il are luat

[00:01:14] NR GreenPills: Anunturi gratuite pana la si 20 /w me.

[00:01:20] You have been teleported!

[00:01:25] Chat - [Admin] k1d0or. : catana **

[00:01:28] Denis. Says: are hely

[00:01:38] Denis. Says: haos are sunt ala ma

[00:01:40] Denis. Says: ..

[00:01:45] * Haos has left the vehicle.

[00:01:47] * Denis. has left the vehicle.

[00:02:05] ** Chief Denis.: Nui voie, over. **

[00:02:06] [Professional Admin] k1d0or.: ma duc la somn,nb

[00:02:09] Chat - [Admin] k1d0or. : ma duc la somn,nb **

[00:02:10] ** Chief Haos: Dc?, over. **

[00:02:11] * Haos has left the vehicle.

[00:02:12] Chat - [Helper] Costi : salut **

[00:02:13] [LEADER] Hitman Agency k1d0or.: Ma duc la somn,nb.

[00:02:14] ** Chief Denis.: Cum se conduce?, over. **

[00:02:16] [LEADER] Varrios Los Aztecas aKonT: Nb.

[00:02:17] Chat - [Admin] Haos : nb **

[00:02:18] News: k1d0or. has respawned the player k1d0or. (/respawn).

[00:02:23] [LEADER] Varrios Los Aztecas aKonT: K1d sa faceti c eva cu lideri lsv ....

[00:02:23] Newbie Chat has been enabled by an Admin!

[00:02:25] Newbie Chat has been disabled by an Admin!

[00:02:27] [LEADER] Police Departament Denis.: Akont.

[00:02:30] [LEADER] Varrios Los Aztecas aKonT: ?.

[00:02:34] [LEADER] Police Departament Denis.: Vin cu hydra dupa tine.

[00:02:44] [LEADER] Varrios Los Aztecas aKonT: Pt wanted 2 -.

[00:02:47] [LEADER] Varrios Los Aztecas aKonT: Foamea.

[00:02:49] ** Chief Denis.: Fugi cu stuntu, over. **

[00:02:49] [LEADER] Police Departament Haos: Da pt wanted 2.

[00:02:51] * Denis. puts on body armour.

[00:02:57] [LEADER] Police Departament Denis.: Fugi cu stuntu.

[00:03:04] [Professional Admin] k1d0or.: cat e maximu la skill la lawyer

[00:03:06] ** Chief Denis.: Cum merge asta ba?, over. **

[00:03:08] [Professional Admin] Haos: 5

[00:03:33] ** Chief Denis.: Am bubuit, over. **

[00:03:39] ** Chief Denis.: Cum *** mergea asta pe 8, over. **

[00:03:43] ** Chief Denis.: -, over. **

[00:03:45] [LEADER] Police Departament Denis.: ***** nu stiu sa o conduc.

[00:03:49] News: k1d0or. has set k1d0or. job to ID 2.

[00:03:52] NR GreenPills: Cei acceptati pentru teste sa se prezinte la sediul NR.

[00:03:53] [LEADER] Varrios Los Aztecas aKonT: -.

[00:03:59] News: Costi has respawned the player Denis. (/respawn).

[00:04:00] [LEADER] Police Departament Denis.: Las stie haos.

[00:04:05] [LEADER] Police Departament Denis.: Apropo permisele suspendate ca sa sti.

[00:04:16] [LEADER] Varrios Los Aztecas aKonT: Permisele?.

[00:04:22] [LEADER] Police Departament Denis.: Zbor si carnet.

[00:04:26] [LEADER] Varrios Los Aztecas aKonT: Wtf?.

[00:04:27] [LEADER] Police Departament Denis.: Ai abuzat de amandoua.

[00:04:29] [INFO]: Daca ati descoperit un bug, raportati-l la un admin si nu profitati de el!

[00:04:30] [LEADER] Varrios Los Aztecas aKonT: De ce carnet but.

[00:04:32] [Helper Info]: Helper Costi [ID:32] is now off duty.

[00:04:37] [LEADER] Police Departament Denis.: Trenu.

[00:04:38] [LEADER] Police Departament Denis.: Nu sti?.

[00:04:47] Vehicle Fixed!

[00:04:48] News: Costi has respawned the player SaNdaGe (/respawn).

[00:05:06] ** Chief Denis.: Se duce lv, over. **

[00:05:06] aKonT's Wanted Level has Decreased. Current Wanted Level: 1

[00:05:11] [Advertisement]: Ai nevoie de un taxi rapid si sigur? /service taxi si primesti, Contact: Costi Ph: 6639

[00:05:14] [LEADER] Varrios Los Aztecas aKonT: Dak ma prinzi le iei - nu de cap utau.

[00:05:34] [LEADER] Police Departament Denis.: Vedem.

[00:05:38] [LEADER] Varrios Los Aztecas aKonT: -.

[00:05:40] DOCTOR: Factura ta medicala este de $250. Sa ai o zi placuta.

[00:05:43] ** Chief Denis.: Il prinzi?, over. **

[00:05:45] You have been teleported!

[00:05:49] ** Chief Haos: E pe motor, over. **

[00:05:52] [Event Info]: magicianu [ID:41] face event la punctul portocaliu.

[00:05:53] * Vehiculul tau, Haos.

[00:05:54] Denis. Says: aici eram ba

[00:05:54] * Denis. has left the vehicle.

[00:06:03] [Event Info]: Event deagle.

[00:06:13] KicKs's Wanted Level has Decreased. Current Wanted Level: 1

[00:06:13] [Event Info]: Dau 30k.

[00:06:20] Goldenbrau [ID:4] whispers: esti?

[00:06:25] Goldenbrau [ID:4] whispers: te rog uitate putin la news reporter

[00:06:26] Denis. Says: e sf

[00:06:29] Denis. Says: e sf

[00:06:32] Denis. Says: spre lv

[00:06:33] Denis. Says: pardon

[00:06:34] Denis. Says: -

[00:06:37] Goldenbrau [ID:4] whispers: un b'ou a postat la regulament pt +1

[00:06:41] Denis. Says: ba haos e spre sf

[00:07:05] [Event Info]: Incepem la si 13 .

[00:07:33] * Haos has left the vehicle.

[00:07:34] * Denis. has left the vehicle.

[00:07:38] [LEADER] Varrios Los Aztecas aKonT: -.

[00:07:42] Okee [ID:14] whispers: ma teleportezi la event te rog

[00:07:42] [LEADER] Police Departament Denis.: Oricum le ai luate.

[00:07:49] ** Chief Denis.: Ii dam w10 nonfp?, over. **

[00:07:50] * Vehiculul tau, Haos.

[00:07:55] [LEADER] Varrios Los Aztecas aKonT: Ma prinzi si le iei -.

[00:07:57] ** Chief Haos: Nu, over. **

[00:07:59] * Haos has left the vehicle.

[00:08:07] [LEADER] Police Departament Denis.: Nui adv.

[00:08:09] [LEADER] Varrios Los Aztecas aKonT: Hotzu neprinsi - negustor ...

[00:08:11] [LEADER] Police Departament Denis.: Ai fugit 10 min.

[00:08:15] [LEADER] Police Departament Denis.: Carnet luat.

[00:08:16] [LEADER] Varrios Los Aztecas aKonT: Nai decat fac rec.

[00:08:22] [LEADER] Police Departament Denis.: Fa nu-mi pasa.

[00:08:25] [LEADER] Varrios Los Aztecas aKonT: Hai dnd.

[00:08:28] ** Chief Haos: Trebe sal prinzi, over. **

[00:08:31] ** Chief Haos: Ca sa ii iei, over. **

[00:08:37] ** Chief Denis.: Ii dau w10 nonfp, over. **

[00:08:43] [Helper Costi: >*Ai nevoie de ajutor / respawn? /needhelp [text] si primesti*<]

[00:08:46] ** Chief Haos: Nu, over. **

[00:08:47] ** Chief Haos: Ca nai de ce, over. **

[00:08:54] NR SaNdaGe: Te supara vecinu? /contract nume suma si va regreta.

[00:09:01] ** Chief Denis.: Stunt si e.t.c ii stau pe nrg:)), over. **

[00:09:03] [Event Info]: Veniti.

[00:09:09] [Event Info]: Dau 35k.

[00:09:10] Okee [ID:14] whispers: ma teleportezi la event te rog

[00:09:15] Vehicle Fixed!

[00:09:20] DOCTOR: Factura ta medicala este de $250. Sa ai o zi placuta.

[00:09:22] You have been teleported!

[00:09:23] You have been teleported!

[00:09:31] HQ: All Units Officer f0amea Has Completed Assignment

[00:09:31] HQ: KicKs Has Been Processed, Got Killed

[00:09:51] [Helper Info]: Helper Costi [ID:32] is now on duty.

[00:09:54] [LEADER] News Reporter Goldenbrau: -.

[00:09:57] [LEADER] News Reporter Goldenbrau: "dnd" .

[00:09:59] [LEADER] News Reporter Goldenbrau: -.

[00:10:04] Vehicle Fixed!

[00:10:14] [Event Info]: Ba veniti .

[00:10:14] [LEADER] News Reporter Goldenbrau: Asa vorbeste aKonT asta parca e al lui "/lc".

[00:10:16] [LEADER] News Reporter Goldenbrau: -.

[00:10:24] [LEADER] Varrios Los Aztecas aKonT: Pei ma freaca la icre.

[00:10:29] [LEADER] Police Departament Haos: Poate vrei mute.

[00:10:46] [Event Info]: magicianu [ID:41] - Event Over!

[00:10:53] [LEADER] Police Departament Haos: Data viitoare cand te sinucizi ai prison+warn+licente luate.

[00:11:07] [LEADER] Varrios Los Aztecas aKonT: Ce am facut Raised eyebrow ?.

[00:11:17] [LEADER] Varrios Los Aztecas aKonT: Voi faceti no fp -.

[00:11:23] [LEADER] Varrios Los Aztecas aKonT: Satati afk cu G pe nrg -.

[00:11:25] [LEADER] Police Departament Denis.: Cu ce facem? ca te omori?.

[00:11:28] [LEADER] Varrios Los Aztecas aKonT: Satati afk cu G pe nrg -.

[00:11:30] [LEADER] Police Departament Denis.: Ti se pare.

[00:11:43] ** Chief Denis.: Ii tin nrg:)), over. **

[00:11:45] [LEADER] Varrios Los Aztecas aKonT: Car is in use.

[00:11:45] ** Chief Denis.: Fugi dupa el, over. **

[00:11:51] [LEADER] Police Departament Denis.: Nush.

[00:11:59] ** Chief Denis.: Esti dupa el?, over. **

[00:12:04] Vehicle Fixed!

[00:12:10] ** Chief Haos: Da, over. **

[00:12:13] ** Chief Denis.: Vin , over. **

[00:12:18] Chat - [Helper] Costi : vi se pare cunoscut numele ZARD? **

[00:12:19] DOCTOR: Factura ta medicala este de $250. Sa ai o zi placuta.

[00:12:19] ** Chief Haos: Iar am mruit, over. **

[00:12:23] ** Chief Haos: Bagamias in el de hidra, over. **

[00:12:25] ** Chief Denis.: Cum dracu ma, over. **

[00:12:28] Chat - [Helper] Costi : de reclama sau ceva? ca vad ca are level 1 si are mute **

[00:12:28] You have been teleported!

[00:12:35] * Vehiculul tau, Haos.

[00:12:42] Denis. Says: BA

[00:12:43] * Denis. has left the vehicle.

[00:12:45] News: Denis. was slapped by Haos.

[00:12:51] Denis. Says: nu-l mai prindem ma

[00:13:05] Chat - [Helper] Costi : in fine, unmute la id 0 **

[00:13:12] News: ZarD was unsilenced by Costi. Reason: ..

[00:13:13] NR SaNdaGe: Goldenbrau cumpara casa in Ls/Sf /sms 6877 acum!.

[00:13:17] Chat - [Helper] Costi : am uitat ca aveam - **

[00:13:27] Taxi Driver CaTa.xD is On Duty, fare: $250.

[00:13:36] ** Chief Denis.: Rapid ia nrg, over. **

[00:13:51] Taxi Driver Sergiu.xD is On Duty, fare: $250.

[00:14:05] HQ: All Units Officer Denis. Has Completed Assignment

[00:14:05] HQ: aKonT Has Been Processed, Got Killed

[00:14:08] aKonT Says: orikm recla****e

[00:14:13] Denis. Says: recla****e-

[00:14:13] [LEADER] Varrios Los Aztecas aKonT: Haos recla****e ca admin -.

[00:14:14] Denis. Says: ca ce

[00:14:20] [LEADER] Police Departament Denis.: Ce a facut?.

[00:14:21] [LEADER] Varrios Los Aztecas aKonT: Ati lasat afk pe motoru meu -.

[00:14:23] News: aKonT was silenced by Haos for 30 minutes. Reason: Amenintare admin.

[00:14:33] Screenshot Taken - sa-mp-334.png

[00:14:39] The first person who types OCNlGVm18 will win $4016!

[00:14:48] ** Chief Denis.: Iai licentele, over. **

[00:14:50] * Haos has left the vehicle.

[00:14:56] * The door of LSPD has been opened and will close in 5 second(s).

[00:14:59] ** Chief Denis.: A dat quit, over. **

[00:15:01] ** Chief Denis.: Warn?, over. **

[00:15:02] [INFO]: Pentru mai multe informatii in legatura cu modalitatea de a dona accesati forumul (/forum).

[00:15:05] * New report from P@ul [ID:39]: eu

[00:15:06] Screenshot Taken - sa-mp-335.png

[00:15:08] Screenshot Taken - sa-mp-336.png

[00:15:18] Screenshot Taken - sa-mp-337.png

[00:15:25] Screenshot Taken - sa-mp-338.png

[00:15:25] ** Shtephan has won the fast event and received $4016! **

[00:15:25] ** Chief Denis.: A dat quit ba, over. **

[00:15:39] NR SaNdaGe: Isti cumpara casa caselor!.

[00:15:43] Invalid Name/ID!

[00:15:44] Invalid Name/ID!

[00:15:47] Screenshot Taken - sa-mp-339.png

[00:15:47] Invalid Name/ID!

[00:16:02] Screenshot Taken - sa-mp-340.png

[00:16:07] People Jailed:

[00:16:08] Screenshot Taken - sa-mp-341.png

[00:16:13] * The door of LSPD has been opened and will close in 5 second(s).

[00:16:20] * Vehiculul tau, Haos.

[00:16:31] * Vehiculul tau, Haos.

[00:16:38] Denis. Says: e jail

[00:16:39] Denis. Says: rapid

[00:16:48] * Haos has left the vehicle.

[00:16:54] * The door of LSPD has been opened and will close in 5 second(s).

[00:16:54] * The door of LSPD has been opened and will close in 5 second(s).

[00:16:58] ** Chief Denis.: D***** nu se deschide usa, over. **

[00:17:00] ** Chief Denis.: WTF?, over. **

[00:17:03] ** Chief Denis.: Iai tu ca am eu dovezile, over. **

[00:17:03] |__________ Items with aKonT __________|

[00:17:03] | Drugs, Weed.

[00:17:03] | Empty Pocket..

[00:17:03] | Phone Book..

[00:17:03] | CD-Player..

[00:17:03] .

[00:17:03] * Haos searches aKonT for any illegal items.

[00:17:06] * You have taken away aKonT's Drugs.

[00:17:09] * You have taken away aKonT's Weed.

[00:17:10] Taxi Driver Sergiu.xD is On Duty, fare: $250.

[00:17:11] Screenshot Taken - sa-mp-342.png

[00:17:19] * You have taken away aKonT's Drivers License.

[00:17:23] ** Chief Denis.: I-ai luat?, over. **

[00:17:26] * Denis. searches aKonT for any illegal items.

[00:17:30] * You have taken away aKonT's Flying License.

[00:17:31] ** Chief Denis.: I-ai luat?, over. **

[00:17:32] ** Chief Haos: Da, over. **

[00:17:34] ** Chief Haos: Si ambele licente, over. **

[00:17:38] ** Chief Denis.: Ok am pozele, over. **

[00:17:40] Taxi Driver CaTa.xD is On Duty, fare: $250.

[00:17:41] ** Chief Denis.: Ai si tu poze?, over. **

[00:17:44] ** Chief Haos: Da, over. **

[00:17:47] * The door of LSPD has been opened and will close in 5 second(s).

[00:17:49] ** Chief Denis.: A posteaza tu, over. **

[00:17:50] Chat - [Helper] Costi : vrun helper? **

[00:17:54] ** Chief Haos: Pai postez eu, over. **

[00:17:57] Chat - [Admin] Haos : nu dar sunt eu **

[00:19:08] Sergiu.xD Says (cellphone): haos

[00:19:08] Chat - [Helper] Costi : lasa ca ma duc eu imd la id 13 **

[00:19:08] Sergiu.xD Says (cellphone): police

[00:19:08] HQ: All Units APB: Reporter: Unknown

[00:19:08] HQ: Crime: First Degree Murder, Suspect: Cargo

[00:19:12] ** Chief Haos: Nam pozele cand fugea, over. **

[00:19:14] Sergiu.xD Says (cellphone): Kicks a tras in mine si in masina fara sa ii fac nimic -

[00:19:15] ** Chief Haos: Cu avionu, over. **

[00:19:17] ** Chief Haos: Sau cu masina, over. **

[00:19:19] ** Chief Haos: Ai tu?, over. **

[00:19:19] HQ: All Units APB: Reporter: Baloo95

[00:19:19] HQ: Crime: kill ng, Suspect: Cargo

[00:19:21] HQ: All Units APB: Reporter: Baloo95

[00:19:21] HQ: Crime: kill ng, Suspect: Cargo

[00:19:22] HQ: All Units APB: Reporter: Baloo95

[00:19:22] HQ: Crime: kill ng, Suspect: Cargo

[00:19:28] ** Chief Haos: DENIIIS, over. **

[00:19:28] ** Chief Haos: DENIIIS, over. **

[00:19:28] ** Chief Haos: DENIIIS, over. **

[00:19:30] HQ: All Units APB: Reporter: Baloo95

[00:19:30] HQ: Crime: kill ng, Suspect: Cargo

[00:19:31] HQ: All Units APB: Reporter: Baloo95

[00:19:31] HQ: Crime: kill ng, Suspect: Cargo

[00:21:42] Sergiu.xD Says (cellphone): haos

[00:21:42] Sergiu.xD Says: haos

[00:21:42] Sergiu.xD Says: haos

[00:21:42] Sergiu.xD Says: haos

[00:21:42] ** Chief Denis.: Ce?, over. **

[00:21:42] ** Chief Denis.: Zi, over. **

[00:21:42] ** Chief Denis.: Am eu, over. **

[00:21:42] ** Chief Denis.: Dami add xdddenis, over. **

[00:21:42] Chat - [Helper] Catana : da **

[00:21:42] Chat - [Helper] Catana : sunt eu **

[00:21:42] Chat - [Helper] Catana : eu stau in pat, mai verific pe aici **

[00:21:42] [Helper Catana: Ai nevoie de ajutor / de un job ? /needhelp text si te ajutam !]

[00:21:42] [Advertisement]: Cumpar casa in LS/SF , am valuta grea ! , Contact: Goldenbrau Ph: 6877

[00:21:42] Chat - [Helper] Costi : ok,lasa ca ma descurc **

[00:21:42] Chat - [Helper] Catana : ok, /hc daca e de job **

[00:21:42] Chat - [Helper] Costi : yep **

[00:23:20] News: Costi has respawned the player b0ss (/respawn).

[00:23:20] News: Catana has respawned the player Catana (/respawn).

[00:25:34] * Tu nu esti Ortegatic.

[00:25:37] [INFO]: Nu uitati sa faceti poza la stats (/stats) in fiecare zi.

[00:25:46] (( Haos: /RAC ))

[00:25:49] * The gate of LSPD has been opened and will close in 5 second(s).

[00:25:51] Chat - [Helper] Costi : stai **

[00:25:57] You have been teleported!

[00:26:13] You have no permission to drive this car. Rent a room at the owner's house first!

[00:26:20] * All unused cars respawned by Haos.

[00:26:22] * Haos has left the vehicle.

[00:26:29] Chat - [Admin] Haos : imi zici id de la motor **

[00:26:38] Chat - [Helper] Costi : nu mai stiu, lasa ca iau alta masina **

[00:26:44] b0ss Says: AM TAST STRICATA

[00:26:48] Costi Says: pfai

[00:26:55] Costi Says: pai si nu poti scrie /buylevel

[00:26:57] ** Chief Denis.: Fuelcars haos, over. **

[00:27:00] b0ss Says: NU

[00:27:00] ** Chief Denis.: Ca nu e .., over. **

[00:27:03] Costi Says: hmmm

[00:27:12] You have been teleported!

[00:27:14] * The door of LSPD has been opened and will close in 5 second(s).

[00:27:22] All cars filled with Fuel!

[00:27:27] ** Chief Haos: Nb, over. **

[00:27:29] Newbie Chat has been enabled by an Admin!

[00:27:30] Newbie Chat has been disabled by an Admin!

[00:27:34] Chat - [Admin] Haos : nb **

[00:27:38] Chat - [Helper] Costi : salut **

[00:27:39] HQ: All Units Officer f0amea Has Completed Assignment

[00:27:39] HQ: Cargo Has Been Processed, Got Killed

[00:27:40] Chat - [Helper] Catana : nb haos **

Last edited by Caesar on 03-09-2012, 23:42:00; edited 2 times in total
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Post Posted: 03-09-2012, 23:38:55 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

[00:05:14] [LEADER] Varrios Los Aztecas aKonT: Dak ma prinzi le iei :) nu de cap utau.

[00:05:34] [LEADER] Police Departament Denis.: Vedem.

[00:05:38] [LEADER] Varrios Los Aztecas aKonT: :)).

Te-am prins le-am luat nu?

Dacã ataci replica unui prost, riști sã te trezești cu tot prostul în discuție(lolflamE*).
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(since 03-12-2015 23:34)
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Post Posted: 04-09-2012, 01:06:15 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Ti-ai gasit sa faci reclamatie celor care stiu regulile mai bine ca tine.

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