
Reclamatie willy

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 08-06-2013 12:23)
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Post Posted: 30-04-2013, 20:05:11 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Numele tau in joc: Mixt
Numele membrului pe care il reclami: Willy
Descriere a situatiei: Mia dat w2 ca nustiu ce sia amintit ca cica lam "injurat" si la un event eagle a inceput sa traga dintro data in mine
Poze (dovada):

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 06-05-2013 09:27)
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Post Posted: 30-04-2013, 20:15:09 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

In prima poza ti-am dat wanted 2 pentru ca mai jignit :

Pentru a doua poza ti-am dat un glont pentru ca iai zis lui Biia " haide pisi " si stiu ca Catana uraste asta.De facut eu ceva pentru a iti linisti limbajul. :
[20:26:48] {FFFFFF}SA-MP {B9C9BF}0.3x-R1-2 {FFFFFF}Started

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[20:43:22] [Event Info]: Incepem. Veniti pe parcurs -.

[20:43:35] Willy Says: getele sunt mai ...pacatoase ca baieti

[20:43:43] Willy Says: fetele*

[20:43:49] * Biia Smith si Ragerest

[20:43:49] Mixt Says: haide pisi

[20:43:54] ragerest Says: ok

[20:43:55] Willy Says: nu vrei mute

[20:43:57] Mixt Says: ba cioban

[20:43:58] Willy Says: crede-ma

[20:44:00] Willy Says: -

[20:44:01] Willy Says: ba

[20:44:02] WazZ Says: hai ba smith

[20:44:04] Willy Says: vrei mute?

[20:44:07] Willy Says: de la Catana?

[20:44:08] Mixt Says: vr post

[20:44:10] Willy Says: da

[20:44:12] ragerest Says: hai smith

[20:44:12] WazZ Says: smith

[20:44:12] Willy Says: fa-mi

Am si martori la a doua -a poza! Wazz , Biia .
Iar la prima poza se vede clar cu zici Su*ene ;

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Post Posted: 30-04-2013, 20:43:26 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Nu-i voi da nimik lui Willy a respectat regulamentul (si in a doua poza nu vad ca te-a omorat,daca te omora mai vb)

Caz inchis!!!!!


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