
Reclamatii Ne|MaR^JR*

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[Funz'n'gunz PEW PEW]

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Post Posted: 28-04-2015, 23:07:26 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

- Multiple items on the player, over 400 hp, one hit kills, constant headshots even from the fall, jump, mid-air and whatnot with an automatic sniper rifle.
- neeee
- Ne|MaR^JR*
- fy_snow, 22:40 local time
- Abusing administrative privileges to kill other players, not banning bots/aimbots/wh users that spam the chat with different servers and bot messages
- No screenshot, no demo. Sorry. Just a complaint on a poor job. I hope that this gets better. I hope that there are people who can influence this kind of behavior, I'm a longtime player.

If the person's not an admin, then the cheating is more than obvious by carrying more than two items at once with a HP pool that's over 400hp, which I find quite unreasonable and stupid.
The person also used the "slay" command when low on HP a couple of times, he could insta-kill anyone on the spawn (no spawn protection despite me not shooting at all).
He started this behavior once he got knifed by me followed by constant laughing because he'd insta-kill me and other players on the spawn.
Is it normal for an admin to carry more than two items at a time and have more than 400 hp?

I'll be working to find a plausible evidence in light of the new information provided by PCstefan

Last edited by neeee on 29-04-2015, 15:45:42; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 29-04-2015, 12:09:37 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

There`s no way such that a player is able to have 400 hp. Maximum HP you can get is 220 hp([initial HP : 100 hp] + [devotion aura depending on level if you play human / chameleon : 15/30/45 hp] + [buying Periapt of Health from shopmenu1: 75hp]). However you can have life-steal([Vampiric aura if you play as Undead or buying Mash from the shopmenu1] which allows you to restore your life if you shot someone.

Secondly , there`s no way so that a player can carry more than 2 items(except for necklace and helm which stack with themselves if you already have the respective item). If you intend to carry more than 2 different items, the system is going to ask you which item you should discard(delete).

Thirdly, Ne|MaR^JR* is not an admin to be able to slay/kick/quit/ban a player.

Fourthly, the spawn protection disappears as soon as you start shooting or after 1-2 sec.

And the last thing is that you do not have a screenshot or demo. You could have taken at least one screenshot to prove what have you said is true.

In conclusion, we cannot consider this as a reclamation against Ne|MaR^JR* , not even as a bug report to the system.

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[Funz'n'gunz PEW PEW]

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Post Posted: 29-04-2015, 15:43:21 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

It might sound implausible, but I wouldn't be here if It's not mind boggling to me, too. Didn't appear as a system error, just appeared as if person had multiple items slotted. I know that this is possible to do because I made a war3ft server back in the days when I ran lan parties at the gaming centre.
Yes, I'm aware I have no screenshot or a demo, but if the problem occurs again I'll be sure to provide a suitable explanation as well as a demo. Preferably a demo.
Let me reevaluate what I'm stating due to a fact I was under affect when I opened the topic.

Regarding respawn :
I'm pretty sure that it was an instakill as soon as the respawn function occur meaning that there was no shooting and the spawn protection simply didn't work only for the person in question. I.E. less than a second.

Regarding HP :
Headshot from a sniper rifle takes well over 400hp and the person survived that only to have me killed in the next second with a "skull" next to my name, despite the fact I had the fully charged Necklace of Spell Immunity. One of the items the person used was Necklace of Spell Immunity because he survived my Undead ultimate (suicide bomber). I fathom that this is "slay" command because there's no way that someone's ultimate can work when I wear the necklace. I fathom that this can appear as a bug of sorts -

Thank you for the clarification regarding his (non-existing) admin position and sorry for the time. I'll be sure to check if it occurs again and post my observations in this topic, if it's allowed? I'll edit it.

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Post Posted: 19-06-2015, 19:42:04 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

To be banned we must have a demo, we can't banned anybody wihtout a proof, it's not professional. Next time please start a demo and when you think it's ready(you have at least 3 solid phases) post it here please.

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