
Recruitment !

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 27-10-2020 15:38)
Joined: 20 Jan 2018
Posts: 4, Topics: 2
Location: United Kingdom

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Post Posted: 27-01-2018, 12:19:03 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Cerere recrutare MEMBRU !

1. Prenume:
2. Varsta:
3. Nume In - Game:
4. Clasa / Rasa:
5. Link armory:
6. Main Spec ( 880 iLVL min. ) / Offspec ( iLVL ):
7. La ce bosi nu stii script in acest moment ?
8. Foste guilde ( Explica de ce ai iesit sau de ce ai fost dat afara )?:
9. Cat timp ai la dispozitie pentru WOW ( ZI / Saptamana / Luna )?
10. De ce doresti sa te alaturi guildei noastre? Care sunt asteptarile tale si ce anume consideri important intr-un guild PVE?
11. Alte mentiuni:

Cerere recrutare NEWBIE pentru low iLVL / Level !

1. Nume In - Game:
2. Varsta:
3. Clasa / Rasa:
4. Link armory:
5. Foste guilde (explica de ce ai iesit, sau de ce ai fost dat afara)?:
6. De ce doresti sa te alaturi guildei noastre? Care sunt asteptarile tale si ce anume consideri important intr-un guild PVE?
7. Alte mentiuni:


*Inactivitatea in guilda mai mare de 7 zile duce la DEMOTE iar la 14 zile GKICK !
*Ora noastra de raid 19:30 ( Ne adunam ) - 20:00 ( Incepem ) .
*La rankul de Member poti intra in guild si cu un Off-Char.
*Toate problemele pe care le aveti le discutati cu Guild Master sau Officer.
*Raidurile se fac doar cu TeamSpeak ON! (Nu este necesar sa vorbesti , doar sa ne auzi).
*Daca faci parte din Main Teamul de raiding si nu participi la 3 raiduri neanuntate vei primi GKICK !

English :

Request for MEMBER !

1. Name
2. Age:
3. Name In - Game:
4. Class / Race:
5. Link armory:
6. Main Spec (880 iLVL min.) / Off Spec (iLVL):
7. What bosses you do not know the script at this moment ?
8. Last guilds ( Explain why did you left the guild) ?
9. How much time you have for playing WOW (Daily , Weekely , Monthly):
10. Why do you wish to join our guild ? What are your expectation and your desires in PVE guild?
11. Other mentions:

Request for NEWBIE (Low Level / iLVL) !

1. Name In - Game:
2. Age:
3. Class / Race:
4. Link armory:
5. Last guilds ( Explain why did you left the guild) ?
6. Why do you wish to join our guild ? What are your expectation and your desires in PVE guild?
7. Other mentions:


*Inactivity in the guild more then 7 days goes to DEMOTE and at 14 days GKICK!
*Our hour for the raid is at 19:00 ( We group up) - 20:00 ( The raid starts ). ( Romanian hour , Bucharest 19:00 - 20:00 PM )
*When you reach a Member rank you can bring your Off-Char.
*If you have any kind of a problem , you can speak with the Officer or the Guild Master.
*The raids are made ONLY WITH TEAMSPEAK 3 ON ! (Is not obligated to have a microphone but is very important to hear us)
*If you are in the Main Team for raiding and you don't participate 3 time without announce the Officer or Guild Master you get GKICK !

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