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[Mentally Stable]

Status: Offline
(since 27-12-2018 15:50)
Joined: 14 Oct 2014
Posts: 10, Topics: 6
Location: Romania

Reputation: 36.3
Votes: 1

Post Posted: 15-05-2018, 23:19:24 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Syndicate Guild is recruiting active players that are willing to progress. We are an international guild, that is seeking to progress in NH mythic raid.

Our progress in raids is the following :
Emerald Nightmare Normal, Heroic, Mythic : 7/7
Trial of Valor normal and heroic : 3/3. Mythic : 2/3
Nighthold Normal and Heroic : 10/10
Nighthold Mythic : 8/10

Our requirements are the following :
2. Minimum item level is 890+
3. Discord is mandatory in raids.
4. Don't be toxic, we are looking for friendly players.
6. We only talk in english, so in order to join you must speak and understand english language.
7. Raid times are : Monday NH nm 20:00pm svt / Tuesday NH hc 20:00pm svt / Wed ToV mythic 19:00pm svt / thursday free / friday EN nm/hc/mythic (maybe) 17:00pm svt. Saturday and Sunday are for mythic. Raids starting at 8pm svt. New players are tested in NH HC raids. You will be promoted only if you perform well in raids.

Apply on forum in this format :

1. IGN
2. Class and spec
3. Itemlevel
4. Can you raid in the days and hours i specified above? : Y/N

Apply in-game by whispering to officers or helpers that are listed in this post, following the next format:
Whisper must contain, ILVL, class, spec.

Officers that you can find in-game : Bloodneko (GM), Fker, Cactielawl, Tioanping, Narethz.
Helpers : Bravediablo, Razzledazzle, Jun, Sylvanasx, Courtesy.

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