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[Mentally Stable]

Status: Offline
(since 23-02-2015 12:55)
Joined: 24 Jul 2012
Posts: 19, Topics: 15
Location: Bulgaria

Reputation: 51.8
Votes: 3

Post Posted: 22-06-2013, 22:14:13 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Greetings everybody. I am here on behalf of the rather newly formed guild(Apx. two months ago), named "C O R E".
"C O R E" is a PvE guild, formed by highly geared players from all around the world, including Bulgaria. We strive to achieve what we want, which usually is -- successful raids; no noobs, etc.
The rules are fairly simple, yet they can be tough yo follow if you don't know what you are doing. Failure to follow the rules WILL get you in trouble. If you constantly break the rules, you will get demoted or kicked.
The rules are the following:
You are dedicated, skilled and most importantly responsive and aware.

You have to know your class, from the inside, out and you have knowledge of game mechanics.

You are a quick learner.

You have to prepare yourself for every boss we are doing. We don't want to waste time on avoidable mistakes.

You have the best professions available for your PVE character. That means in most cases no gathering proffs.

You enter raids with a bunch of flasks, pots and food in your bags.

If you've gained interest in the guild, and you would like to join, feel free to post below with the following format:
1) Your in-game name, class and race

2) Your Armory link.

3) Required to have 385 ilvl. People under 385 ilvl, but with good skill can apply a application form too, but for them we will do some more test, questions, etc.

4) Screenshot of your best dps / healing done in raid.

If you have any questions for anything you can contact: Duxi, Kockar, Taxicoming and Nozzy through PM in-game.

We would like to thank you for your time reading this, and hopefully we'll see some nice applications! -

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