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Author Message251
[Banned user]


Status: Offline
(since 09-10-2011 01:33)
Joined: 26 Sep 2011
Posts: 26, Topics: 12
Location: Germany

Reputation: 104.9
Votes: 4

Post Posted: 30-09-2011, 13:47:44 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1. Nu injurati pe server -> Gag, Kick, Ban

2. Jocul este free game in limita bunului simt

3. Nu folositi nickuri indecente -> Kick

4. Jucatorii de pe server trebuie sa aiba nickname-ul simplu, usor de citit (ex. player si nu =-__^player^__-=). Administratorii au obligatia de a schimba nick-ul intr-unul simplu, lizibil.

5. Nu folositi logouri pornografice/indecente -> Kick, Ban

6. Nu folositi coduri sub nici o forma

7. Daca luati ban pe nedrept, postati cele 4 poze din cstrike [url=""%5Daici%5B/url%5D

8. Respectati deciziile adminilor

9. Nu fiti rasisti! Nu toleram rasismul.

10. Have fun!

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Locked by Eosfsi, 30 September 2011 11:47

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