
Regulament jucatori

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Post Posted: 24-09-2014, 10:46:53 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Regulament General in Romana

1) XP Farming (cand sunt 5-6 jucatori pe server nu ai voie sa stai ca un jucator sa puna bomba si altul sa o dezamorseze fara sa va omorati) este total interzis. Ban Permanent
2) Folosirea cheat-urilor, hack-urilor pe server este interzisa. Ban Permanent
3) Folosirea Nick-uri ce contin: remarci rasiste, discriminari sau cu caracter obscen, etc. sunt interzise. Kick/ Ban 60 min
4) Limbajul vulgar sau jignirile pe server sunt interzise. Gag 5-10 min
5) Reclamele la alte servere, site-uri, forumuri fara acordul nostru sunt interzise. Gag/ Ban 60 min
6) Retry dupa Gag este interzis. Ban 60 minute
7) NU se fac reclamatii, cereri de admin si/sau slot pe server. Pentru asta este Forumul facut. Gag/ Ban 60 min
8) NU aveti voie cu ping mai mare de 150. Kick/ Ban 60 min
9) NU se comenteaza deciziile adminilor decat pe Forum. Gag/ Ban 60 min
10) Nu este voie pe harta. Slay/ Kick/ Ban 60 min


a) Nick-urile: In primul rand trebuie sa aiba cel putin 3 caractere si sa nu contina numai simboluri de tip @#%$*()_+|/?.>,

b) Respect: Respecta toti ceilalti jucatori, si te vor respecta si ei. Dati dovada de bun simt si de cei 7 ani de acasa cand aveti o discutie pe server.

c) Acuzatii: Nu numi pe cineva codat, vorbeste cu un admin (intr-un mod discret) sa se "uite" pe acel "codat" si lasa-l pe el sa decida daca are cod sau nu. De asemenea daca nu este nici un admin pe server pune-te spectator si fa-i un demo, ia-i ip-ul si fa reclamatie pe forum.

d) Spam: Nu vorbiti la microfon sau scrieti aiurea propozitii fara sens. Kick/ Ban 60 min

e) Flood: Nu flodati serverul cand vreti sa va conectati si nu dati sute de reconectari. Ban 60 min

f) Ghost chat: Cand esti mort, nu spune coechipierilor pozitia adversarului pe harta sau pe unde vine. Gag/ Ban 60 min

g) Jucati corect: Nu calcati pe nervi coechipierii prin:
- Aruncarea intentionata a FLASH-ULUI in fata lor sau sa blocarea cailor de acces. Kick/ Ban 60 min
- VENIREA LA RESPAWN LA ECHIPA ADVERSA!!! Nu este permis sa stati sau sa treceti chiar daca nu trageti. Toti jucatorii trebuie sa incerce sa indeplineasca obiectivele echipei. Exemplu: punerea bombei, salvarea ostatecilor. Jucatorii din echipa ofensiva (cea care ataca) trebuie sa incerce sa completeze obiectivele. In concluzie, Tero sa planteze bomba si sa o pazeasca, sau sa pazeasca ostaticii (CT trebuie sa se duca sa salveze ostatecii prin orice modalitate) .. iar pentru echipa defensiva (cei care pazesc) ct paziti x-ul sau tero paziti ostatecii. Slay/ Kick/ Ban 60 min
De retinut: Atunci cand bomba este pusa, Tero are voie sa faca spawn. Atunci cand bomba este jos in baza T, CT au voie sa faca spawn.
- Camparea in baza cand sunteti in echipa care trebuie sa atace pentru a indeplini obiectivele. Slay/ Kick/ Ban 60 min
- Furtul ostaticilor celorlalti jucatori. Daca cineva merge/alearga cu ostatecii nu ai voie sa ii iei si sa ii salvezi tu doar daca jucatorul care are ostatecii iti da permisiunea sa ii salvezi. Kick/ Ban 60 min

General Rules in English

1) XP Farming (when there are 5-6 players on the server you are not allowed to wait for a player plant the bomb so you can defuse it and not kill him first) is totally prohibited. Permanent Ban
2) The use of cheats, hacks on the server is prohibited. Permanent Ban
3) Using nicknames containing: racist remarks, discrimination or obscene, etc. are prohibited. Kick / Ban 60 min
4) Foul language or insults on the server are prohibited. Gag 5-10 min
5) Advertisements to other servers, websites, forums without our consent is prohibited. Gag / Ban 60 min
6) Retry after Gag is prohibited. Ban 60 min
7) DO NOT claim, request for admin and / or slot on the server. This is why we have a Forum. Gag / Ban 60 min
8) You are not allowed with a ping higher than 150. Kick / Ban 60 min
9) You can comment on our admin's decisions only in Forum. Gag / Ban 60 min
10) It is not allowed to sit/get on the map. Slay / Kick / Ban 60 min


a) Nicks: First you need to have at least 3 characters and must not contain symbols only, like @ #% $ * () _ + | / ?.>,

b) Respect: Respect all other players, and you will be respected as well.

c) Defendants: Do not call someone cheater, talk to an admin (in a discreet manner) to "check" the "cheater" and let him decide if he is or not. Also, if there is no admin on server put yourself spectator and make him a demo, take the ip and make a complaint on our forum.

d) Spam: Do not speak into the microphone or write silly sentences meaningless. Kick / Ban 60 min

e) Flood: Do not flood our server when you want to connect. Ban 60 min

f) Ghost chat: When you're dead, do not tell teammates enemy position on the map or where it comes from. Gag / Ban 60 min

g) Play fair: not pissed teammates by:
- Disposal intentional flash in front of them or blocking access roads. Kick / Ban 60 min
- GOING TO THE OTHER TEAM SPAWN !!! You are not allowed to stay or to there only if you just watch. All players must attempt to accomplish team goals. Example: putting the bomb, rescue hostages. Players of the offensive team (one who attacks) should try to complete objectives. In conclusion, Tero to plant the bomb and guard it, or guard the hostages (CT has to go to save the hostages by any means) .. and the defensive team (those who guard) ct guarded x or t guard the hostages. Slay / Kick / Ban 60 min
Note: When the bomb is placed, Tero are allowed to make spawn. When the bomb is down on T base, CT are allowed to make spawn.
- Camping in base when you need to attack in order to meet the meet objectives. Slay / Kick / Ban 60 min
- Stole hostages from other players. If someone goes / runs with the hostages, you are not allowed to take them and save them by yourself, unless you have the permission to take them. Kick / Ban 60 min

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(since 19-11-2014 18:57)
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Post Posted: 20-10-2014, 13:36:10 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

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