
Regulamentul !!

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Author Message184
oWn !?
[Banned user]


Status: Offline
(since 10-03-2015 20:25)
Joined: 23 Feb 2015
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Post Posted: 10-03-2015, 15:17:13 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Acesta e regulamentul !!!!!!!!!

1. Toti playeri trebuie sa vorbeasca frumos pe server cat si pe forum !! (ban 120 min/kick)

2. Admini care folosesc o comanda asupra altui admin vor primi.(remove!)

3. Sunt interzise codurile[wall,aim,no-recoil etc] vor primi(remove) !

4. Admini care vorbesc urat cu playeri sau intre ei vor primi.(Remove)

5. Este interzis spam-ul! (kick/ban 200 min) .

6. Este interzisa echipa !! Fiecare joaca pentru el!!(kick/ban 100 min).

7. Este interzis sa stai la panda!,,Cum zic uni ,,pandar'' '' (kick/ban 60 min).

8. Toti playeri trebuie sa respecte banul!!!(kick x10/banip 1000 min/exterminate)

Y!M : ionutmarius02

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Locked by oWn !?, 10 March 2015 13:17

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