
Reroll / respec option

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 09-09-2020 02:45)
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Post Posted: 19-05-2020, 00:44:41 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I run m+ with a group of friends and we've all decided to donate full gear, but the original classes we donated on arent fun for us.

We all sent an email to support 3 days ago attempting to see if maybe we could get the money refunded onto the site (within 60 days of purchase)
and then spend the money refunded, on gearing a different toon (with the original toon being deleted of course)

Hopefully support gets back to us soon so we can start pushing keys, but in the meantime getting this type of thing introduced as something offered within the shop would save alot of time and effort on the gm's behalf
to help make donating much more worth it in a sense.

Within the first 30 days or so donors could decide which class they prefer playing in endgame, because truth is, once you are full BiS the classes play differently.
If you guys have better ideas drop em below.

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