
[Rezolvat]Cerere unban Kaa

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Author Message1864

[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 01-09-2013, 16:52:47 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Nume: Kaa
Motiv: -
Durata banului: -
Admin: Ramon
Ora si data: 17:50:00, 01 Sept 2013
Harta: -

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Post Posted: 01-09-2013, 17:07:33 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

De cate ori trebuie sa iti dam *** si altele ca sa intelegi ca ai interdictie pe serverul asta?

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[Freakz * -carmen-]

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Post Posted: 01-09-2013, 17:10:56 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Habar nu am eu m-am uitat pe tine nu pareai sa ai ceva nu stiu cu ceilalti coleti ce ai facut .

Y!M bebeto_cristi
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 01-09-2013, 17:20:30 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

ramonramon wrote:
De cate ori trebuie sa iti dam *** si altele ca sa intelegi ca ai interdictie pe serverul asta?

Nu stiu ce probleme ai dar sunt sigur ca ti le poti rezolva fara sa ma implici si pe mine. N-am nicio interdictie pe server uite aici dovada daca ti-e greu sa verifici.
Si nu stiu nici acele repetate randuri in care mi-ati dat ***, exceptand un *** primit pe war7 in urma cu ~1-2 saptamani in urma fara nicio explicatie si cel de acum nu am mai primit.
Inceteaza sa-mi mai dai *** degeaba ca deja ma calci pe nervi, invata odata sa joci sau sa urmaresti un codat si lasa-ma in pace.

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Post Posted: 01-09-2013, 17:39:13 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Si am sa calc in continuare pe nervii tai pentru ca, sincer, ma satisfac plimbarile in aer liber.Crezi ca am probleme cu tine? Rezolva-ti problemele cu P!C@, din partea lui avem prioritate sa executam aceste comenzi pe tine.Asta e primul *** pe care il primesti din partea mea, dar or sa mai fie si altele pana ce stabilim un verdict in legatura cu tine.

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[Freakz * -carmen-]

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Post Posted: 01-09-2013, 17:51:01 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Asteapta sa te lamureasca P!C@ el e in masura parerea mea

Y!M bebeto_cristi
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[Simply Normal]

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Post Posted: 01-09-2013, 18:54:57 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Pana la urma te-ai dat de gol in demo-ul asta.

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 07-07-2018 20:29)
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Post Posted: 01-09-2013, 20:40:55 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Vrei sa spui ca esti atat de naiv incat sa crezi ca in demoul ala sunt eu? Chiar crezi ca sunt atat de slab incat sa urmaresc adversarii cu wall prin perete desi in toate celelalte demouri in care intr-adevar eram eu nu stiati sigur daca stiu sa ascund foarte bine codul sau chiar joc bine? Sa fim seriosi.

Cum mai zis si celorlalti, daca nu vrei sa mai joc aici spune-mi si nu mai intru decat sa ma implici in faze de genul asta pentru ca mi-e greu sa cred ca intr-adevar ai considerat ca ala sunt eu. Cu atat mai mult cu cat ti-am adus dovezi clare si in urma cu cateva luni ca cineva juca cu nickul meu si te-am rugat sa-l blochezi cu o parola random pentru ca nu mai raspund de el.

LE: Si tinand cont ca nu vorbim despre un nick popular si ca cel din demo este mult prea evident sunt destul de sigur ca cel care a jucat acolo stia ce vrea sa faca.

meka0534 connected
F!NiK killed mKTn with glock18
meka0534 is joining the Terrorist force
*** aTeKa killed DhaAlekz with a headshot from m3 ***
anatomix killed k4zZ with fiveseven
Unable to open userconfig.CFG
s!cR!u connected
Kaa : marijuana
Kaa killed r4zv@n with usp
s!cR!u is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
DhaAlekz killed F!NiK with knife
Buga dropped
r4zv@n killed BYO with usp
kent 8 scurt si gros killed anatomix with knife
*SPEC* marijuana : da ba kaa

aTeKa killed mKn with m3
Buga connected
k4zZ killed F!NiK with elite
*** zaqbox killed kent 8 scurt si gros with a headshot from usp ***
aTeKa killed s!cR!u with xm1014
Type 'amx_langmenu' in the console to display a menu where you can choose your language
Buga is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
Kaa killed meka0534 with knife
aTeKa killed Kaa with xm1014
k4zZ killed zaqbox with elite
mKTn killed anatomix with xm1014
* Players with ping higher than 200 will be kicked!
aTeKa killed mKTn with xm1014
BYO killed meka053 with usp
*** s!cR!u killed aTeKa with a headshot from deagle ***
zaqbox killed Kaa with knife
Type 'amx_help' in the console to see available commands
aTeKa killed DhaAlekz with tmp
Buga killed Cata with deagle
Time Left: 42:08 min. Next Map: gg_hall_cs16
mKTn killed r4zv@n with xm1014
BYO killed zaqbox with usp
*** r4zv@n killed k4zZ with a headshot from p228 ***
meka0534 : vezi ca nu sunt eu

*** meka0534 killed Kaa with a headshot from p228 ***
*** anatomix killed mKTn with a headshot from fiveseven **
Buga killed F!NiK with deagle
*** s!cR!u killed r4zv@n with a headshot from deagle ***
meka0534 : e altul cu nickul meu

Kaa dropped
Kaa has left the game

mKTn killed meka0534 with tmp
k4zZ killed anatomix with elite
Cata killed DhaAlekz with fiveseven
*** s!cR!u killed aTeKa with a headshot from deagle ***
*** mKTn killed Cata with a headshot from tmp ***
aTeKa killed s!cR!u with tmp
*** BYO killed r4zv@n with a headshot from usp ***
*** NOU! *** Ajuta serverul nostru cu un vot! Tasteaza /vot sau /vot in chat,dupa care dai click pe "Voteaza".
*** zaqbox killed k4zZ with a headshot from p228 ***
F!NiK killed mKTn with glock18
*** DhaAlekz killed Cata with a headshot from elite ***
*** s!cR!u killed zaqbox with a headshot from fiveseven ***
meka0534 : vorbesc de kaa

*** anatomix killed mKTn with a headshot from fiveseven ***
k4zZ killed r4zv@n with m3
*** meka0534 killed s!cR!u with a headshot from p228 ***
Cata killed kent 8 scurt si gros with fiveseven
DhaAlekz killed anatomix with m3
*** r4zv@n killd DhaAlekz with a headshot from p228 ***
BYO : t

pavaluc dropped
pavaluc has left the game
k4zZ killed zaqbox with m3
mKTn killed r4zv@n with tmp
*** anatomix killed mKTn with a headshot from fiveseven ***
Cata killed k4zZ with fiveseven
strudel cu mere connected
zaqbox killed kent 8 scurt si gros with knife
s!cR!u killed aTeKa with fiveseven
strudel cu mere is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
DhaAlekz killed Cata with m3
*** mKTn killed zaqbox with a headshot from mac10 ***
Buga killed meka0534 wih deagle
*** aTeKa killed mKTn with a headshot from tmp ***
*** War5 *** Scrieti /livescore pe chat pentru a vedea scoruri live.
Buga killed F!NiK with fiveseven
kent 8 scurt si gros killed aTeKa with knife
DhaAlekz killed zaqbox with m3
Buga killed F!NiK with fiveseven
meka0534 : da-mi si mie ip-ul te rog

mKTn killed Cata with mac10
*** aTeKa killed mKTn with a headshot from tmp ***
*** s!cR!u killed r4zv@n with a headshot from fiveseven ***
*** aTeKa killed kent 8 scurt si gros with a headshot from tmp***
meka0534 killed DhaAlekz with p228
k4zZ killed F!NiK with m3
mKTn killed aTeKa with mac10
meka0534 killed Buga with deagle
k4zZ killed meka0534 with xm1014
*** mKTn killed zaqbox with a headshot from mp5navy ***
r4zv@n killed k4zZ with p228
aTeKa killed s!cR!u with tmp
kent 8 scurt si gros killed Cata with elite
mKTn killed aTeKa with mp5navy
Blue dropped
(ALL) Message from admin Cata :

Si asta este de pe war3

*** Buga killed Frog with a headshot from m4a1 ***
Ser* killed Buga with glock18
ADMIN tassej37!: *** strudel (
Kaa killed Gladiatorul with ak47
bulex (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*SPEC* tassej37! : jegu'


] name Kaa
* Privileges set

*SPEC* mZq ;x . : -

SUNT UN TITAN, MAMI killed Idk (*_*) with awp
*** Kaa killed SpRiTe with a headshot from deagle ***
SUNT UN TITAN, MAMI killed Kaa with awp
*** Ghosty.C killed s4kal with a headshot from m4a1 ***
Idk (*_*) killed Ghosty.C with galil
* gheo changed name to Kaa
EDGE! killed Idk (*_*) with ak47
*** Kaa killed EDGE! with a headshot from deagle ***
Ghosty.C killed s4kal with m4a1
*** Kaa killed SpRiTewith a headshot from deagle ***
EDGE! dropped
EDGE! has left the game
*** Kaa killed Ghosty.C with a headshot from deagle ***
Ghosty.C killed Kaa with m4a1
*** Kaa killed Ghosty.C with a headshot from deagle ***
SpRiTe killed s4kal with deagle
SpRiTe killed Idk (*_*) with deagle
s4kal killed SpRiTe with m4a1
SUNT UN TITAN, MAMI killed s4kal with knife
*** Idk (*_*) killed SpRiTe with a headshot from galil ***
Idk (*_*) killed Ghosty.C with galil
SUNT UN TITAN, MAMI killed MNGb6# with awp
*** s4kal killed UNT UN TITAN, MAMI with a headshot from m4a1 ***
Ghosty.C killed Idk (*_*) with m4a1
*** Kaa killed SpRiTe with a headshot from deagle ***
Ghosty.C killed Idk (*_*) with m4a1
*** MNGb6# killed Ghosty.C with a headshot from deagle ***
SUNT UN TITAN, MAMI killed MNGb6# with deagle
Ghosty.C killed Idk (*_*) with m4a1
*** Ghosty.C killed Kaa with a headshot from m4a1 ***
s4kal killed Ghosty.C with deagle
*** SpRiTe killed Kaa with a headshot from deagle ***
MNGb6# killed SpRiTe with awp
(1)Kaa connected
Ghost.C killed s4kal with m4a1
Ghosty.C killed Idk (*_*) with m4a1
*** Kaa killed SUNT UN TITAN, MAMI with a headshot from deagle ***
(1)Kaa is joining the Terrorist force
SUNT UN TITAN, MAMI killed Idk (*_*) with awp
SUNT UN TITAN, MAMI killed s4kal with awp
*** Idk (*_*) killed SpRiTe with a headshot from galil ***
SUNT UN TITAN, MAMI killed Idk (*_*) with awp
*** s4kal killed Ghosty.C with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** SUNT UN TITAN, MAMI killed Kaa with a headshot from deagle ***
s4kal killed SpRiTe with m41
SUNT UN TITAN, MAMI killed MNGb6# with awp
*** Ghosty.C killed Idk (*_*) with a headshot from m4a1 ***
(1)Kaa : /top15

Ghosty.C killed Idk (*_*) with m4a1
*** s4kal killed SpRiTe with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** Ghosty.C killed MNGb6# with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** Idk (*_*) killed SpRiTe with a headshot from galil ***
(1)Kaa died
Kaa killed SUNT UN TITAN, MAMI with deagle
(1)Kaa died
Ghosty.C killed MNGb6# with m4a1
(1)Kaa : kaa nu mai esti in top15 muihahahaha

SpRiTe killed Idk (*_*) with awp
** s4kal killed SpRiTe with a headshot from m4a1 ***
Ghosty.C killed MNGb6# with m4a1
(1)Kaa : /w

MNGb6# killed Ghosty.C with awp
Ghosty.C killed s4kal with m4a1
*** Ghosty.C killed Kaa with a headshot from m4a1 ***
SpRiTe killed Idk (*_*) with awp
(1)Kaa : /top15

*** Kaa killed SpRiTe with a headshot from deagle ***
SUNT UN TITAN, MAMI killed s4kal with awp
*** Ghosty.C killed Kaa with a headshot from deagle ***
*** Ghosty.C killed Idk (*_*) with a headshot from deagle ***
KREK died
KREK died

* (1)Kaa hanged name to KREK
MNGb6# killed SUNT UN TITAN, MAMI with awp
KREK died
KREK died

SpRiTe killed MNGb6# with awp
KREK : /rank

*** Kaa killed SUNT UN TITAN, MAMI with a headshot from deagle ***
*** Kaa killed Ghosty.C with a headshot from deagle ***
Kaa : nici nu eram

kNr* | SERjinte dropped
KREK died
Ghosty.C killed s4kal with m4a1
*** Idk (*_*) killed SpRiTe with a headshot from m4a1 ***
KREK died
KREK died
KREK died
KREK : ba da

Idk (*_*) killed SpRiTe with m4a1
KREK died
s4kal killed SUNT UN TITAN MAMI with m4a1
KREK died
*** Ghosty.C killed Idk (*_*) with a headshot from deagle ***
KREK died
KREK died

Kaa : copile

KREK died
KREK died

s4kal killed Ghosty.C with m4a1
KREK died
*** SUNT UN TITAN, MAMI killed s4kal with a headshot from deagle ***
KREK died
KREK died

SpRiTe killed Idk (*_*) with awp
KREK : da ti-am stricat ranku

*** Ghosty.C killed Kaa with a headshot from m4a1 ***
KREK died
*** s4kal killed Ghosty.C with a headshot from m4a1 ***
KREK died
KREK died
KREK died

*** Ghosty.C killed s4al with a headshot from m4a1 ***
Kaa : bravo tie

KREK died
... si tot asa....

Last edited by ellada on 01-09-2013, 20:51:08; edited 3 times in total
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[Freakz * -carmen-]

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(since 19-03-2018 19:51)
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Post Posted: 01-09-2013, 20:44:49 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Trebuia sa dai pm unui ownar sa-ti rezerve numele pentru a nu avea probleme greseala ta .

Y!M bebeto_cristi
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 01-09-2013, 20:57:54 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Dupa ce l-am prins pe respectivul cu wall cu nickul cu care jucam eu i-am zis lui Pic@ sa puna o parola random pe acel nick ca nu mai intru cu el - asta se intampla prin iunie cred -. Din punctul meu de vedere cand cineva iti spune asa ceva e clar ca nu mai raspunde de acel nick iar motivul pentru care am continuat sa joc cu el a fost doar pentru ca am vrut sa evit banurile si pozele facute aiurea pana ce se rezerva nickul.

Oricum se vede foarte clar ca ala nu sunt eu, doar cine nu vrea sa vada nu vede.

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Post Posted: 01-09-2013, 22:46:34 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Frate, lasati omul sa joace? Deja ma deranjeaza pe mine fazele astea.
Il stiu pe ellada de 4 ani cred si niciodata nu a fost macar suspect, vad ca e o traditie sa alungati jucatorii ca vi se scoala voua.

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Post Posted: 02-09-2013, 08:33:23 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Mersi Kaa pt. dovezile postate. Liber la joc, TC! -

am ceva cu Busu.
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[Simply Normal]

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Post Posted: 02-09-2013, 10:07:46 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Kaa daca ai vazut ca intra cineva cu numele tau de ce nu ai anuntat imediat? Daca nu aveai nimic de ascuns puneai pe forum imediat si respectivul era banat.
Spui ca Tasse l-a banat pe strudel pe war3 ca fura nume si avea cod, dar asta se intampla acum 2 luni ce nu ai zis nimic pana acum?
Trimis: 28-06-2013, 00:40:07

O sa caut in log sa vad ce ip avea respectivul.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 02-09-2013, 10:46:35 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Imediat dupa aceea ti-am trimis PM si ti-am zis ca a intrat cineva cu nickul meu ba chiar ti-am zis si cine credeam ca este pentru ca s-a intamplat destul de clar. A intrat Asdss m-a injurat, m-am dus pe alt server am revenit dupa cateva minute si era "cineva" cu nickul meu cu wall. Te-am rugat sa-mi dai logurile sau sa te uiti si sa verifici dar ai zis ca sunt probleme cu ftpul pe care este serverul si ca nu te poti uita, dupa aceea ai zis ca nu mai sunt acele loguri.
In acel moment nu aveam altceva de facut decat sa incerc sa aflu dupa acel IP banat de tasse pe war3 cine este pe forum, moment in care am apelat la Avioane pentru ca este unul din cei mai activi pe aria war5. Pentru ca phpbb nu are o functie de a cauta dupa ip ci ar fi trebuit ca cineva sa caute in baza de date nu m-a putut ajuta. La cateva momente dupa toate astea am avut o deplasare si nu am continuat nimic, ti-am zis doar sa blochezi acel username ca nu voi mai juca cu el.

Ip-ul din consola care am pus-o mai sus este din Sibiu iar cel caruia i-ati facut demo este din Brasov - sau invers -, eu sunt din Bucuresti si chiar daca am multe deplasari nu cred ca am jucat de doua ori din alta locatie pentru ca efectiv nu am timp.

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[Simply Normal]

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Post Posted: 02-09-2013, 12:05:53 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Bun, am verificat ip-urile cat si locatia si sa zicem ca e ok.
Imi dai un pm cu nume, pass si server ca sa iti rezerv numele.
P.S. Daca ai ceva probleme sau nelamuriri apelezi la unul dintre ownerii war5 nu la Avioane ca nu are acces la ftp si logo-uri.

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