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[Funz'n'gunz PEW PEW]

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(since 19-06-2019 11:21)
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Post Posted: 09-02-2016, 11:12:43 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Hi everyone. I'm neeee and I'm from Serbia. How are you? -
This year I'll be 29 and possibly with a child of my own so that means even less time to play, unfortunately. But life has to go on, no? -

I feel like talking a bit (writing) so I wanted to say a couple of things on how I play because I feel a bit like an alien here. -

I'll let you know that for the few months that I've spent here you all have been kind to me and you are very professional in what you do. You can't find this what you have on other servers around, so be proud!

Most servers that I've been to would ban me after 3 headshots and never even look at demo or SCs or similar.

Anyway, here's just a bit of info so that new people get to know me a bit better

I bind shopmenu and shopmenu2 to C and V.

Favorite race : Undead
Favorite item : Boots
Favorite style of play : Rush, rush, RUSH!
Favorite gun : When pr0 (Scout & Deagle), when casual (ak-47 and deagle), when bored (awp & deagle). I seek only headshots, but if you buy a lot of Helm I will find a strategy against you.

I will never play 100% my game because that would be boring as I rely completely on headphones at that moment. I have nothing to prove after so many years, but I like to mess a bit with new and old players. You really need to annoy me a lot in order to get me to play 100%. - Usually cheaters do that, so I like to seek them and kill them until they leave the game. As a matter of fact, there's a video that Potato made a couple of days ago with such situation right here i my signature. Feel free to watch it, it's only 8 megs.
I dislike : People who don't trust me and my good intentions, when people call me a cheater in or outside the game, bad admins and AFK players. Human race campers with Helm of Excellence and Periapt of Health.
I hate : Being transferred. That completely messes up my game and tactics. Maps where one team has no chance at all to advance. People who hide behind others to advance. Sigh
I like : Good players who play with 3+ sensitivity. Someone being a fun player to play with or against (not campers). Someone who can play with all guns and all positions like me. Another Undead race players. People who actually challenge me in a way.

I use 1200 DPI mouse with 1.5, 1.7, 2.1, 2.3, 2.5, 3.4 sensitivity options. Lower the sensitivity, slower I am. 3.4 is my ideal sensitivity for rushing and making some epic moves, 180 degree kills and similar. It's also one of the least precise for long-kills.

I play with AK-47 like it's USP gun and at the same time AWP. AK-47 is in many ways like a sniper and can easily manage a headshot over the longest distance.

I always enable cl_bob 0 to disable the animations of the gun. I use right-hand, but I can play left-hand as well.

My efficiency is not that good, but my precision is. I mostly play casually so I like to go directly into the danger zone, usually dying, but allowing others to take key positions map-wise.

And that's that, tell me what you think and ask me questions if you please. See you in-game and have a great time everyone! -

Pic from this morning :
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[ LiKe.FreaKz.Ro ]

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Post Posted: 09-02-2016, 12:40:06 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Nice presentation. I dont have enough time to join and kick your a** again -) but you are a very good player, hard to kill. I like your style "rush", i have the same style but not with Undead, is just too easy with that race. And 1200 DPI is way too much i think, perfect combination is 800 DPI with 3 sensibility and 6 points on windows mouse. For me that is the best combination, because when i start playing CS my mouse was with ball inside - (i think in 2001) and my hand is formated for old 800 DPI.

Anyway, u are a very good player and i hope u will stay with us long time from now on.

Nice score btw, but take a look at this:

PS: always AK-47 and USP/Deagle!

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[Funz'n'gunz PEW PEW]

Status: Offline
(since 19-06-2019 11:21)
Joined: 28 Apr 2015
Posts: 270, Topics: 96
Location: Belgrade, Serbia

Reputation: 199.6
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Post Posted: 09-02-2016, 14:15:08 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Yup, it's a bit too high. 400-800 dpi is the best for CS because it's an old game.

I remember that ultimate war3ft, it was very good.
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