
[Rogue][PvP] Smoke Bomb

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Post Posted: 19-01-2013, 00:03:01 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Wowhead/WoW Freakz Link:
Descrierea bugului / Bug description: Fiecare smoke bomb in parte ar trebui sa aibe debufful lui. Daca un enemy si un friendly player dau in acelasi timp smoke bomb exact in locul unde sunt eu, ar trebui sa am 2 debuffuri si cele 2 smoke bomburi sa se contorizele separat. Aici daca am 2 rogue friendly si unul da smoke bomb, celalalt numai primeste debufful partenerului si chiar daca este in smoke bomb tot poate fi atacat (de la ultimul changelog se intampla asta).
Dovada / Proof: - am dat aman2 smoke bomb insa fiecare are debufful lui in loc sa aibe 2 (1 de la el si 1 de la enemy) - aici nu s-a pus smoke bomb pe partener, priestul a inceput sa casteze(pe partener) inainte ca smoke bomb sa dispara.

Madskill- wrote:
aici explica la ce e util smoke bomb-ul


Wowhead/WoW Freakz Link:
Descrierea bugului / Bug description: Each smoke bomb should it's own debuff. If an enemy and a friendly both use smoke at the same time and at my possition i should have 2 debuffs. Here if there are 2 friendly rogues and one uses smoke bomb, the other no longer receives his partner's debuff and can be hit even if he is in the bomb (this started happening since the last changelog)
Dovada / Proof: - we both used smoke bomb but each of us has his own debuff instead of 2 - smoke bomb didn't affect my partner, the priest started casting before bomb vanished.
Madskill- wrote:
here he explains at what smoke bomb is usefull


Cawt wrote:
Wowhead/WoW Freakz Link: (wowhead link)
Descrierea bugului / Bug description: On Freakz: When you use Smoke Bomb , and an enemy rogue uses Smoke Bomb aswell the debuffs neutralize each other meaning , when you stay in 1 Smoke Bomb you are "connected" to the other Smoke Bomb. E.g the enemy rogue casts Smoke Bomb and your 2s partner , a mage for example, stands next to you. If you then cast Smoke Bomb aswell the Mage is able to cast his spells on the enemy rogue EVEN though he used Smoke Bomb , this "tunnel" mechanic should absolutely not work like that.
Dovada / Proof:

The pictures shows me dealing damage by using thrown when it shouldnt even be possible to be cast. You can clearly see both , the other rogue and me , having the Smoke Bomb debuff from different Smoke Bombs.

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