
Rules Codex.

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[the Insane]

Status: Offline
(since 05-11-2017 18:24)
Joined: 12 Feb 2011
Posts: 50, Topics: 13
Location: Hell

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Post Posted: 25-02-2013, 03:26:51 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Regulile generale de conduita!
1.Respectati membrii guildei indiferent ce rank aveti sau ce rank au cei din jur.
2.Nu faceti flaming pe chat cei care incep vor fi pedepsiti la fel de aspru ca cei care il sustin.
3.Nu incepeti cu injuraturile !
4.Nu veniti la raiduri cu mesaje de genul "incepem azi?","mai stam mult?"si alte de genul pentru ca stresati pe toata lumea.
5.Nu iesiti din raiduri pana nu spune leaderul ca e over si daca iesiti anuntati din timp altfel riscati kick din guild.
6.Nu veniti nepregatiti la raiduri(n-am cbr,n-am ankh,nu mi-am facut specul, etc).
7.Sa aveti teamspeak instalat de cand intrati in guild altfel nu veniti la raiduri.
8.Nu disperati dupa iteme.Jocul asta nu e doar pentru raiduri.
9.Nu va dati in spectacol pe global si incercati sa evitati agresivitatea in public.
10.Nu toleram "glumele de santier"

Rules of conduct in our guild!
1.Respect everyone around you no matter the rank.
2.Don't start chat flaming with anyone please try to remain civil and relaxed otherwise anyone involved will be punished.
3.Don't start with the foul language.
4.Don't be impatient in raids as you will be annoying everyone around you.
5.Don't come to raids unprepared.
6.Don't leave the raids until the leader says it's over or if you have to go please make sure to let us know in due time so we can fill the gap.
7.You must have teamspeak installed and ready to go otherwise you won't be invited to raids.
8.Don't start trouble or try to show off on the global channels.
9.Don't be impatient about getting loot everyone will get what they worked for in time.
10.We don't tolerate bad,impolite, or offensive jokes.
Please bear in mind that we consider these rules sacred and will enforce them no matter the person that broke them.

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