
Rules and Guidelines

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(since 10-06-2012 22:46)
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Post Posted: 28-03-2012, 05:48:39 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Azure - Rules and Guidelines

Azure has a very strict set of guidelines that all members must adhere to. The rules of the guild are simple and straightforward. If you wish to be part of this community, you must conform to these rules.

3/3 Strikes will result in instant dismissal from the guild. Players that have been removed from the guild will not be re-invited.

  • A member of Azure must be respectful to all members of the community. This includes, but is not restricted to guildmates, PuGs, Officers, GMs, and members of opposite factions. Profanity is to be kept to a minimum. Trolling is considered harassment, and will not be tolerated at all. Remember that English is the only language that is used in raids and guild chat. Repeat offenders will be issued strikes.
  • Every member of Azure is to treat all chats with respect. This includes /guild, /say, and public /raid and /party chats. Spamming with emotes is prohibited, and recounts are not to be posted unless asked for. Capslock spam is neither required or desired, and repeat offenders will be issued strikes.
  • As a member of Azure you have the privilege of attending guild raids. Those that are left out from them are not to display bitterness or complain over /g, and are recommended to wait for the next run. PuG-ing is allowed. Having lead or assist in a PuG isn't allowed.
  • Anybody wishing to attend guild raids must come with a properly designed PVE spec, with the appropriate gear requirement, gems and enchants. Failure to do so will result in you being overlooked for that raid.
  • AFK-ing or leaving the instance during raids without permission is punishable by 1-2 strikes.
  • AFK-ing in a battleground is a gross violation of guild rules and will result in an immediate dismissal from the guild.
  • In a guild raid environment, the leader's word is law. All members in the raid group are expected to listen and perform as expected, or they will be removed from the raid.
  • Inactive players are removed after 14 days of inactivity.
  • Raidcall is a must-have for all guild raids. Raidcall information is in the guild info and on the forum.

Having alts in another guild isn't allowed.

These are just a few rules of the guild. Please use your common sense in interacting with your fellow players, and treat others as you would like to be treated yourself.

Original post by Yyselle

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