
[TUTORIAL] Despre cmdacces

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Author Message1671
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Post Posted: 16-08-2013, 12:26:48 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

»In acest tutorial va voi arata cateceva despre cmdacces.

Descarcare: Click
»Am pus un fisierul .ini in caz ca aveti nevoie.

»Cand instalati un plugin nou se creaza o linie noua in fisierul cmdacces.ini.
»Fisierul in gasiti in:


»Flag-urile default sunt:

; a - immunity (can't be kicked/baned/slayed/slaped and affected by other commmands)
; b - reservation (can join on reserved slots)
; c - amx_kick command
; d - amx_ban and amx_unban commands
; e - amx_slay and amx_slap commands
; f - amx_map command
; g - amx_cvar command (not all cvars will be available)
; h - amx_cfg command
; i - amx_chat and other chat commands
; j - amx_vote and other vote commands
; k - access to sv_password cvar (by amx_cvar command)
; l - access to amx_rcon command and rcon_password cvar (by amx_cvar command)
; m - custom level A (for additional plugins)
; n - custom level B
; o - custom level C
; p - custom level D
; q - custom level E
; r - custom level F
; s - custom level G
; t - custom level H
; u - menu access
; z - user (no admin)

»Voi le puteti modifica dupa bunul vostru plac. [ V-am pus legnda flag-urilor si in fisier ]

»Sa spunem ca punem advanced ban.
»Va aparea o linie :

"amx_ban"    "d" ; AdvancedBan.amxx

»amx_ban - este comanda
»d - este flag-ul pe care este pusa comanda
»AdvancedBan.amxx - numele plugin-ului

»De exemplu daca puneti ssban.amxx, modificati in loc de AdvancedBan.amxx si atunci pentru comanda amx_ban nu va mai da banul cu plugin-ul AdvancedBan.amxx ci cu plugin-ul ssban.amxx.

Pentru orice problema PM.
Nu ofer asistenta in privat.

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