
Tanks with buffs / debuffs / talents, both tank and dps stuff in Battlegrounds

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 08-12-2019, 19:23:43 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

It seems that there is a problem with specs when joining to battlegrounds as tank, people say that tanks may keep DPS and TANK buffs / debuffs / talents at same time which means more dps as tank and or HP etc, im playing a lot protection warrior and HONESTLY i haven't noticed this problem SINCE this spec as protection warrior has 3 burst spells aside some other tanks don't even have increase dmg like warrior has, so for me it has a kind of logic if i do some dps as tank: - PLUS REGULAR TALENT -

those spells above combined with:

I'm not an expert in this game and i never have played in retail legion, all knowledge i got about legion its because this server so i'm not aware about this kind of specific bugs, also i can't post any bug without any proper evidence since specifically in my case i can't see any DPS buffs / debuffs / talents, i have checked spell book / talents and apparently there is nothing wrong, i deduct its about some internal script or something and yet people tell me i got extra talents from dps spec, got some proof about this discussion ingame:

Also people say this bug may be fixed by re-logging after joining to battlegrounds so that's why the double line chat in screenshots, but still there is no way to check what's wrong with talents, buffs, etc.

I need some assistance from any GM or Developer before reporting this bug at bug report section.


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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 18-01-2021 16:26)
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Post Posted: 09-12-2019, 05:36:12 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Not sure what you are trying to say, I don't see anything wrong in what you are doing, using game mechanics(wisely) to deal insane damage is not forbidden -

Retail Prot Warrior was a serious threat in 1v1 even 1v2 vs double dps, unlike here where prot barely can survive 1v1.
Warriors on freakz(in pvp) are nerfed on all specs, the damage potential(and prot survivability) of this class is even bigger on all 3 specs, if only it had correct(retail) PvP templates we would see a damage increase of more than 30% on some specs.

From what I can see in your chat those ppl are complaining about tank monks, they accumulate the damage taken and use hot trub dealing high burst within 10 yards around him(might be bugged again idk), it is similar to touch of karma but with no buff/debuff only AoE. Just try to ignore and not burst a tank monk and all be fine.

Last edited by IronWill on 09-12-2019, 05:40:22; edited 1 time in total
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