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[Avatar of Defense]

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(since 05-06-2012 17:27)
Joined: 22 Jun 2010
Posts: 30, Topics: 12
Location: Bucuresti

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Post Posted: 22-11-2010, 15:05:22 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages) se activeaza doar cand dai heal pe tine .... in raid de 25 mi sa procuit de 2 ori,atunci daor cand am dat heal pe mine

fiind shaman am gasit cum ar trebui sa se procuie

The proc rate is 1%, but each HoT tick counts.

* Every time the T10 4/5 chain heal HoT bonus ticks
* Every time a riptide ticks
* Every time earthliving ticks
* Every time ancestral healing proc

One glyphed chain heal during recovery from raid-wide damage hits 4 targets -- that's 4% chance.

If your spell crit is about 40%, you will get on average 1.6 crits, which each tick 3 times (4pc T10 bonus). Let's call that 5 ticks, so add another 5% (up to 9% total so far)

Each of the targets has 20% (25% glyphed) chance to have earthling applied to them. Earthliving is 4 ticks, so let's go with the glyphed # for simplicity. 1 earthliving applied on average = 4 ticks = another 4%.

So that's 13% chance to have trauma proc on EACH chain heal. It goes off often.

Retribution Paladin Pve Guide
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