Vand Cont Hearthstone Pret 300 lei regiune EU ( contul face undeva la 600 de lei dar eu il dau la jumatate ) ( Metoda de plata Paysafe sau prin card , dau contul si pe un cont de steam care face undeva la 400 lei sau un cont de league of legends care face undeva la 300-400 lei )
Nr Victorii Totale : 3660
Victorii Arena : 190
Contul are 4 clase golden ( Druid , Mage , Hunter si Priest ) restul sunt ( Warlock 332 Victorii , Paladin 215 Victorii , Shaman 150 Victorii , Rogue 76 Victorii , Warrior 209 Victorii )
Aventurii Cumparate Full ( Karazhan , League Of Explorers , Blackrock Mountain , plus Naxxramas Full care nu se mai joaca )
Legendare : Archmage Antonidas , Ragnaros Lightlord, Tirion Forddring , Edwin VanCleef , Xaril Poisoned Mind , Al'Akir the Windlord , Lord Jaraxxus , Grommash Hellscream , Sir Finley Mrrgglton , Bloodmage Thalnos , Brann Bronzebeard , Barnes , Elise Starseeker, Leeroy Jenkins, Prince Malchezaar , Cairne Bloodhoof , Emperor Thaurissan , Justicar Trueheart , Reno Jackson , Sylvanas Windrunner , The Curator , Twin Emperor Vek'lor , Chromaggus , Medivh the Guardian , Ragnaros the Firelord , Alexstrasza , Arch-Thief Rafaam, Malygos , Nefarian , Ysera , C'Thun , Deathwing , Deathwing Dragonlord , N'Zoth the Corruptor , Y'Shaarj Rage Unbound .
Carti EPICE : Ancient of War , Snake Trap , Gladiator Longbow , Call of the Wild 2 , Ice Block 2 , Cabalist's Tome , Pyroblast 2 , Forbidden Healing , Forbidden Shaping , Cabal Shadow Priest 2 , Preparation 2 , Shadowcaster , Doomhammer 2 , Twisting Nether , DOOM! , Shield Slam 2 , Brawl 2 , Gorehowl , Doomsayer 2 , Twilight Guardian 2 , Twilight Summoner , Crazed Worshipper 2 , Darkspeaker , Djinni of Zephyrs 2 , Faceless Manipulator ,Sea Giant 2 , Arcane Giant 2 , Mountain Giant.