
Vand Cont WoW-Freakz

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Author Message841

[Mentally Stable]

Status: Offline
(since 10-03-2014 20:00)
Joined: 01 Apr 2012
Posts: 88, Topics: 12
Location: Romania

Reputation: 152.2
Votes: 5

Post Posted: 13-09-2013, 10:47:31 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Vand Cont wow - freakz - Realm Genesis.

Worgen Druid: Restoration - ilvl 393- Enchanting/jewelcrafting - guild Darklegion
Feral ( pvp) - ilvl 396

Human Warior: Protection - ilvl 360-
Fury - ilvl 368- Alchemy / Blacksmithing - Guild WowLegends

Draenei mage: Fire - ilvl 376 - Alchemy / tailoring - no guild

Human Rogue: Combat - ilvl 360 - Skining / Leatherworking - no guild

Draenei shaman: Restoration - ilvl 373 - Alchemy 509/525 - no guild

Gnome Priest : ------------ - ilvl 353 - skining / Inscription - no guild

Dwarf Hunter : --------- - ilvl 324 - Prospatura -


Human paladin : lvl 8 - Guild Vault pt mai multe locuri in banca

Night elf Druid : ------------------------ mining / herbalism - creat pt farm pt celelalte profesii


Caut sal vand pt un tip / tipa din Bucuresti sau imprejurimi cu posibilitatea sa ne intalnim.Pret negociabil. NU E TEAPA. Dar ma joc wow pe alt server, mai joc si dota 2 si credeti-ma ca chiar nu am timp si de freakz. Ms . Dak va intereseaza lasa-ti un pm , ulterior ne auzim si la un telefon.Bafta

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