
Vand plugin special privat Zombie Plague | New Modes

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Total Votes : 12

Author Message2589

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Post Posted: 29-03-2011, 21:38:53 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Vand Zombie Plague 4.3 | New Modes
Este primul ZP modificat, cel din care abdul a facut ZP'ul sau numit Zombie Plague Advanced.

Caracteristici principale:
* Bugurile din v4.3 oficiala au fost corectate(in mare parte)
* Moduri noi
* Clase de oameni integrate cu posibilitate de scriptare separata (la fel ca si clasele de zombie)
* Native si forward'uri noi (permit codarea sub-plugin'urilor cu mai multe posibilitati)
* Foloseste mult mai putin CPU fata de ZPA
* Suport pentru toate limbile pe care le avea zp 4.3 + adaugate cateva noi
* Este inca intretinut

Cateva video'uri mai vechi cu ZPNM: : : :

Pret: 5 euro
Modalitati de plata:
Transfer de credit sau cumparare de cod de reincarcare in reteaua Vodafone sau prin PayPal.
Pe langa acest plugin mai am si altele ca de exemplu Ion Cannon(versiune actualizata, fara bug'uri; nu pica serverul), HP/AP rewards care iti da o anumita cantitate(setabila prin cvar'uri) de viata sau armura atunci cand omori un zombie, etc
Un video facut de prietenul meu suNx prezentand pluginul Ion Cannon:

Cine e interesat(a) poate sa ma contacteze la id'ul de Yahoo [email protected] sau SteamID georgik57.
Va rog nu ma adaugati daca nu aveti de gand sa il cumparati.
Change log:
* v4.3 | New Modes v1.0: (Jun 2009)
- Added new gameplay modes: Sniper and Apocalypse
- Added multi-lingual support for the new modes

* v4.3 | New Modes v1.1: (Jul 2009)
- Added cvars for the new modes
- Added natives in the sma for the new modes to allow creating sub-plugins
- Added in a different .inc file natives for the new modes

* v4.3 | New Modes v1.2: (Aug 2009)
- Corrected almost all bugs caused by the new mods

* v4.3 | New Modes v1.3: (Sep 2009)
- Made customizable aura for Survivor and Sniper too
- Replaced the glow, aura, hud colors, etc with the ones coresponding
to the class' nightvision color(Example: If you set the Nemesis'
nvg color to blue, his glow and aura will
automaticaly change to that color too)

* v4.3 | New Modes v1.4: (Oct 2009)
- Fixed the glow not working sometimes on Nemesis

* v4.3 | New Modes v1.5: (Nov 2009)
- Corrected infection bomb blast color

* v4.3 | New Modes v1.6: (Dec 2009)
- Fixed run time error 4: index out of bounds (missplaced get_user_weapon)
- Fixed zp_apocalypse console admin command requesting a name
- Updated zp_sniper console admin command and usage help for it
- Fixed another run time error 4 (missplaced [victim])
- Added 2 new gore cvars for Sniper and Nemesis' victims
- Moved some code to try prevent run time error 4

* v4.3 | New Modes v1.7: (Jan 2010)
- Updated the multilingual file
- Changed dictionary file name & updated it in the plugin
- Changed a few default values of some cvars to balance gameplay
- Changed version format and name
- Fixed ZP Teams (ZP_TEAM_SNIPER problem) and all related code. Now
extra items can be developed for Sniper class
- Fixed all the admin 'turn into' menus. Now admins should be able
to see if a player is Sniper class
- Changed the Extra Items external file name & updated it in the plugin
- Changed the Zombie Classes external file name & updated it in the plugin
- Optimized Nemesis & Sniper gore scripts
- Added help support for the New Modes
- Added leap for Sniper & cvars for it
- Updated and added some cvars in zombieplaguenew.cfg
- Fixed mp3 files not playing

* v4.3 | New Modes v1.8: (Feb 2010)
- Added natives to find out whether a user
is frozen and to freeze a user
- Added cvar to customize the nemesis, survivor
and sniper's aura size (radius)
- Fixed admin infect/humanize menu
- Changed some info in the round chat prints
- Added code which doesn't let the player move
while frozen using the new freeze native
- Optimized freezing code & natives
- Fixed a bug from the freezing code
- Fixed Sniper frag gore code
- Optimized Nemesis frag gore code

* v4.3 | New Modes v1.9a: (Mar 2010)
- Fixed Sniper frag gore code
- Optimized Nemesis frag gore code
- Changed the include file for the Default ZP Classes
sub-plugin to the new one (zombieplaguenew) and
changed the file names to 'zp_zclasses40_new'
- Optimized the 'get nvg colors' code
- Fixed admins' 'p_knife' model not showing when
zp_admin_knife_models_human cvar is enabled
(thanks to MeRcyLeZZ)
- Optimized the Nemesis and Sniper gore code
(thanks to meTaLiCroSS)
- Fixed the Sniper set AWP damage code
(thanks to meTaLiCroSS)
- Added natives to find out whether a user
is burning and to set a user on fire
(thanks to MeRcyLeZZ)

* v4.3 | New Modes v1.9b: (May 2010)
- Optimized Apocalypse Mode's code
- Fixed Sniper damage bug
- Made some changes in Sniper gore code
- Get Zombies and Human count natives now return
only their specific classes' number
- Added natives to find out if a player shouldn't
take damage and to set a user in no damage
- Fixed get nightvision colors not updating often enough
- Fixed custon Survivor weapon model bug

* v4.3 | New Modes v1.9c: (Jun 2010)
- Fixed taking damage while frozen not working
- Added giving nightvision for Survivors and Snipers
if their auras are disabled during Apocalypse round
- Fixed Sniper unlimited clip bug
- Added removing freeze for a player that dies frozen

* v4.3 | New Modes v1.9d: (Sep 2010)
- Improved Sniper & Nemesis gore code
- Fixed Sniper not being able to do
damage with other weapon than AWP
- Added Human classes
- Added natives for human classes
- Fixed tons of Human classes bugs
- Added new forwards for burning,
freezing and infecting with grenade
- Changed the name of most
ZP New Modes related files
- Added forwards for primary &
secondary weapon selection
- Made new constants for
plugin name and author
Now using them instead of repeating
the same quote everywhere
- Changed the welcome(round) message
- Added forwards for antidote and madness
- Renamed the new modes natives, forwards
and cvars prefixes from zp to zpnm
- Improved Sniper & Nemesis frag gore code
- Added Zombie gore effect
- Added showing spectating player's armor
- Added mp3 file support for round sounds
- Fixed when saying 'unstuck' it would
pop up the human classes menu
- Optimized Sniper gore lava splash code
(Thanks to NiHiLaNTh)

* v4.3 | New Modes v1.9e: (Mar 2011)
- Fixed zpnm_set_user_burning native
- Added cvar to specify what action to
take when neither of the teams win
- Corrected zpnm_user_burned_post forward
- Added zpnm_user_burned_pre forward
- Added zpnm_get_user_unlimited_ammo native
- Added zpnm_set_user_unlimited_ammo native
- Added zpnm_get_user_pain_shock_free native
- Added zpnm_set_user_pain_shock_free native
- Added zpnm_get_user_model native
- Added zpnm_set_user_model native
- Added zpnm_set_game_mode native
- Corrected zpnm_user_freeze_attempt forward
- Added zpnm_user_frozen_pre forward
- Added zpnm_get_user_class_name native
(Thanks to ConnorMcLeod, sk@.@,
claudiuhks and schmurgel1983)
- Fixed a Human classes small bug
- Fixed and prevented join class exploit
(Thanks to Claudiuhks for revealing it)
- Added ZBot support for Human classes
(Thanks to yokomo and ConnorMcLeod)
- Changed ZP main menu. Now available
while spectator too and the 'Join Specators'
button will be replaced with 'Choose Team'
- Removed set_user_unlimited_ammo, get and
set_user_pain_shock_free natives until i
find a way to fix the bugs caused by them
- Corrected a typing mistake in the Human help menu
- Restored default ZP menu until
i find a way to make it bug-less
- Fixed menus not displaying the full text
- Totally fixed and prevented join class exploit
- Added respawning as Nemesis or Survivor
on Plague and Apocalypse rounds
- Added user_got_ammo_pack pre and post forwards
- Added last human extra HP reward per zombie
- Added cvar to customize player glow thickness
- Added the possiblity to customize
Nemesis and Zombies blood color
(Thanks to meTaLiCroSS)
- Improved the way of detecting and
blocking the join class exploit
(Thanks to hornet)
- Changed default Human classes
- Added cvar to specify whether or not
Nemesis and Zombies take fall damage
(Thanks to Sn!ff3r)

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