
[WOTLK] Druid - Balance PVE

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Author Message17097


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Post Posted: 20-11-2010, 01:02:09 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


Any build you go for you must have Eclipse 3/3 in it. I'm going for this one. I've spent 1 talent in Owlkin Frenzy because in some fights it's very usefull, the AOE damage you take makes you cast slower. ( Blood-Queen, Festergut, etc.)


Red socket - Runed Cardinal Ruby - 23 spellpower
Yellow socket - Reckless Ametrine - 12 spellpower 10 haste
Blue socket - Purified Dreadstone - 12 spellpower 10 spirit
Meta socket - Chaotic Skyflare Diamond

You should stack spellpower on a balance druid. If you want, you can socket 23 spellpower in blue sockets aswell if you don't mind losing the bonus. I went for a lot of haste because when Lunar Eclipse procs, I want to cast as many Starfires as I can during it's time.


Glyph of Moonfire / Glyph of Insect Swarm
Glyph of Starfire
Glyph of Starfall


Jewelcrafting for the unique gems.
Engineering for Hyperspeed Accelerators


First put Faerie Fire on the target.
Starfall everytime it's not on cooldown.
Force of Nature.

Then repeat the sequence:

MF - IS - Wrath until Lunar Eclipse procs - SF - SF - SF - SF - SF - Lunar Eclipse is off - SF until Solar Eclipse procs - Wrath - Wrath etc.

I've made a video if you didn't understand the picture.


Head - Arcanum of Burning Mysteries
Shoulders - Greater Inscription of the Storm
Back - Springy Arachnoweave
Chest - Scroll of Enchant Chest - Powerful Stats
Bracer - Scroll of Enchant Bracer - Superior Spellpower
Hands - Hyperspeed Accelerators
Feet - Nitro Boosts ( 24 crit )
Pants - Brilliant Spellthread
Staff - Scroll of Enchant Staff - Greater Spellpower
MainHand - Scroll of Enchant Weapon - Mighty Spellpower


When choosing any gear you'll want to consider a few things to see if it's worth it. Ask yourself; Does it have the stats I need now or in the future and what will I lose if I get it? I am always thinking of now and the future when I choose any piece of gear. I'm also looking at cloth pieces versus the equivalent leather piece; sorry clothies. I figure this out by calculating stats. A simple rule of thumb is hit(until capped) -> haste (until global capped) -> spellpower -> crit -> haste (above global cap) -> crit (above Lunar cap) -> intellect -> spirit. If I lose too much hit but know I can temperarily gem around it until I get another piece that will make up the hit, I'll take the piece. I take such precaution because I don't want to be a prick and take a piece of gear from another player if I have no use for it.

* Ok so, now that you know what's priority with stats on gear, it's time to look at what the caps are for each stat.
* Hit will cap at 263 for Horde and 237 for any Alliance with a Dranei in the raid.
* Haste will soft cap at 401 with a Wrath of Air Totem or 585 without.
* Crit will soft cap (Lunar cap) 1575.5 - (Int[input your intellect here]/3).

* Example: 1575.5 - (1495/3) = 1077 crit rating (Fully buffed w/ idol minus Focus Magic) Basically, if I have 1077 crit rating my chance to crit will be near 100% during Lunar Eclipse.


Grid is a party/raid unit frame addon.
Grid - download

Dominos for action bars.
Dominos - download

Eclipsed - download

SquawkAndAwe is a cooldown/debuff timer for Balance druids
Squawk and Awe

Please post if I forgot / written something wrong.


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