
War Tactics Manual Requirements

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Post Posted: 27-12-2021, 22:26:07 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

The custom item "War Tactics Manual" introduced this Christmas could use some changes in the requirements.
As of now it requires level 120 while not even starting the war campaign quest chain. This is so specific that it's not really as usefull as first thought.
Many players who level alts have alredy probably hit 120 or at least 110 with these characters, and started the campaign to enable world quests. It would be nice to remove either level 120 requirement or enable the use of this item even while in the middle of the campaign. Or both.

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Post Posted: 28-12-2021, 12:00:20 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

It can be used even if you are in the "middle" of the campaign. The requirement is to not have accepted/completed/rewarded "Uniting Zandalar" or "Uniting Kul Tiras".

(we already made some changes to the scrolls, to check only if the quest is rewarded, will be live at the next restart, but you can abandon the last quest if it's active)

World quests are a max level feature, thus the level 120 restriction. (and the fact that footholds & islands unlock at different levels)

You can level a fresh character by doing the zone storylines and leaving the war campaign untouched, then use this item to unlock stuff on the boat + the 3 footholds + islands + world quests.

If you have bought world quests from Shop, you won't be able to use this item since the site auto-rewarded "Uniting Zandalar" / "Uniting Kul Tiras" on your character.

^ In this case, open a ticket in-game and ask GameMasters to temporarily remove these quests from your log, so you can cast the scroll.

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