
[Warrior][PvE][PvP] Flurry

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[Screwed Freak]

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Post Posted: 22-09-2013, 17:53:19 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Wowhead/WoW Freakz Link:
Descrierea bugului / Bug description: Dupa ce dai melee crit primesti flurry cu 3 stacks. Daca in acele 3 stacks mai dai un melee crit isi da refresh la 2 stacks in loc de 3.

Wowhead/WoW Freakz Link:
Descrierea bugului / Bug description: After a melee crit you receive 3 stacks of flurry. If within those 3 stacks you deal another melee crit it refreshes flurry with 2 stacks instead of 3.

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