
Wierd things about hunter dps :/

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 06-10-2017, 11:39:46 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Okey , maybe somone will wrote here some words about hunter dps, coz its very wierd thing and if i talk with other hunters in game it getting even wierder. I will not post a names here with who i talked, on begining i play MM have 883 ilvl , and my nick in game is also nambuz so you can check what items i have. In mythic in aoe i can make from 500k to 1,5 milion dps it depends how many mobs , trin procs etc its normal , on single i can keep about 400k dps and it also depends on fight,( fights when you have to move a lot makes my dps goes down). One day i speak with nice hunter who has BM build and he said that on mythc over 10 he makes 1,7 aoe dps and neerly 1 milion single with only 27 traits in artefact and he was 882, i change spec, make 30 traits , and nothing, my dps is worst then on MM i have 878 in BM and maybe thats is the problem, but another day i meet another hunter who says that BM sucks and Surv is the best, i didnt check do not wanna end like with BM. So i start wondering what is wrong with me or spec, and talked with hunters what i met, and almost always one hunters says something else, one says that MM is the best , he tried BM and Surv and MM has the biggest dps, other says that survival is best dps in all kind of way, other that BM , all of these says that they checked all spec and try it. So what can i say, ppl almost always check same talents, so its not a talents problem, know how to play i think if ppl tryied they know something and maybe can do some mistakes but not so much and not so many of them do wrong rotation and etc , so maybe basic stats are problem, coz all of this ppl always has slightly diffrent stats, and its looklike on freakz theres no basic stats like on global, and i still dunno why there are so many diffrent answers about hunter dps. Now i not sure what spec plays , cos mine MM isnt making hudge dps and chenging it to another spec cant promise me to my dps goes up. Sorry for english and my mistakes in spelling.
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 06-10-2017, 22:39:23 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I personally main MM, 880 currently. Survival is cheesy aoe, i dont feel like its best aoe for dungeons. BM is fine ST and AoE even better ( Beast cleave). With MM you gotta learn how to and where to stand so if ur group moves u can keep casting np, having the hands for aimed shot movement cast helps ATON. My meters are ussualy from start to finish without reseeting, there my dps is around 400-650k depending on dungeon. On each trash pack a 1-5 mil depends on cds.

Raw ST rn MM is best, if proper gear/stats. If the BM hunt says he does 1.7m ST thats for the first sec of pull when he pops everythign + bl, there isnt a single class with bis gear that can do that much from 100 to 0 on a mob. ( Unless Fwarr abuses). I honestly would love if youd provide me theyre names, id like to see the damage meters and screenshots with proof of the damage he claims to do.

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Paul !?


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Post Posted: 02-11-2017, 01:52:46 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

+ ( this is the best rotation that you can get ) .

The best specs are MM / BM . For BM you need bis legendaries ( Shoulders and waist/ring ) to pull big dmg rather then mm who deal enough dmg without BIS legendaries

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