
World of Warcraft Cataclysm - Collector's Guide

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Author Message15118

[Wish I had a Moonkin]

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Post Posted: 16-10-2011, 12:54:26 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Epic Mounts and Cute Companions

Warning! Items with the description written in red had been added in patches 4.1 or 4.2 and they are not available on Freakz at the moment.

A big part of the players here are quite some collectors of companions and mounts so I made this tutorial to show you what this new expansion has brought into the game but also tips on how to get them. The guide has 3 categories, each with it's subdomains.


  • Ground Mounts

- Exarch's Elekk & Great Exarch's Elekk
Class mounts for Draenei paladin.

- Sunwalker Kodo & Great Sunwalker Kodo
Class mounts for Tauren paladin.

- Fossilized Raptor
Obtained through Archaeology. You need 100 Fossil Archaeology Fragment. Skill: 525.

- Scepter of Azj'Aqir
Obtained through Archaeology. You need 150 Tol'vir Archaeology Fragment and 3 Tol'vir Hieroglyphic. Skill: 525.

- Reins of the Grey Riding Camel
100% drop from Dormus the Camel-Hoarder. This npc becomes visible when a player clicks Mysterious Camel Figurine. There is a 5% chance that the player will be ported to the mob. Most likely the npc will be there all the time on our server.

- Reins of the Brown Riding Camel & Reins of the Tan Riding Camel
You can buy them from Blacksmith Abasi as soon as you are exalted with the faction Ramkahen.

- Goblin Turbo-Trike Key & Goblin Trike Key
You can buy them from Kall Worthaton. You have to be exalted with Bilgewater Cartel.

- Reins of the Spectral Wolf
You can buy it from Pogg and it costs 165 Tol Barad Commendation. You have to be exalted with Hellscream's Reach.

- Reins of the Spectral Steed
You can buy it from Quartermaster Brazie and it costs 165 Tol Barad Commendation. You have to be exalted with Baradin's Wardens.

- Reins of the Golden King & Reins of the Kor'kron Annihilator
You can buy them from any Guild Vendor and it costs 1500g. You have to be exalted with Guild. The vendor sells it once the guild is level 25.

- Savage Raptor
You can obtain this mount only through Trading Card Game

- Amani Battle Bear
It can be looted from Kasha's Bag and it has a high chance to drop
. It is the equivalent of Amani War Bear meaning that you obtain it the same way.

- Armored Razzashi Raptor
It can be looted from Bloodlord Mandokir and it has a very low drop rate

- Swift Zulian Panther
It can be looted from High Priestess Kilnara and it has a very low drop rate

- Flametalon of Alysrazor
It can be looted from Alysrazor on any difficulty and it has a very low chance to drop

- Vicious War Steed & Vicious War Wolf
Reward from Veteran of the Alliance or Veteran of the Horde

  • Fly Mounts

- Reins of the Dark Phoenix
Available at Guild Vendor for 3000g after the guild completed the achievement Guild Glory of the Cataclysm Raider.

- Mottled Drake
This mount is available only through Trading Card Game.

-Stone Drakes-

- Reins of the Volcanic Stone Drake
Reward from the achievement Glory of the Cataclysm Hero.

- Reins of the Phosphorescent Stone Drake
100% drop from Aeonaxx.

- Reins of the Vitreous Stone Drake
Rare drop from Slabhide. It can drop on normal or heroic difficulty.

- Sandstone Drake
The first mount "mount" that transform you into the mount itself making room for one more friend. Crafted with alchemy, learned from a recipe obtained through Archaeology.

-Wind Drakes-

- Reins of the Drake of the East Wind
Reward from the achievement Glory of the Cataclysm Raider.

- Reins of the Drake of the North Wind
Rare drop from Altairus. It can drop on normal or heroic difficulty.

- Reins of the Drake of the South Wind
Rare drop from Al'Akir. It can drop on any difficulty.

- Reins of the Drake of the West Wind & Reins of the Drake of the West Wind
You can buy it from Pogg or Quartermaster Brazie and it costs 200 Tol Barad Commendation. You have to be exalted with Hellscream's Reach or Baradin's Wardens.

- Amani Dragonhawk
This mount is available only through Trading Card Game

- Winged Guardian
This mount is available only through Blizzard Store

- Corrupted Egg of Millagazor
Reward from Glory of the Firelands Raider

- Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa's Rest
This is the first mount of its kind ever implemented in World of Warcraft. It is a reward from The Stuff of Legends or The Stuff of Legends, the last quest from a very hard and long chain

- Vicious Gladiator's Twilight Drake
As the name suggests this is the reward from Arena Season 9

- Flameward Hippogryph
Reward from The Molten Front Offensive

- Smoldering Egg of Millagazor
Very rare drop from Cache of the Fire Lord which spawns after Ragnaros had been defeated

  • Aquatic Mounts

- Reins of Poseidus
100% drop from Poseidus.

- Subdued Abyssal Seahorse
Reward from the quest The Abyssal Ride.

This two mounts will be obtainable after Vashj'ir is finished.


  • Crafted

- Clockword Gnome
Crafted with Archaeology. You need 100 Dwarf Archaeology Fragment and 3 Dwarf Rune Stone. Skill: 525.

- Crawling Claw
Crafted with Archaeology. You need 150 Tol'vir Archaeology Fragment and 3 Tol'vir Hieroglyphic. Skill: 525.

- Fossilized Hatchling
Crafted with Archaeology. You need 85 Fossil Archaeology Fragment. Skill: 525.

- Enchanted Lantern & Magic Lamp
Crafted with Enchanting. You need 8xHeavenly Shard, 1xMaelstrom Crystal and 4xGreater Celestial Essence. The recipe can be found at enchanting supplies vendors from the capital cities.

- De-Weaponized Mechanical Companion
Crafted with Gnomish Engineering. You need 12xObsidium Bar, 4xHandful of Obsidium Bolts, 8xElectrified Ether and 2xJasper.

- Personal World Destroyer
Crafted with Goblin Engineering. You need 10xObsidium Bar, 8xHandful of Obsidium Bolts and 8xElectrified Ether.

- Pterrordax Hatchling
Crafted with Archaeology
. You need 120 Fossil Archaeology Fragment. Skill: 525.

- Voodoo Figurine
Crafted with Archaeology
. You need 100 Troll Archaeology Fragment and 3 Troll Tablet. Skill: 525.

  • Dropped

- Fox Kit
Very rare drop from Baradin Fox.

- Elementium Geode
Very rare drop from Elementium Vein.

- Smolderweb Egg
Average drop from Mother Smolderweb.

- Mr. Grubbs
Very rare drop from Hidden Stash. Hidden Stash drops from any mob in Eastern Plague Lands after the player completes the quest Fiona's Lucky Charm.

- Tiny Shale Spider
100% drop from Jadefang.

- Shimmering Wyrmling & Tiny Sporebat
Very rare drop from Satchel of Exotic Mysteries
, the reward from Dungeon Finder Call to Arms. This two pets are the equivalents of some pets added in TBC and WOTLK but with no reputation requirements.

  • Vendor

- Armadillo Pup
Available at Guild Vendor after the guild completed the achievement Critter Kill Squad. You need to be exalted with your guild and it costs 300g.

- Dark Phoenix Hatchling
Available at Guild Vendor. You need to be honored with your guild and it costs 300g.

- Guid Herald & Guid Herald
Available at Guild Vendor after the guild completed the achievement Profit Sharing. You need to be honored with your guild and it costs 300g.

- Guild Page
Available at Guild Vendor after the guild completed the achievement Horde Slayer. You need to be friendly with your guild and it costs 300g.

- Guild Page
Available at Guild Vendor after the guild completed the achievement Alliance Slayer. You need to be friendly with your guild and it costs 300g.

- Rustberg Gull & Rustberg Gull
They can be bought from Pogg or Quartermaster Brazie and it costs 50 Tol Barad Commendation. You need to be honored with Hellscream's Reach or Baradin's Wardens.

- Withers
Horde: Available atApothecary Furrows for 30 silver.
Alliance: reward from Remembrance of Auberdine.

- Winterspring Cub
Available at Michelle De Rum

- Hyjal Bear Cub
Available at Varlan Highbough

- Crimson Lasher
Available at Ayla Shadowstorm

  • Quest

- Blue Mini Jouster or Gold Mini Jouster
Reward from Egg Wave. You can pick only one of them.

- Brazie's Sunflower Seeds
Reward from Lawn of the Dead.
Did you know that: This game is a refference to the game Plants vs Zombies from PopCap Games and that the pet is singing the game's theme song ?

- Snail Shell
The new reward from the event Children's Week.

- Tiny Flamefly
Reward from Not Fireflies, Flameflies or SEVEN! YUP!.

- Legs
The new reward from the event Children's Week

- Lashtail Hatchling
Reward from An Old Friend

- Panther Cub
Reward from Some Good Will Come or Some Good Will Come

- Alliance Balloon
Reward from Blown Away

- Horde Balloon
Reward from Blown Away

  • Achievement

- Pebble
Reward from Rock Lover.

- Celestial Dragon
Reward from Littlest Pet Shop.

- Nuts' Acorn
Reward from Petting Zoo

- Lil' Tarecgosa
Reward from Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa's Rest - Guild Edition

- Brilliant Kaliri
Reward from Menagerie

  • Redemption

- Enchanted Onyx
This pet was available only on the servers from Korea most likely through Blizzard Store.

- Murkimus' Tiny Spear
This pet was sent to all players who took part in more than 200 arena matches during the Blizzard Arena Tournament.

- Enchanted Purple Jade
This pet was available only on the servers from Taiwan most likely through Blizzard Store.

- Landro's Lil' XT
This pet is available only through Trading Card Game.

- Lil' Deathwing
This pet was offered to all players who bought World of Warcraft Cataclysm Collector's Edtion.

- Lil' Ragnaros
This pet is available only through Blizzard Store.

- Smoldering Murloc Egg
This pet is a reward for the ones who took part at Blizzcon.

- Moonkin Hatchling & Moonkin Hatchling
This pet is available only through Blizzard Store.

- Cenarion Hatchling
This pet is available only through Blizzard Store
Did you know that
: this pet cost 10$ and the money were used to help Japan after the nuclear power plant accident?

- Landro's Lichling
This pet is available only through Trading Card Game

- Nightsaber Cub
This pet is available only through Trading Card Game

- Guardian Cub
This pet is available only through Blizzard Store

- Murky's Little Soulstone
This pet was given to the ones who took part at Blizzcon

3.Items that can be obtained only through events

- Hardboiled Egg
Nothing is know about this pet.

- Lil' Alexstrasza
This pet was removed from the game during the beta stage of this expansion.

- Bubbles
A paladin's best friend.

- Lizzy
Nothing is know about this pet.

- Green Fire Hawk Mount
This mount has the same model as Smoldering Egg of Millagazor

- Guardian Cub
This pet has a model that looks like Winged Guardian

- Nightsaber Cub
This pet has the same model as the night elf mount

- Feline Familiar
This pet may be implemented for Hallow's End

Best of luck!

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