
Wow Freakz voting is not working

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 07-04-2019 06:47)
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Post Posted: 13-10-2018, 16:32:45 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Hello, I wanted the staff to know that from the 4 voting sites gtop100 (the one on the left) is only allowing voting at 24hrs intervals (right now this is what it shows me since I voted last night You have already voted! Please vote again in 14:29:33 Hours:Minutes:Seconds.)
This is not on par with the other 3 sites for voting and the forum shows that we can vote on them even though we can't actually do it (this is what it shows me right now: You will be able to vote again on: Now)
But the site won't allow voting so the votes and points don't count at the end -

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