
Youtube for Freakz WoW?

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 14-10-2016 10:22)
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Post Posted: 14-10-2016, 10:39:12 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


Salutare Freakz si bineinteles Shocker! Sunt un fost Youtuber 21.100 Subscribers, deoarece a trecut foarte mult timp de cand am pierdut acest channel m-am gandit sa ma apuc iara si sa ajung unde vreau cu adevarat, incepand de la 0 si de lap rimul videoclip postat pe Youtube va fi foarte greu! Asa ca m-am gandit ca singurul Youtuber din Romania (Ma pot considera Youtuber deoarece am mai vaut channel de gaming in trecut) sa postez World of Warcraft bineinteles pe Freakz sa joc. (fac o paranteza, am jucat pe retail 5 aproape 6 ani) In Romania nu prea am vazut Youtuberii sa joace World of Warcraft si sa posteze in fiecare zi (ma refer la ce-i Romanii) Am de gand sa postez in fiecare zi sau la 2 - 3 zile cate 2 - 3 episoade, am nevoie de sustinerea voastra. Nu am venit aici sa "imi fac reclama" asa ca ma astept sa spuneti asta! Vreau sa sustin server-ul Mists of Pandaria Freakz deoarece a scazut foarte mult si bineinteles am Youtuber mari 60k Subscriberii (prieteni) care pot sa ii aduc sa filmeze cu mine si multe altele. Am nevoie de sustinere si bineinteles fara jignirii, deoarece o fac pentru mine si server nu pentru "voi" care ma criticati. Am varsta de 20 de ani, (stati linistiti nu sunt no-lifer, lucrez in viata reala, am prietena. Dar am tot timpul din lumea sa postez pe Youtuber) ma numesc Mike si sunt din Iasi. Aveti grija de voi... daca te-ai plictisit sa citesti ! Imi cer scuze - mai jos aveti primul episod!

Vizionare placuta ! Subscribe & Like (daca se poate) Multumesc inca odata.


Hello Freakz and of course Shocker! I am a former YouTuber 21,100 Subscribers since passed a long time since I lost this channel I thought getting down again and to get where I really, starting at 0 and lap Rimula video posted on Youtube will be very hard! So I thought that the only YouTuber in Romania (I may consider YouTuber because I vaut gaming channel in the past) to post on Freakz course World of Warcraft to play. (Make an aside, I played on retail 5 almost 6 years) in Romania have not really seen Youtuberii to play World of Warcraft and post every day (I mean what Romans) I'm going to post every day or 2 - 3 days each 2-3 episodes, I need your support. I did not come here to "advertise my 'I expect to say this! I want to say Mists of Pandaria server Freakz since dropped a lot and of course I YouTuber large Subscriberii 60k (friends) who can bring him to shoot me and many others. We need support and of course without the offense as a server do for me and not for "you" who criticized me. I aged 20 years (stay calm no-Liferea not, work in real life, I girlfriend. But I have all the time in the world to post on YouTuber) My name is Mike and I am from Iasi. Take care of yourself ... if you are bored to read! Sorry - you first episode below!

Enjoy ! Subscribe & Like (if you can) Thank you again.

Last edited by TheLook on 14-10-2016, 11:01:26; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 14-10-2016, 11:00:02 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

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