
[FIXED] [ABT] Incorrect Shared HP Script

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Post Posted: 18-09-2020, 11:30:01 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Bosses in Antorus like Coven of Shivarra Share HP on every Difficulty and Felhounds share it on HC,NM and LFR. Primary issue is Coven because it takes 2 times longer to kill than on retail.

We will take Coven for example,there are 4 bosses on this fight and 2 are active at a time,they all share HP pools.

Example: 2 bosses active I use an ability that hits each boss for 4m which means they should lose 8m HP but here on freakz they will only lose 4m and not the other 4m, on recount addon like details it shows that u did 8m damage but bosses only actually lose 4m.

So now lets take a look at logs.

Mythic Encounter on freakz with average ilvl of 991 lasts for about 8 minutes on average while on retail people were killing this boss in 4-5 mins with much less gear.

[Boss damage taken on Freakz](
[Boss damage taken on retail](

Freakz damage done to bosses is 17,29b while on retail it is exactly as their health pool which is 11.11b.

---------------The next part is about WoW logs and addon issue---------------

Also on freakz bosses are taking dot damage while inactive,they don't lose HP but it still counts on addons and wow logs which wasn't the case on retail,usually warlocks here play with absolute corruption which makes their dot permanent,so they usually dot first 2 immune bosses before they go up to pad the dps mete,but still there is no way only 1 spell of each warlock did extra 6b damage because of this recount bug,but again this part about addons is irrelevant since like i said it doesn't affect bosses HP loss but just the addon dmg recount,real issue is their wrong HP sharing.

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