
[FIXED] [COEN] Agronox incorrectly working / incorrect timers

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Post Posted: 18-09-2020, 11:30:01 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Basically the boss is not working correctly.
Abilites timers are wrong so this will basically create errors during the whole encounter creating overlap between abilities.

- **First issue: "Fulminating Lashers"**:

As soon you start the boss you should have the **"Fulminating Lashers"** cast in 10 seconds. Currently on Freakz timers are off, you start the boss,**"Fulminating Lashers"** should be in 10 seconds but in the reality the ability is getting caster after **16 seconds**.


As you can see, on retail **"Fulminating Lashers"** is getting activated exactly after 10 seconds.

- **Second issue: "Chocking Vines"**

The **"Chocking Vines"** should be activated exactly **13 seconds after** the **"Fulminating Lashes"** ability, currently on Freakz is getting activated 5 seconds after that cast. (this is happening because the Fulminating Lashers cast is not correct).


At some point the fight timers will be so off, that this will happen: You will have **"Fulminating Lashers"** and **"Chocking Vines"** casted basically at the same time and you will get gripped exactly into the flower that will kill you insta without any **counterplay**.

- **Third issue: "Fulminating Lashers" incorrect number of cast time**

The "Fulminating Lashers" should be casted only the first **two times** during the encounter. After the second cast no more **"Fulminating Lashers"** should be casted. Currently on Freakz you have to deal with the **"Fulminating Lashers"** during the whole encounter, which is not correct at all.

You can check from retail:

The ability is getting casted only two times during the fight, after that you don't have to deal with "Fulminating Lashers" anymore.

First cast:
Second cast:
And now you can check from here:

that no more cast of "Fulminating Lashers" are coming.

Trello Card Link :

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