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Post Posted: 28-01-2011, 13:11:28 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Festergut nu da cu gas cloud la noi aicisha pe server.

sindragosa , are si air phase ceea ce la noi nu este , ar trebui sa dea damage cu coada deoarece este dragon (wowhead link) , in phase 2 si 3 trebuie sa faca pe cineva cub de gheata (wowhead link)

Phase One

During the whole fight she deals stacking debuffs to the whole raid. When melee attacks her, there's a 20% chance per hit on the boss to gain the Permeating Chill stacking debuff which inflicts 1,000 Frost damage every 2 seconds for 8 seconds, per stack. For casters, she periodically debuffs mana users with Unchained Magic, which for 15 seconds causes its victims to gain a stack of Instability every time they cast a spell (including things like Healthstones or Trinkets). Instability expires after 5 sec (unless refreshed by casting another spell). Expiration is unavoidable after Unchained Magic fades. Upon expiration, Instability deals 2k damage per stack.

During Phase 1 these debuff stacks don't hurt a lot (it's safe to take up to 8 stacks), but in Phase 2 they become dangerous (players should try to stay below 4 stacks). For this reason it's a good idea to practise keeping them low even in Phase 1. Managing these debuffs (and the additional one in Phase 2) is the heart of the fight. Players may get used to stopping their attacks/casts when their stacks get high.

In regular intervals, she pulls the whole raid on top of herself (Icy Grip) and then starts a 5 sec cast of Blistering Cold, which deals 35k Frost damage to everyone within 25 yards of her (with enough HP or resistance this is survivable). This means that the raid has 5 seconds to get 25 yards away from her. Players should mouse-turn while flying through the air and immediately run away on touchdown. Hunters can use Aspect of the Pack, the frost aura does not cause the daze effect. After everyone is out of range, it must be switched off immediately. It is possible to slow her cast time with (Curse of Tongues or maybe Mind Numbing Poison), but this may decrease Melee's DPS output because they have to wait longer before running back. The Raider's boot enchant, Tuskkar's Vitality, is valuable for the run out, and the other movement aspects of this fight.

Phase Two (Air Phase)

At 85% and every 1:50 minutes thereafter, Sindragosa takes off, freezes 2/5 (10/25 player) raid members with Ice Tomb and drops four Frost Bombs (one after the other, on random spots). Players who are in line of sight of one of the bomb explosions take ~24k damage, therefore the raid should hide behind the Ice Tombs. After the fourth Bomb she lands and continues with another Phase 1.

Sindragosa puts a Frost Beacon on the Ice Tomb targets about 5 seconds before they get entombed. Since Ice Tombs not only damage their targets, but also everyone else in a 10 yard radius, it's important for the ice tomb targets to move away from all non-targets and from each other. After 20 seconds, she's dropped all her bombs, lands and resumes Phase 1. At this point, the entombed players start to take damage from asphyxiation. Players are freed from the Ice Tombs by destroying them (~450k HP). They should be damaged to about 10% while she drops the bombs, and quickly destroyed after the fourth bomb has exploded.
10 player

In 10 player, the raid can stay on the stairs at all times, tanking her right in front of the stairs. The raid initially groups on her hind legs. The players with Frost Beacon run to where her front legs were (one higher up the other lower down the stairs). When she Frost Beacons the next set of players, they again run to the other side (where her hind legs were), after the Tombs have materialized the raid follows. This movement pattern closely resembles the one used in Phase 3.
25 player

The 10 player technique cannot be used with 25, because it requires very high precision in positioning with 5 frost tombs (6 on heroic) plus the raid on the stairs. It's simpler to tank her some distance (about 20") away from the stairs. All players should be prepared for Frost Beacons, and run up to the top of the stairs. As players get beaconed, they can then step down towards the bottom of the steps, in two rows (three in the front, on the main floor, and two behind, up three or four steps), with the untargeted players running to the beaconed players as soon as they are tombed. By first walking to the top of the stairs then walking down toward the tombs, all players should be able to easily see the location of the first Frost Bomb and position themselves to block line of sight. In 25 player, the rear tombs (furthest up the stairs) can be destroyed even before she lands (but be careful not to destroy a tomb just before a bomb lands). On 25-player heroic, avoid destroying any tombs until after the fourth Frost Bomb, so that those who are freed (and may be disoriented) are not instantly killed by a Frost Bomb. DPS should avoid DoTs, and use direct damage so as to leave the tombs with enough health to keep everyone alive, but low enough that they can be quickly destroyed after the fourth Frost Bomb.

Phase 3
starts when Sindragosa is at 35% health. She becomes permanently grounded, and continues all of her abilities from phase 1. Although she stops casting Frost Bombs, Sindragosa continues to cast Frost Beacons and Ice Tombs, which players must use to control her new ability, Mystic Buffet. One stack of this debuff is gained by all players in her line of sight every 4 seconds. Each stack increases magical damage taken by 10%/15% (10/25 player).

Her time between Ice Tomb casts in phase 3 seems to be 20 seconds.

Phase 3 is not a DPS race, but focuses on the players' ability to manage Mystic Buffet and the other debuffs. Mystic Buffet expires after 8 seconds, she refreshes it after 6 (that is with 4 seconds left on the debuff). In effect it's enough to hide behind the Ice Block for just the crucial few seconds when she refreshes it.

The 10 player Ice Block routine can be used for both raid sizes in this phase - Frost Beaconed players run to the other side, raid follows, hides and destroys the Ice Blocks after they have materialized. With two tanks, it's a good idea to switch tanks at this moment too.
Heroic Difficulty Edit Heroic Difficulty

The most important change is that Instability (Unchained Magic's backlash) not only hits the affected player, but also everyone else within 20 yards.
Phase 2 (air phase) Frost Bomb damage is increased to 200,000 and is no longer survivable, and in 25m (10m stays at 2 players) six players are Frost Beaconed instead of five.


lord marrowgar LEGUMA , mai greu este hogger da cu bonespike si coldflame


* Ability druid cyclone.png Bone Storm—Attacks nearby enemies in a whirlwind of bone that lasts until canceled. 3 sec cast. Every two seconds, triggers AoE damage that drops off as you get farther away from the boss. Roughly 6k standing on top of him, 4k just inside his hitbox, 2k just outside, and 800 or so at around 30 yards. The boss charges 4 targets before ending the Bone Storm. 30 sec cooldown.
o Ability gouge.png Bone Storm (Heroic mode)—Attacks nearby enemies in a whirlwind of bone, which causes them to bleed for 15 seconds. Instant. 10000+?/3
* Inv bone skull 04.png Bone Spike Graveyard—Hurls a massive bone spike which impales any enemies in the way. Deals 10% health per sec for 5 minutes or until killed. 3 sec cast. 39k hp. 10 sec cooldown.
o Inv bone skull 04.png Bone Spike Graveyard (Heroic mode)—Hurls a massive bone spike which impales any enemies in the way. Deals 10% health per sec for 5 minutes or until killed. 3 sec cast. 5 min duration
* Spell fire bluehellfire.png Coldflame—Summons a line of frost that hits enemies in the way. Instant. 8 yd line of effect. Deals 6000 Frost/sec for 3 seconds. Random target.
o Spell fire bluehellfire.png Coldflame (Heroic mode)— Instant. 8 yd radius. Deals 9000 Frost/sec for 8 sec.
* Ability warrior cleave.png Bone Slice Melee range—Splits 200% of normal melee damage to an enemy and its nearest ally, replacing melee attack. used every second, but not during bone spike graveyard cast; prevents the targets from being targeted by Bone Spike Graveyard. If there is no one near Lord Marrowgar's target, that target takes the full damage of Bone Slice.
* After 10 minutes, Marrowgar will Enrage, increasing his damage done by 500%, attack speed by 150% and makes him immune to taunt.


* Ability druid cyclone.png Bone Storm—Attacks nearby enemies in a whirlwind of bone that lasts until canceled. 3 sec cast. Every two seconds, triggers...
o Ability gouge.png Bone Storm (Heroic mode)—Attacks nearby enemies in a whirlwind of bone, which causes them to bleed for 15 seconds. Instant. 8000+?/3 on Normal. 11000+?/3 on Heroic
* Inv bone skull 04.png Bone Spike Graveyard (Heroic mode)—Hurls a massive bone spike which impales any enemies in the way. Deals 10% health per sec for 5 minutes or until killed. 3 sec cast. 5 min duration Puts the Impaled debuff on the affected player.
* Spell fire bluehellfire.png Coldflame (Heroic mode)—Summons a line of frost that hits enemies in the way. Instant. Should the Coldflame get within 8 yards of anyone, it casts...
o Spell fire bluehellfire.png Coldflame (Heroic mode)—Inflicts 8000 Frost damage every 1.0 sec for 3 sec. Instant. 8 yd radius. Deals 11000 Frost/sec for 8 sec on Heroic
* Ability warrior cleave.png Bone Slice Melee range—Splits 200% of normal melee damage to an enemy and its two nearest ally, replacing melee attack. used every second, but not during bone spike graveyard cast; prevents the targets from being targeted by Bone Spike Graveyard.
* After 10 minutes, Marrowgar will Enrage, increasing his damage done by 500%, attack speed by 150% and makes him immune to taunt.


lady deathwhisper (macar mobii si shadeu sa fie reparat)

Lady Deathwhisper

Both Phases

* Spell shadow deathanddecay.png Death and Decay (Heroic mode)—4500 Shadow damage inflicted every 1 sec to all targets in the affected area for 10 seconds. Instant. 8 yd radius. 6000 on Heroic

Note: Lady Deathwhisper's D&D uses the same animation as a death knight's but her is a distinct green color, making it easy to distinguish from a friendly player's D&D.

* Inv belt 18.png Dominate Mind 50,000 yd range—Subdues the will of target enemy, causing them to become charmed for 20 sec, with their damage dealt increased by 200% and healing done increased by 500% during that time. Instant. Targets three players on 25-man heroic difficulty.

Phase one only

* Spell shadow animatedead.png Animate Dead—Reanimates a Cult Adherent or a Cult Fanatic.
* Spell shadow shadowpower.png Dark Empowerment 200 yd range—Empowers the Cult Adherent's spells, causing them to deal area damage and making them uninterruptable. 2 sec cast.
* Spell deathknight thrash ghoul.png Dark Transformation 200 yd range—Transforms one random Cult Fanatic into an undead behemoth, increasing damage dealt by 100%. 2.5 second cast.
* Spell shadow detectlesserinvisibility.png Mana Barrier—Envelops the caster in a powerful barrier that continually replenishes any lost health, at the expense of the caster's mana.
* Spell shadow shadowbolt.png Shadow Bolt—Sends a shadowy bolt at the enemy, causing 11813 to 13187 Shadow damage. 100 yard range. 2 seconds cast.

Phase two only

* Spell Frostbolt 40 yd range—Inflicts 50,700 to 53,300 Frost damage to an enemy and reduces its movement speed by 50% for 4 sec. 2 sec cast. Interruptable but unresistable on heroic difficulty. 58,000 to 61,000 on Heroic.
* Spell Frostbolt Volley—Inflicts 14400 to 17600 Frost damage to nearby enemies, reducing their movement speed for 4 sec.. Instant.
* Spell shadow Summon Vengeful Shade—Calls an unattackable Vengeful Shade that chases a player for a short time, casting Vengeful Blast upon catching them.
* Ability Touch of Insignificance 50,000 yd range—Reduces the target's threat generation by 20%. Instant. Stacks to five. Lasts 30 seconds.

Cult Adherent/Empowered Adherent/Reanimated Adherent

* Health: 220,000

* Spell shadow Adherent's Determination—Nearly impervious to magical damage. 99% reduction. Reanimated Adherent only.
* Ability creature Curse of Torpor 100 yd range—Afflicts an enemy target with a curse that increases ability cooldowns by 15 seconds. 1 sec cast. Curse
* Spell shadow Deathchill Bolt (Heroic mode) 45 yd range—Deals 8788 to 10212 Shadowfrost damage to an enemy target. 2 sec cast. 11563-13437 on Heroic
* Spell deathknight Frost Fever 50,000 yd range—A disease dealing Frost damage every 3 seconds and reducing the target's melee and ranged attack speed by 14% for 15 seconds. Instant
* Spell shadow Shroud of the Occult—Envelops the caster in a powerful barrier that reflects all harmful magic, prevents cast interruption, and absorbs up to 100,000 damage before breaking. Instant. Used randomly.
* Spell shadow Deathchill Blast (Heroic mode) 45 yd range—Deals 11563 to 13437 Shadowfrost damage to all enemies within 10 yards of the target. 2 sec cast. Only cast while empowered. 11563-13437 on Heroic
* Spell shadow Dark Martyrdom—The caster surrenders to dark energies, exploding to deal 12000 Shadowstorm damage to all enemies within 15 yards, and leaving only skeletal remains behind, thus becoming reanimated after a few seconds of death. 4 sec cast. Cast randomly

Cult Fanatic/Deformed Fanatic/Reanimated Fanatic

* Spell shadow Fanatic's Determination—Nearly impervious to physical damage. 99% reduction. Reanimated Fanatic only.
* Spell Necrotic Strike (Heroic mode) Melee range—Strikes an enemy with a cursed blade, dealing 70% of weapon damage to the target and inflicting a lasting malady that negates the next 14000 healing received. Instant. 20 sec duration. 20000 healing on Heroic
* Ability Vampiric Might—Empowers the caster with dark might, increasing all damage dealt by 25% and heals the caster for 300% of his damage dealt. Instant. Magic. 15 sec duration. Used randomly.
* Ability Shadow Cleave (Heroic mode) Melee range—Inflicts 15913 to 17587 Shadow damage to enemies in front of the attacker. Next melee. 8 yard radius. 19000-21000 on Heroic (6 sec cooldown)
* Spell shadow Dark Martyrdom—The caster surrenders to dark energies, exploding to deal 12000 Shadowstorm damage to all enemies within 15 yards, and leaving only skeletal remains behind, thus becoming reanimated after a few seconds of death. 4 sec cast. Cast randomly.

Vengeful Shade

* Spell shadow Vengeful Blast Melee range—Inflicts 23160 to 24840 Shadowfrost damage to all enemies within 20 yards of the target.

10-player mode

Both Phases

* Spell shadow Death and Decay (Heroic mode)—4500 Shadow damage inflicted every 1 sec to all targets in the affected area for 10 seconds. Instant. 8 yd radius. 6000 on Heroic

Phase one only

* Spell shadow Animate Dead—Reanimates a Cult Adherent or a Cult Fanatic.
* Spell shadow Dark Empowerment 200 yd range—Empowers the recipient's spells, causing them to deal area damage and making them uninterruptable. 2 sec cast.
* Spell Dark Transformation 200 yd range—Transforms one random Cult Fanatic into an undead behemoth, increasing damage dealt by 100%. 2.5 second cast.
* Spell shadow Mana Barrier—Envelops the caster in a powerful barrier that continually replenishes any lost health, at the expense of the caster's mana.
* Spell shadow Shadow Bolt—Inflicts 9,188 to 11,812 Shadow damage to an enemy. 100 yard range. 2 seconds cast.

Phase two only

* Spell frost frostbolt02.png Frostbolt 40 yd range—Inflicts 37,000 Frost damage to an enemy and reduces its movement speed by 50% for 4 seconds. 2 sec cast. Interruptable but unresistable on heroic difficulty. 44,850 to 47,150 on Heroic.
* Spell frost frostbolt02.png Frostbolt Volley—Inflicts 10800 to 13200 Frost damage to nearby enemies, reducing their movement speed for 4 sec. Instant.
* Spell shadow summonvoidwalker.png Summon Vengeful Shade—Calls an unattackable Vengeful Shade that chases a player for a short time, casting Vengeful Blast upon catching them.
* Ability hibernation.png Touch of Insignificance 50,000 yd range—Reduces the target's threat generation by 20%. Instant. Stacks to five. Lasts 30 seconds.

Cult Adherent

* Health: 220,000

Empowered AdherentEdit Empowered Adherent sectionEdit
Reanimated AdherentEdit Reanimated Adherent sectionEdit

* Spell Adherent's Determination—Nearly impervious to magical damage. 99% reduction. Reanimated Adherent only
* Ability Curse of Torpor 100 yd range—Afflicts an enemy target with a curse that increases ability cooldowns by 15 seconds. 1 sec cast. Curse
* Spell Deathchill Bolt (Heroic mode) 45 yd range—Deals 6938 to 8062 Shadowfrost damage to an enemy target. 2 sec cast. 8788-10212 on Heroic
* Spell Frost Fever 50,000 yd range—A disease dealing Frost damage every 3 seconds and reducing the target's melee and ranged attack speed by 14% for 15 seconds. Instant
* Spell Shroud of the Occult—Envelops the caster in a powerful barrier that reflects all harmful magic, prevents cast interruption, and absorbs up to 50,000 damage before breaking. Instant. Used randomly.
* Spell Deathchill Blast (Heroic mode) 45 yd range—Deals 9250 to 10750 Shadowfrost damage to all enemies within 10 yards of the target. 2 sec cast. Only cast while empowered. 11563-13437 on Heroic
* Spell Dark Martyrdom—The caster surrenders to dark energies, exploding to deal 12000 Shadowstorm damage to all enemies within 15 yards, and leaving only skeletal remains behind, thus becoming reanimated after a few seconds of death. 4 sec cast. Cast randomly.

Cult Fanatic/Deformed Fanatic/Reanimated Fanatic

* Spell Fanatic's Determination—Nearly impervious to physical damage. 99% reduction. Reanimated Fanatic only
* Spell Necrotic Strike (Heroic mode) Melee range—Strikes an enemy with a cursed blade, dealing 70% of weapon damage to the target and inflicting a lasting malady that negates the next 9000 healing received. Instant. 20 sec duration. 14000 healing on Heroic
* Ability Vampiric Might—Empowers the caster with dark might, increasing all damage dealt by 25% and heals the caster for 300% of his damage dealt. Instant. Magic. 15 sec duration. Used randomly.
* Ability Shadow Cleave (Heroic mode) Melee range—Inflicts 14250 to 15750 Shadow damage to enemies in front of the attacker. Next melee. 8 yard radius. 19000-21000 on Heroic (6 sec cooldown)
* Spell Dark Martyrdom—The caster surrenders to dark energies, exploding to deal 12000 Shadowstorm damage to all enemies within 15 yards, and leaving only skeletal remains behind, thus becoming reanimated after a few seconds of death. 4 sec cast. Cast randomly.

Vengeful Shade

* Spell shadow deathsembrace.png Vengeful Blast Melee range—Inflicts 17370 to 18630 Shadowfrost damage to all enemies within 15 yards of the target.

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[The Human Equation]

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Post Posted: 28-01-2011, 13:44:45 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

daca tot te apuci sa faci topicuri despre bug-urile bossilor din icc, te-as sfatui sa o faci intr-un singur topic ca sa fie mai usor de urmarit.
de asemenea ar trebui sa dai mai multe detalii despre bug nu sa arunci acolo un "nu merge" si sa pui un video de la tankspot.

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[Kil'Jaeden slayer]

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Post Posted: 28-01-2011, 14:29:26 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Scriptul default de la trinity pentru Festergut lasa acel gas cloud corect la inceputul fightului, iar Festergut inhaleaza cantitatile din camera dupa care vomita . Shocker ar trebui sa arunci o privire peste el .

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Post Posted: 28-01-2011, 19:59:10 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


tin sa spun ca la sindra nu se ridica in aer + ce am zis acolo si la lady nu da damage shade-ul iar mobii ies la 1 min .

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Post Posted: 28-01-2011, 20:25:29 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Ai putea sa il incluzi si pe profesor in lista. Este cea mai tembela lupta din wow, dupa parerea mea.
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Post Posted: 28-01-2011, 20:45:49 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

ai uitat sa zici si usoare....
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[Kil'Jaeden slayer]

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Post Posted: 29-01-2011, 11:19:33 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Cum am spus si mai sus, scripturile default de la trinity pentru Marrowgar/Deathbringer/Festergut/Professor sunt blizzlike, ma rog in maniera in care am putut testa singur .

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Post Posted: 29-01-2011, 21:02:34 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Nu sunt blizzlike, nu ai testat nimic tu. Ai bagat bossul, ai vazut ca incepe sa casteze => blizzlike, sa nu mai zic ca nu ai testat cu un raid intreg...

WOW FREAKZ @ Facebook
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 30-01-2011, 02:37:13 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Voi cred ca nu realizati ce-l puneti pe omul asta sa faca . Voi realizati ce inseamna sa scriptezi Sindra ? Sau ce inseamna sa scriptezi Gunship-ul spre exemplu. Este o munca de un an (in situatia in care se ocupa un singur om). Normal ca oricine isi doreste sa fie totul scriptat , ar fi de vis un ICC cu toti bosii functionali 100 % sau spre acest procent. Dar totusi ...geez.

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Post Posted: 30-01-2011, 10:35:09 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Halion -> No Realm of Twilight, no adds, no AoE. Nu-nteleg de ce faceti pe eroii ca vrei script-uri pe blizzlike, dac-ar fi scriptati blizzlike 80% din server n-ar mai face Marrowgar.

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Post Posted: 30-01-2011, 11:38:05 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

nu imi amintesc sa aiba vreun add hailon -
l.e: forgot about hc version. poate pt k nu am facuto niciodata xD

Setemotion - Goin Hard***
Setemotion's box of EDM goodies

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Post Posted: 30-01-2011, 11:54:14 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

A Living Inferno and around 10 Living Embers will spawn when a Meteor Strike (wowhead link) lands in Halion 25 Heroic.
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Post Posted: 30-01-2011, 14:13:30 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Hasken wrote:
Voi cred ca nu realizati ce-l puneti pe omul asta sa faca . Voi realizati ce inseamna sa scriptezi Sindra ? Sau ce inseamna sa scriptezi Gunship-ul spre exemplu. Este o munca de un an (in situatia in care se ocupa un singur om). Normal ca oricine isi doreste sa fie totul scriptat , ar fi de vis un ICC cu toti bosii functionali 100 % sau spre acest procent. Dar totusi ...geez.

tu ce te bagi ma ? hai dispari .

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 30-01-2011, 14:33:25 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages) wrote:
Hasken wrote:
Voi cred ca nu realizati ce-l puneti pe omul asta sa faca . Voi realizati ce inseamna sa scriptezi Sindra ? Sau ce inseamna sa scriptezi Gunship-ul spre exemplu. Este o munca de un an (in situatia in care se ocupa un singur om). Normal ca oricine isi doreste sa fie totul scriptat , ar fi de vis un ICC cu toti bosii functionali 100 % sau spre acest procent. Dar totusi ...geez.

tu ce te bagi ma ? hai dispari .

Ma bag , pentru ca , desteptule. Sindra da , se ridica in aer si da-> pune target pe x y z care devin cuburi, si da din aer o sa arunce niste flacari albastre in pamant (de care se fereste raidul stand dupa cuburile de gheata). Acum , te intreb pe tine : Constientizezi cata munca trebuie sa depui sa scriptezi boss-ul asa ? (adica fixx cum e pe blizz). Nu cred ca am spus ceva gresit. Salut sau..."dispari" (nu asa trebuie sa ma tratezi).

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Post Posted: 30-01-2011, 15:28:29 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Ce de flame...

Nu s-ar putea trage un copy de la scriptul lui Sapphiron ( partea cu inaltatu si dmg + cuburi ), si desigur updatat?

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