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Topic: Pony Zone 11 - Winter is here! |
Replies: 1644
Views: 373905
Forum: Romanian Posted: 23-11-2018, 02:55:43 Subject: Pony Zone 11 - Winter is here! |
[quote ascuns] Mai traiesti batrane? |
Topic: Pony Zone 11 - Winter is here! |
Replies: 1644
Views: 373905
Forum: Romanian Posted: 18-06-2018, 02:26:50 Subject: Pony Zone 11 - Winter is here! |
[quote ascuns] There are still ppl here? monkaS |
Topic: Pony Zone 11 - Winter is here! |
Replies: 1644
Views: 373905
Forum: Romanian Posted: 11-02-2018, 06:12:04 Subject: Pony Zone 11 - Winter is here! |
[quote ascuns] Sa il cumperi |
Topic: Pony Zone 11 - Winter is here! |
Replies: 1644
Views: 373905
Forum: Romanian Posted: 08-02-2018, 15:33:45 Subject: Pony Zone 11 - Winter is here! |
I'm Never Going To Leave
Account at least 8 years old (96 months)
monkaS |
Topic: Pony Zone 11 - Winter is here! |
Replies: 1644
Views: 373905
Forum: Romanian Posted: 19-01-2018, 15:50:34 Subject: Pony Zone 11 - Winter is here! |
Tfw u check back 3 years later si freakz nu are monkaS emote  |
Topic: Pony Zone 11 - Winter is here! |
Replies: 1644
Views: 373905
Forum: Romanian Posted: 05-09-2017, 16:30:53 Subject: Pony Zone 11 - Winter is here! |
[quote ascuns] Troll batran
Mfw nu se posteaza destul pe aici nici cat sa faci proper lurking FeelsBadMan |
Topic: Pony Zone 11 - Winter is here! |
Replies: 1644
Views: 373905
Forum: Romanian Posted: 17-08-2017, 11:34:46 Subject: Pony Zone 11 - Winter is here! |
[quote ascuns] Best feature ever implemented. RMT fara risc de ban atata ca blizzul face niste profit. |
Topic: [REJECTED] [Mage] [Fire] Second Flamestrike dmg to low |
Replies: 6
Views: 1851
Forum: Rejected bugs Posted: 07-08-2017, 14:54:28 Subject: [REJECTED] [Mage] [Fire] Second Flamestrike dmg to low |
[quote ascuns] Go check any logs from live right now as coefficients haven't been touched and you will see that aftershocks is way lower in dmg scaling compared to a regular flamestrike. It's functioning properly. |
Topic: Pony Zone 11 - Winter is here! |
Replies: 1644
Views: 373905
Forum: Romanian Posted: 03-08-2017, 12:56:51 Subject: Pony Zone 11 - Winter is here! |
[quote ascuns] Knaifu will be pleased
curatenie la blues? monkaS |
Topic: Pony Zone 11 - Winter is here! |
Replies: 1644
Views: 373905
Forum: Romanian Posted: 30-07-2017, 18:52:12 Subject: Pony Zone 11 - Winter is here! |
^Cringe, n-am rabdare sa ma uit la videouri de 20 de minute care spun ce putea fii condensat in 2. Daca nu e nimic datamined atunci astea is doar speculatii useless |
Topic: Pony Zone 11 - Winter is here! |
Replies: 1644
Views: 373905
Forum: Romanian Posted: 28-07-2017, 17:56:06 Subject: Pony Zone 11 - Winter is here! |
[quote ascuns] Source? Nu am auzit de asa ceva si de 3 zile nu au mai fost modificari la build pe PTR |
Topic: Pony Zone 11 - Winter is here! |
Replies: 1644
Views: 373905
Forum: Romanian Posted: 04-07-2017, 10:55:12 Subject: Pony Zone 11 - Winter is here! |
[quote ascuns] Considerand ca cele mai banoase meserii sunt herba si mining nu ai nevoie de donatii |
Topic: Pony Zone 11 - Winter is here! |
Replies: 1644
Views: 373905
Forum: Romanian Posted: 19-06-2017, 21:55:24 Subject: Pony Zone 11 - Winter is here! |
[quote ascuns] IF class can be blood elf = blood elf |
Topic: Pony Zone 11 - Winter is here! |
Replies: 1644
Views: 373905
Forum: Romanian Posted: 24-05-2017, 11:03:05 Subject: Pony Zone 11 - Winter is here! |
Ppl are still alive here? |
Topic: Pony Zone 11 - Winter is here! |
Replies: 1644
Views: 373905
Forum: Romanian Posted: 02-04-2017, 02:46:26 Subject: Pony Zone 11 - Winter is here! |
[quote ascuns] 21 |