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Topic: Funny WoW comments (thug life players) |
Replies: 6
Views: 1502
Forum: WoW Movies Posted: 07-06-2015, 16:18:52 Subject: Funny WoW comments (thug life players) |
[quote ascuns] nici nu e veche din 2004 aia |
Topic: Formule de dmg de 5.4.8 vs resil de 5.1 |
Replies: 124
Views: 15573
Forum: Other Posted: 02-06-2015, 07:59:48 Subject: Formule de dmg de 5.4.8 vs resil de 5.1 |
mai bine baga tbc decat mop stai sa vina wodu e si mai al drq |
Topic: Arena a myth or a reality? |
Replies: 51
Views: 8269
Forum: Romanian Posted: 28-05-2015, 10:07:48 Subject: Arena a myth or a reality? |
nu prea sunt dragoni in mop,in schimb sunt dinozauri! |
Topic: Vreau un clasament Op |
Replies: 16
Views: 2875
Forum: Romanian Posted: 24-05-2015, 03:22:36 Subject: Vreau un clasament Op |
[quote ascuns] in 5.4 nu mai da prot pala asa dps,era prin 5.0 asta,bine sunt encountere unde tancii pot scoate mult,gen la garrosh prot war poate sa fie primul in faza cu adds daca da un reflect bun |
Topic: Vreau un clasament Op |
Replies: 16
Views: 2875
Forum: Romanian Posted: 23-05-2015, 05:54:56 Subject: Vreau un clasament Op |
[quote ascuns] dap,mai ales cand iese throne of thunder,sunt cateva bestii bosi acolo destul de grei,tauren e useless in mop,in wod devine best dar atm troll all the way
ca healer shamanul resto e cel mai versatil si cel mai bursty daca merge cum trebuie
ca multi doting dps lockul domina grav jucat bine
ca burst dps enha shaman,ca sustain+burst bun arcane mage sau dk
si ca tank cel mai us ... |
Topic: Interesant |
Replies: 17
Views: 2844
Forum: Romanian Posted: 17-05-2015, 04:33:56 Subject: Interesant |
nu am jucat hunter in mop dar cum a zis mai sus,armor e un factor si normal ar fi sa dea un pic mai tare chimera ca are cd,aimed nu |
Topic: In atentia stafff-ului!!! |
Replies: 5
Views: 1037
Forum: Romanian Posted: 17-05-2015, 04:30:59 Subject: In atentia stafff-ului!!! |
nu are rost sa astepti pana se fixeaza cat de cat toate clasele...ce e esential si game breaking poate dar asta e acum,se joaca cum se poate,nu amani arenele 2 luni pana merge decent |
Topic: World PVP on / off |
Replies: 474
Views: 103727
Forum: Trash Posted: 16-05-2015, 14:56:01 Subject: World PVP on / off |
as we dont have the option to play on different realms with different pvp rules,we should just compromise,PVP OFF 1-89,PVP ON for all lvl 90's |
Topic: Iteme PVE vs PVP |
Replies: 4
Views: 1104
Forum: Romanian Posted: 16-05-2015, 04:33:04 Subject: Iteme PVE vs PVP |
itemele de pvp o sa devina mult mai slabe in pve cand o sa iasa alte raiduri,in siege ai iteme de 588 |
Topic: Intrebare PvE |
Replies: 5
Views: 1064
Forum: Romanian Posted: 12-05-2015, 16:54:06 Subject: Intrebare PvE |
plictiseala pe retail da....dar sti ca vine 6.2 in cateva saptamani maxim nu?lol |
Topic: Curiozitate. |
Replies: 10
Views: 1818
Forum: Romanian Posted: 10-05-2015, 20:37:29 Subject: Curiozitate. |
[quote ascuns] nici nu era feral best pvp melee class si boomkin best multi dot caster+burst comninat /facepalm |
Topic: brewmaster tank |
Replies: 7
Views: 2086
Forum: Trash Posted: 07-05-2015, 09:42:36 Subject: brewmaster tank |
[quote ascuns] joaca ma bruid ma |
Topic: Restoration Shaman vs Discipline Priest 5.4.8 |
Replies: 4
Views: 1156
Forum: Romanian Posted: 04-05-2015, 06:35:52 Subject: Restoration Shaman vs Discipline Priest 5.4.8 |
pve disc e cel mai cancer healer in 5.4,efectiv daca ai un disc in grp celelalte clase de heal sunt mai slabe ca nu au ce heala,poti chiar ignora anumite mecanice cu shieldurile alea,in wod au nerfat shieldurile in pamant,bucurate de ele cat e mop
resto shaman domina pur hps
pvp wise holy e mai bun ca disc in mop |
Topic: In dubii |
Replies: 4
Views: 1162
Forum: Romanian Posted: 03-05-2015, 04:34:10 Subject: In dubii |
pot decat sa zic blizzlike cum e,mai specific patch 5.4 gear,destro lockul este extrem de bun la low gear,are probabil cel mai bun dps dintre orice clasa la ilvl mai mic spre medium,affliction domina extrem va multitargets dar trebuie sa ai grija la dot cliping,arcane mage este a mai buna clasa de singletarget dps la ilvl mare,eu zic sa joci lock ca toate specs sunt mai bune in general si poti face solo stuff mai usor,si ai quest de green lock in mop este chiar kewl |
Topic: iteme mop upgrade |
Replies: 7
Views: 1265
Forum: Romanian Posted: 28-04-2015, 01:54:01 Subject: iteme mop upgrade |
[quote ascuns] ar fi o mare greseala sa se bage 0/2....e echivalent cu buful de final de 4.3 cu dmg increase |