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  Topic: [FIXED] [Warlock][Demonology] Thal Kiel's Consumption

Replies: 6
Views: 890

PostForum: Fixed bugs   Posted: 17-04-2020, 20:38:58   Subject: Re: re
[quote ascuns]
It does benefit from damage modifiers and it can crit, bad fix :/
  Topic: Oxotnici Alijansa

Replies: 4
Views: 3620

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 01-09-2018, 22:12:36   Subject: Oxotnici Alijansa
[quote ascuns]
al smo zato veoma aktivni na globalnom chatu in game -
  Topic: Oxotnici Alijansa

Replies: 4
Views: 3620

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 12-08-2018, 16:40:46   Subject: Oxotnici Alijansa
[quote ascuns]
Povremeno -
  Topic: warlords of draenor (gorgond) laughting skull faction

Replies: 2
Views: 742

PostForum: Rejected bugs   Posted: 18-07-2018, 20:30:24   Subject: warlords of draenor (gorgond) laughting skull faction
Well, for everything on freakz server, U better look trough freakz databasa U can found on this link:
  Topic: [DUPLICATE] The Emerald Nightmare: The Pestilential Hide of Nythendra

Replies: 3
Views: 1541

PostForum: Rejected bugs   Posted: 09-12-2017, 17:36:22   Subject: [DUPLICATE] The Emerald Nightmare: The Pestilential Hide of Nythendra
I have same problem, I did EN x times, no loot or not possible to skinn Nythendra. When I use comamnd .info link quest, it says that 4 players did it??? how??
Here is image as proof
So what is the problem?? Can GMs replay?
  Topic: Oxotnici exYu

Replies: 0
Views: 763

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 24-08-2017, 21:45:23   Subject: Oxotnici exYu
Guild Oxotnici have members from all countries of former Yougoslavia. We call U to join us and have good time, lvl and ilvl are not important, all U have to do is have great time playing WOW -
Sent friend request to Cvetana or contact me trough in game mail.
We are waiting for U - -
  Topic: Oxotnici Alijansa

Replies: 4
Views: 3620

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 24-08-2017, 21:41:25   Subject: Oxotnici Alijansa
Gild Oxotnici VAs èeka da se pridu¾ite na¹oj veseloj ekipi i dobro zabavite. Ilvl i lvl nisu bitni -
In game mail na Cvetana
Èekamo vas -
  Topic: [COMPLETED] Lost artifact weapon - again...

Replies: 2
Views: 585

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 24-08-2017, 21:30:53   Subject: Lost artifact weapon - again...
Character Name:
Item Name & ID:128826
Armory Link:
Details: (optional) part 1: 23-07-2017 - When I finished scenarios for artifact weapon, As I remember, I recived all 3..... but I only use Titanstrike, couse I love bestmastery. But on recommendation of some more expirenced player, I wanted to try marksmenship, but then I realised that I only have Talonclaw in my bank... there is no Thas'dorah

after few hours from me posting this, I get my lost artifact weapon via email, but -

part 2 - ...
  Topic: [COMPLETED] Missing one artifact weapon

Replies: 1
Views: 517

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 23-07-2017, 15:51:30   Subject: Missing one artifact weapon
Character Name: Cvetana
Item Name & ID: Thas'dorah
Armory Link:
Details: (optional) When I finished scenarios for artifact weapon, As I remember, I recived all 3..... but I only use Titanstrike, couse I love bestmastery. But on recommendation of some more expirenced player, I wanted to try marksmenship, but then I realised that I only have Talonclaw in my bank... there is Thas'dorah
I wrote to GM, and I have a note to write here for help about this problem of mine
Thank you for any k ...
  Topic: Draenor Ashran Vendors

Replies: 7
Views: 1950

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 19-07-2017, 23:18:55   Subject: Draenor Ashran Vendors
  Topic: [REJECTED] Pandaria,, Towlling steps

Replies: 1
Views: 481

PostForum: Rejected bugs   Posted: 08-07-2017, 00:54:43   Subject: Pandaria,, Towlling steps
I was doing quest where I need to go to portal to Thundering Isle, portal take me back to Dalaran in Broken isle, pls fix it
  Topic: Ima li vas bre ? :D

Replies: 6
Views: 3040

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 06-07-2017, 22:26:59   Subject: Re: Ima li vas bre ? :D
[quote ascuns]
Ima ima, ingame nick Cvetana, pa se javite da se zezamo -
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