hi see there's a lot of bugs and glitchs in warlord of draenor missing NPC's missing, Garrison buildins, falling in to the world floor, tanaan jungle missing everything mobs and NPC'S its like a ghost ...
is here someone working on the mages class i have been seeing things on my mage that cant be done and i do not what to be ban for things like this yesterday i when i died and respirit i used slow fall ...
i find TG better i have ilvl 470 and i get 180k DPS im still working on getting ilvl 541 weapons its just a but harder to find seeing that i have a 2% chance to find it in the raid finder bag quests
hello freakz to start of im new to wow so i started a fury warrior and im picked up a lot thanks to the guide but i found a small problem with my char my race is blood elf and it cant preform as well ...
I have a problem with my ANCIENT PANDAREN MINING PICK i have been mining a lot and did not get 1 gem and i did cheak on a other server it work but not on the freakz server i have been mining in pandar ...