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Topic: [DUPLICATE] [Mage][PvP] Frost nova/Freeze roots effect |
Replies: 9
Views: 2040
Forum: Fixed / Closed bugs Posted: 26-08-2013, 01:31:46 Subject: [DUPLICATE] [Mage][PvP] Frost nova/Freeze roots effect |
Maybe CoC is an exception because it's a random root, unlike Frost Nova, which is a controlled root. |
Topic: E-mail cont |
Replies: 1
Views: 411
Forum: Romanian Posted: 22-08-2013, 18:05:07 Subject: E-mail cont |
Din cate am citit pe forum am inteles ca mi se poate spune e-mailul unui cont, in cazul in care nu mai am nici parola.
Cont: akamyfirst |
Topic: Molten Front & The Regrowth Guide |
Replies: 16
Views: 15206
Forum: Trash Posted: 30-03-2013, 11:41:30 Subject: problem |
Mie nu imi apare Guardians of Hyjal: Firelands Invasion la acel board din SW. Mai am ceva de facut inainte? |
Topic: Vote points reward |
Replies: 1
Views: 469
Forum: Romanian Posted: 30-03-2013, 00:33:47 Subject: Vote points reward |
Am observat ca la vote points rewards-gear, nu exista Theralion's Mirror, pe cand, alte iteme care pica la Theralion apar, Drape of the Twins, Valiona's Medallion, Blade of the Witching Hour e ... |
Topic: Cold snap/preparation |
Replies: 18
Views: 2842
Forum: Trash Posted: 21-06-2012, 23:10:52 Subject: Cold snap/preparation |
Eu am astfel de probleme doar la Water Elemental, insa doar pe freakz, pe retail nu am probleme avand aceleasi addoane si pe freakz si pe retail. |
Topic: [FIXED] [Rogue] Cloak of Shadow |
Replies: 18
Views: 3364
Forum: Trash Posted: 14-06-2012, 18:17:06 Subject: [FIXED] [Rogue] Cloak of Shadow |
+1 , si eu cred ca functioneaza pe sistemul de 90% , au luat multi rogi RoF prin CoS de la mine. |
Topic: [Warrior][PvP] Victory Rush vs Water Elemental |
Replies: 49
Views: 8392
Forum: Trash Posted: 08-06-2012, 15:36:23 Subject: [Warrior][PvP] Victory Rush vs Water Elemental |
[quote ascuns] You shall do that way, sir.
Si ca sa fie cat mai completa dovada omoara si un hunter/lock/priest pet. |
Topic: Charge Immune Blink |
Replies: 31
Views: 4207
Forum: Trash Posted: 08-06-2012, 15:31:43 Subject: Charge Immune Blink |
[quote ascuns] Bufful ala e Improved Blink
[quote ascuns] Bufful de immune se duce in mai putin de 0.5 sec dupa Blink nu ai cum sa primesti nova pentru ca magul are gcd. Eu am adus argumente despre bufful pe care-l ofera Blink si despre ce face el, deci ... |
Topic: Charge Immune Blink |
Replies: 31
Views: 4207
Forum: Trash Posted: 07-06-2012, 21:20:46 Subject: Charge Immune Blink |
ROFL, vezi ca tu ai luat efectele de pe site, ceea ce inseamna ca doar ai demonstrat ca asa merge pe freakz.
Cauta link cu blink de pe wowhead si apoi posteaza efectele si mecanicile
Duration : 1 second
Effect #2 Apply Aura: Immunity - Mechanic (12)
Edit : Cauta tu spellul pe wowhead, linkul de pe wowhead mi-l inlocuieste forumul cu lin ... |
Topic: Charge Immune Blink |
Replies: 31
Views: 4207
Forum: Trash Posted: 06-06-2012, 22:33:16 Subject: Charge Immune Blink |
Dupa terminarea blinkului bufful mai tine inca 0,5 sec sa zicem. Asa e si pe retail. Si eu am patit de multe ori cu Deep Freeze dupa Blink |
Topic: [FIXED] Shadow Word:Death no mana!! |
Replies: 14
Views: 2703
Forum: Trash Posted: 06-06-2012, 21:45:20 Subject: [FIXED] Shadow Word:Death no mana!! |
Se vede clar, 100% bug.
Credits go to SwAp2188 pentru video. |
Topic: [FIXED] [Priest][PvP] Shadow Word: Death @ Masochism + Blizzard Movie |
Replies: 9
Views: 1931
Forum: Trash Posted: 06-06-2012, 21:41:38 Subject: [FIXED] [Priest][PvP] Shadow Word: Death @ Masochism + Blizzard Movie |
[quote ascuns] Ai fi putut posta in celalalt topic, era acolo si un ss destul de detaliat. Anyway, bine ca ai facut si filmulet.
Bug confirmed. |
Topic: Charge Immune Blink |
Replies: 31
Views: 4207
Forum: Trash Posted: 06-06-2012, 21:33:47 Subject: Charge Immune Blink |
The mage gains a buff called Blink, which lasts for less than a second and makes the caster immune to everything for its duration.
Effect #1 Blink Radius 20 yards
Effect #2 Apply Aura: Immunity - Mechanic (12)
Effect #3 Apply Aura: Immunity - Mechanic (7)
Working as intended, nu mai confirmati inainte sa va informati cat de cat. |
Topic: [FIXED] Blazing Speed exploit |
Replies: 21
Views: 4344
Forum: Trash Posted: 31-05-2012, 18:12:42 Subject: [FIXED] Blazing Speed exploit |
Am observat ca scoate si snare, dovada a adus-o BlackSun. |
Topic: [FIXED] Shadow Word:Death no mana!! |
Replies: 14
Views: 2703
Forum: Trash Posted: 31-05-2012, 18:04:49 Subject: [FIXED] Shadow Word:Death no mana!! |
Confirmed, m-am informat mai bine si am editat posturile anterioare. Se pare ca ar trebui primesti mana chiar daca dmgul e absorbit. A fost modificat in 4.0.6 dar nu apare in patch notes.
SWD was absorbed by Kapercayaan
Kapercayaan gains 5k mana from Kapercayaan's Masochism |