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Topic: Leveling guide 1-85 (Alianta) (4.0.6 - 20x) |
Replies: 59
Views: 254857
Forum: Cataclysm Posted: 06-09-2012, 20:06:56 Subject: Leveling guide 1-85 (Alianta) (4.0.6 - 20x) |
La lvl 60 te poti duce in Tanaris la intrare in Caverns of Time , e un boss, Anachronos, care are vreo 10 questuri auto-complete, faci 7 lvl cu ele. |
Topic: [RO][EN][GENESIS][Live Free or Die Hard][1 v 1, 32-64 players][Signups] |
Replies: 55
Views: 17211
Forum: Old Events Posted: 30-08-2012, 00:06:07 Subject: [RO][EN][GENESIS][Live Free or Die Hard][1 v 1, 32-64 players][Signups] |
Nume participant: Rappunzel
Armory Link:
Cel mai mare rating atins: 2500 2s
Ordinea specurilor cu care vei participa: Frost / ... |
Topic: [Death Knight] Anti-Magic Shell |
Replies: 43
Views: 8042
Forum: Trash Posted: 04-05-2012, 18:53:03 Subject: [Death Knight] Anti-Magic Shell |
+1 , also , slow-ul de la Frostfire Orb trece prin AMS. |
Topic: Limita de conquest - 4k |
Replies: 17
Views: 5159
Forum: Trash Posted: 25-03-2012, 21:09:20 Subject: Limita de conquest - 4k |
Am jucat 4.3 pe retail si conquest points nu au cap. Pe 4.0.6 nu sunt sigur daca e asa, probabil sa se fi scos capu de la 4.1 incolo, deoarece si interfata e putin modificata. |
Replies: 27
Views: 4254
Forum: Trash Posted: 18-03-2012, 17:41:43 Subject: [DUPLICATE] MMR SYSTEM MAJOR BUGS! |
Confirm. Pe retail, in team nou se ia cate 96 rating per win.
51-11 , 2470 rating |
Topic: [FIXED] new vote system - this must be joke |
Replies: 25
Views: 3864
Forum: Trash Posted: 14-03-2012, 22:58:55 Subject: [FIXED] new vote system - this must be joke |
[quote ascuns] Poi din moment ce ne-au dat mai putine puncte, presupun ca mai scad preturile. |
Topic: [FIXED] new vote system - this must be joke |
Replies: 25
Views: 3864
Forum: Trash Posted: 14-03-2012, 22:51:40 Subject: [FIXED] new vote system - this must be joke |
"WARNING! The prices *may* change in the next 2-3 days until we accomodate with the feedback from players"
Se vor schimba preturile, probabil de aceea au dat mai putine vote points decat trebuia. |
Topic: [FIXED] new vote system - this must be joke |
Replies: 25
Views: 3864
Forum: Trash Posted: 14-03-2012, 22:11:04 Subject: [FIXED] new vote system - this must be joke |
Confirm. S-au mai dat din puncte, dar nu toate |
Topic: [FIXED] new vote system - this must be joke |
Replies: 25
Views: 3864
Forum: Trash Posted: 14-03-2012, 21:14:18 Subject: [FIXED] new vote system - this must be joke |
Sper sa se rezolve, nu e corect deloc. |