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  Topic: Probleme disconnect

Replies: 6
Views: 1370

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 12-06-2018, 13:46:39   Subject: Probleme disconnect
[quote ascuns]
Scuzati-ma ca am re-reinviat topicul, dar referitor la chestia de mai sus, pentru mine nu a functionat.
Am urmat pas cu pas treaba, dar tot imi ramane blocat pe Robin Hood mode.
Mai exista si alta posibilitate? Nu ca m-ar deranja extrem de mult.
  Topic: Item level difference in BGs

Replies: 4
Views: 1246

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 04-06-2018, 13:41:03   Subject: Item level difference in BGs
I second something like this.
For example, I'm playing my horde character. I join a BG as horde, we get utterly destroyed. I join another one, same result. So I keep losing 3-4-5 BG's in a row.
My 6th BG I join as a mercenary for the alliance - all the 900 ilvl players that were carrying the alliance BGs are mercena ...
  Topic: [FIXED] [druid][restro] tranquility vs pvp flag

Replies: 4
Views: 1210

PostForum: Fixed bugs   Posted: 21-05-2018, 16:19:03   Subject: [FIXED] [druid][restro] tranquility vs pvp flag
But this is normal.
Picture a 920 ilvl dps with 3 unflagged for pvp AOE healers cruising around the broken isles just smashing everything in his path.
Of course, if you heal a PVP target in world PVP, you WILL get flagged, and it's the way it should be.
  Topic: Gryphon Flying Scene

Replies: 2
Views: 592

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 09-05-2018, 14:58:19   Subject: Gryphon Flying Scene
That's only for the pre-wod content, and it's an amazing idea.
Just imagine how much time you'd be wasting just by looking at a bird that's flying.
I used to hate long flying paths, just imagine having to fly over 3-4 zones.
5 minutes of staring at the bird.
  Topic: An idea I thought of

Replies: 6
Views: 1893

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 09-05-2018, 14:42:31   Subject: An idea I thought of
As a general idea, I would probably second that.
But then, you'd have to think about the effects of it. There are 3k+ people constantly playing, and a lot of them are new to the game, just moved from an older expansion, or just not experienced enough.
The ones that happen to know a few things about the game, will jus ...
  Topic: World quests account wide

Replies: 2
Views: 544

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 31-03-2018, 12:05:26   Subject: World quests account wide
Okay, I've figured it out.
Because I had the "uniting the isles" quest on my alt char since before I've completed the quest on my main, when I abandoned it, Khadgar didn't have any quest for me.
I zoned out and back in from Dalaran, still nothing.
Looks like you have to relog in order for Khadgar to give ...
  Topic: World quests account wide

Replies: 2
Views: 544

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 31-03-2018, 11:25:14   Subject: World quests account wide
So I've been asking around on global as well, but people seem to be more inclined towards making fun than ever giving an answer.
Are the world quests account wide? Or do you need to do uniting the isles on all characters?
And if they are, where can I find Khadgar or whoever I need to find to unlock them on my alt?
* ...
  Topic: Recrutari

Replies: 1777
Views: 252023

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 18-04-2012, 22:32:31   Subject: Recrutari
Nume In-Game: Theory
Clasa: Mage
MainSpec/OffSpec: Arcane/Fire
iLvl: 359
Link Armory: Profesie: Enchanting(525), si urmeaza Tailoring.
Guilda precedenta si motivul plecarii din ea: "The Burning Legion", am plecat pentru ca activitatea era 0.
Cunosc jocul, m-am apucat de wow pe versiunea 2.4.0 (da, recun ...
  Topic: Free Gems [Genesis]

Replies: 105
Views: 14417

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 16-04-2012, 14:06:05   Subject: Free Gems [Genesis]
[quote ascuns]
Ty. Ti-am dat si rep -.
  Topic: Free Gems [Genesis]

Replies: 105
Views: 14417

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 15-04-2012, 19:14:59   Subject: Free Gems [Genesis]
Bold Inferno Ruby - x10
Delicate Inferno Ruby - x10
Shifting Demonseye - x5
Timeless Demonseye - x5
Sovereign Demonseye - x5
Reckless Ember Topaz - x5
Powerful Shadowspirit Diamond - x1
Nume: Relinquish
Daca-s prea multe mai taie din ele da-le drea*u D:.
  Topic: Missing arena points

Replies: 1
Views: 490

PostForum: Romanian   Posted: 16-05-2011, 13:20:00   Subject: Missing arena points
Nu am primit punctele la flush, nu stiu de ce, n-am fost in loading screen, n-am facut nimic, doar am stat frumos si am asteptat.. n-au vrut sa vina xD.
SS inainte:
SS dupa:
  Topic: Cerere mute Kainslegacy

Replies: 5
Views: 1425

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 16-05-2011, 13:12:27   Subject: Cerere mute Kainslegacy
Stiam ca ignore e valabil pentru whisper, pe global e altceva -.
Sunt eu prea de tot ? Am impresia ca voi nu va cunoasteti limitele, nu exista "prea de tot" cand vine neica' nimeni si vorbeste asa despre parintii tai, ok ?
Si defapt, de ce ma obosesc sa explic ? Aici trebuia sa posteze un GM, nu sa isi dea lumea cu parerea -.
Edit: Oops, da, am gresit, trebuia la cereri mute.
  Topic: Cerere mute Kainslegacy

Replies: 5
Views: 1425

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 15-05-2011, 23:14:20   Subject: Cerere mute Kainslegacy
Numele suspectului: Kainslegacy
Data/ora: 16.05.2011/00:05
Detalii: Am zis pe global eu cu inca cineva, ca n-am primit arena points, si s-a gasit el sa se bage cu o replica de genul "asa va trebuie ratonilor", l-am intrebat de ce e asa frustrat, si ce mi-a raspuns, vedeti in screenshot. Poate unora nu li se pare cine stie ce, dar eu nu accept sa vorbeasca un necunoscut asa despre mama -.
Realm: Genesis
http: ...
  Topic: The hardest class to MASTER!

Replies: 349
Views: 54349

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 07-05-2011, 09:05:18   Subject: The hardest class to MASTER!
Rogue, mori foarte repede daca nu sti sa-l joci, si are o gramada de skilluri care trebuiesc folosite neaparat pentru a supravietui, fata de alte clase care au 5-6 de baza.
De exemplu la mage (ca tot ziceati voi ca e greu), daca joci frost vs orice melee deobicei e win (asta in cazul in care nu joci wow de 1-2 luni), e de ajuns sa-l ti departe de tine, damage oricum dai, ca esti caster.
  Topic: [WOTLK] ARENA - Pentru incepatori.

Replies: 16
Views: 18489

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 17-03-2011, 14:55:19   Subject: [WOTLK] ARENA - Pentru incepatori.
Da, exact, ar fi fost ok sa zici si cate ceva despre gear, dar oricum e bun:).
Nice tut.
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