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  Topic: Global_en

Replies: 9
Views: 1696

PostForum: Romanian   Posted: 17-04-2016, 12:16:57   Subject: Global_en
Am facut niste teste si mi-am dat seama de unde e problema.
E 120% "server" side. Adica e de la voi.
Daca ma loghez pe site si pun limba site-ului in engleza, cand intru in joc, sunt ...
  Topic: Global_en

Replies: 9
Views: 1696

PostForum: Romanian   Posted: 17-04-2016, 10:47:49   Subject: Global_en
Ok. M-am decis sa dau /resetchat
Am dat degeaba. Nu s-a rezolvat nimic.
Totodata, daca ma loghez cu un caracter de pe alt cont pe acelasi PC cu aceleasi addons, nu sunt probleme. Garantat nu e de la ...
  Topic: Global_en

Replies: 9
Views: 1696

PostForum: Romanian   Posted: 08-04-2016, 19:37:56   Subject: Global_en
Tocmai ce am vrut sa o fac si cand am vazut ce imi zice, nu merci am dat cancel.
Sa imi pierd toate setarile la toate ferestrele de chat?
Sunt aceleasi setari la ferestrele de chat pe care le-am avu ...
  Topic: Global_en

Replies: 9
Views: 1696

PostForum: Romanian   Posted: 08-04-2016, 17:50:44   Subject: Global_en
WoW Freakz link: Canalul global_en
Bug description: canalul global_en se buguie la fiecare relogare. "undead channel"
Imi dispare din "O > Chat" cu toate ca sunt pe el si vad ...
  Topic: [FIXED] [Tailoring] Dream of Destruction cooldown

Replies: 6
Views: 1039

PostForum: Fixed / Closed bugs   Posted: 04-06-2015, 01:21:15   Subject: [FIXED] [Tailoring] Dream of Destruction cooldown
Asa e Dream of Destruction e bugguit . Nu ar trebui sa aiba CD
  Topic: Tell us your one WoW Secret! =)

Replies: 214
Views: 33975

PostForum: Romanian   Posted: 16-06-2012, 15:50:36   Subject: Tell us your one WoW Secret! =)
My priest was immune to pushback effects on WotLK.
Never told anybody.
Bug never got fixed.
I'm pretty sure it still exists on current WotLK servers.
  Topic: Twinks@Exodus

Replies: 30
Views: 4681

PostForum: Other   Posted: 14-06-2012, 16:25:37   Subject: Twinks@Exodus
As long as the channel is moderated, I do not see any problem with having a cross-faction channel.
I have a level 70 twink which I often play with so I would very much like to see this feature implem ...
  Topic: [REJECTED] Item recovery bug

Replies: 1
Views: 713

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 08-05-2012, 20:25:15   Subject: Item recovery bug
Wowhead/WoW Freakz Link:
Descrierea bugului / Bug description: Am facut un belt (in imagine, mai jos) pentru un prieten si l-am sters din greseala inainte sa-l trimit ca l-am confundat cu alt belt d ...
  Topic: [FIXED] Champion's Seal - si in bag si in currency :|

Replies: 16
Views: 3143

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 13-04-2012, 22:20:04   Subject: [FIXED] Champion's Seal - si in bag si in currency :|
Am adunat ~180 de seals in bags. -
  Topic: [REJECTED] Argent Tournament Grounds quests

Replies: 10
Views: 2013

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 06-04-2012, 20:46:14   Subject: Re: Argent Tournament Grounds quests
[quote ascuns]
It can be completed but most people leave the mount (vehicle) around the tournament grounds after they finish their quests and you'll have to look for it around the camp to find it.
  Topic: [FIXED] Champion's Seal

Replies: 8
Views: 1772

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 20-03-2012, 18:09:47   Subject: [FIXED] Champion's Seal
Ieri am colectat in sfarsit un minim de 100 de seals (inclusiv cele din bag) ca sa-mi cumpar Argent Charger-ul.
Am rugat un GM sa ma ajute (cumva, oricum) sa-mi cumpar charger-ul daca poate si mi-a spus ca a fost un NPC care s-a scos din cauza abuzului si ca ...
  Topic: [FIXED] Gordok Shackle Key

Replies: 6
Views: 1451

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 31-10-2010, 11:10:59   Subject: [FIXED] Gordok Shackle Key
Mie mi s-a intamplat asa:
Am intrat in instanta, am omorat primul ogre, am dus cheia, am omorat al 2-lea ogre care da cheia, am dus cheia din noi, am omorat al 3-lea ogre care da cheia, am dus cheia, m-am uitat la reputatie, nu se schimbase deloc, ies din ins ...
  Topic: [FIXED] Argent Tournament Quests - Crusader Title

Replies: 2
Views: 1001

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 27-10-2010, 01:43:47   Subject: [FIXED] Argent Tournament Quests - Crusader Title
Se mai face ceva in legatura cu asta please?
Am vrut sa fac si eu un thread dar am vazut ca e deja.
So... bump!
  Topic: Weekly quest - XT no kill credit.

Replies: 0
Views: 425

PostForum: Romanian   Posted: 26-10-2010, 20:19:23   Subject: Weekly quest - XT no kill credit.
Pe data de 24 am facut weekly quest-ul pentru embleme din Dalaran in Ulduar la XT Deconstructor.
Tot raid-ul nu a primit credit pentru kill si nici de loot-at nu s-a putut.
S-a chemat un GM, a venit Skilladin, a vazut boss-ul mort langa noi si dat la t ...
  Topic: [REJECTED] The Aspirant's Challenge

Replies: 2
Views: 644

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 26-10-2010, 20:10:34   Subject: [REJECTED] The Aspirant's Challenge
Aspirant's challenge merge facut asa cum trebuie el facut.
Ce nu merge e urmatorul, A Valliant's challenge.
Nu apare optiunea de a spawna NPC-ul cand se vorbeste cu acel NPC (Squire Danny parca il chema), asa cum cere quest-ul.
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