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Topic: Recrutari |
Replies: 1171
Views: 204829
Forum: Trash Posted: 03-04-2013, 15:14:27 Subject: Recrutari |
1. Nume IRL: Catalin
2. Varsta: 22 ani
3. Localitate: Bucuresti
4. Cat timp ai la dispozitie pentru WOW (pe zi, pe saptamana, aproximativ.) : in fiecare zi dupa ora 8 in timpul saptamanii si in wee ... |
Topic: [DUPLICATE] [Cataclysm]End Time |
Replies: 42
Views: 12463
Forum: Fixed / Closed bugs Posted: 13-02-2013, 02:46:49 Subject: [DUPLICATE] [Cataclysm]End Time |
Se vor baga si ceilalti doi bossi? |
Topic: [WOTLK] Halls of Reflection |
Replies: 44
Views: 14877
Forum: Trash Posted: 01-02-2013, 00:40:11 Subject: [WOTLK] Halls of Reflection |
Cum se fac q de la fos si pos?ca inauntru in fos nu gasesc nici un q |
Topic: [REJECTED] Therazane |
Replies: 1
Views: 651
Forum: Fixed / Closed bugs Posted: 23-01-2013, 22:35:53 Subject: [REJECTED] Therazane |
Nu e bug like bug...uita-te in reputatii si vezi ca e setat pe At war.Debifeaza aia si gata, poti vedea itemele. |
Topic: [DUPLICATE] [Important][Transmog] VOID STORAGE |
Replies: 3
Views: 851
Forum: Fixed / Closed bugs Posted: 22-01-2013, 08:05:53 Subject: [DUPLICATE] [Important][Transmog] VOID STORAGE |
Mai e un post facut de cineva, e raportat deja bug-ul. |
Topic: [DUPLICATE] void storage bug i cant get my items back to withdraw |
Replies: 12
Views: 2171
Forum: Fixed / Closed bugs Posted: 21-01-2013, 14:06:29 Subject: [DUPLICATE] void storage bug i cant get my items back to withdraw |
Hope so 2 -.- bcz all my old items are there now -.- |
Topic: [DUPLICATE] void storage bug i cant get my items back to withdraw |
Replies: 12
Views: 2171
Forum: Fixed / Closed bugs Posted: 21-01-2013, 00:56:03 Subject: [DUPLICATE] void storage bug i cant get my items back to withdraw |
Same problem, can't withdraw items from void storage...-.- |
Topic: 434 - Informations & FAQ |
Replies: 353
Views: 131470
Forum: Old Announcements Posted: 19-01-2013, 08:29:10 Subject: 434 - Informations & FAQ |
Tot nu ma pot citit si variantele de rezolvare postate pe paginile anterioare, still no result.Imi zice intai login server down si apoi la a doua incercare unable to connect.
Posturi uni ... |
Topic: 434 - Informations & FAQ |
Replies: 353
Views: 131470
Forum: Old Announcements Posted: 18-01-2013, 20:55:09 Subject: 434 - Informations & FAQ |
Intrebare, se vor implementa blizz-like rewards la dungeon finder?Ma refer la cele 5 reward-uri saptamanale de valor points din dungeonuri hc plus cele de justice points |
Topic: Recrutari |
Replies: 1171
Views: 204829
Forum: Trash Posted: 12-01-2013, 12:06:52 Subject: Recrutari |
1. Nume IRL: Catalin
2. Varsta: 22 ani
3. Localitate: Bucuresti (Origine Brasov)
4. Cat timp ai la dispozitie pentru WOW (pe zi, pe saptamana, aproximativ.) : Aproape in fiecare zi, dupa ora 19: ... |
Topic: Recrutari 4.3.4 |
Replies: 457
Views: 73629
Forum: Trash Posted: 29-12-2012, 23:30:54 Subject: Recrutari 4.3.4 |
who to wisp? |
Topic: Recrutari 4.3.4 |
Replies: 457
Views: 73629
Forum: Trash Posted: 29-12-2012, 22:13:02 Subject: Recrutari 4.3.4 |
1.Prenume IRL: Catalin
2.Varsta: 22
3.Timp la dispozitie pt wow: Cam in fiecare zi dupa ora 7 ca dimineata am facultate si de la 13-18 lucrez.
4.Clasa/iLvL: Death Knight 367/363
5.Main/off spe ... |
Replies: 226
Views: 45178
Forum: Trash Posted: 29-11-2012, 23:30:11 Subject: RECRUTARI PVE |
Real Life:
Nume: Catalin
Varsta: 21
Ocupatie: Student/Graphic Artist
Cat timp dedici acestui joc: Destul de putin, gen 2-3 ore pe zi.
In game:
Nume char: Snugglebuneh
Spec char / item l ... |
Topic: Members |
Replies: 82
Views: 16204
Forum: Trash Posted: 08-11-2012, 08:25:12 Subject: Members |
Archhhhhhtorment! |
Topic: 4.3.4 IS COMING ! |
Replies: 1480
Views: 332319
Forum: Old Announcements Posted: 04-11-2012, 19:51:33 Subject: 4.3.4 IS COMING ! |
Vad ca scrie ca veti incepe cu 3 dungeonuri...e vorba de cele 3 noi?Cu iteme epice, End Time, Hour of Twilight si Well of Eternity?Daca da e super ca ala ar fi starting gear pt dragon soul. |