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Topic: [REJECTED] [Warlock][Demonology] Curse of the Elements / Aura of the Elements - stacking |
Replies: 6
Views: 1141
Forum: Fixed / Closed bugs Posted: 21-09-2016, 18:22:15 Subject: [Warlock][Demonology] Curse of the Elements / Aura of the Elements - stacking |
WoW Freakz spell link: ,
Bug descripti ... |
Topic: Propunere Radio Freakz. |
Replies: 19
Views: 4065
Forum: Romanian Posted: 16-09-2016, 13:04:13 Subject: Propunere Radio Freakz. |
[quote ascuns] Tu esti mai plicistor ca sahul ....
+1 pt propunere un radio ar fi bestial |
Topic: [REJECTED] [Druid] Balance wild charge |
Replies: 4
Views: 657
Forum: Fixed / Closed bugs Posted: 15-09-2016, 20:09:25 Subject: [REJECTED] [Druid] Balance wild charge |
Ce arati tu in video ala e o mizerie care nici macar nu e de pe blizz
90% din talente dupa au fost modificate poti da invalid cu un video de 2bani ca ala |
Topic: [REJECTED] [Druid] Balance wild charge |
Replies: 4
Views: 657
Forum: Fixed / Closed bugs Posted: 13-09-2016, 10:07:28 Subject: [Druid] Balance wild charge |
WoW Freakz spell link: ,
Bug description: Balance Druid Bound backward away from your enemies is only 5-10 yards ,w ... |
Topic: intrebare |
Replies: 8
Views: 1702
Forum: Romanian Posted: 20-08-2016, 16:54:38 Subject: intrebare |
[quote ascuns] Asa mergea si inainate .....chestia e ca acum pt faptul ca se baga "Legion pe Blizz" lumea o sa fie mai iritata ca inainte ...adica pe sistemul uite frate aia baga Legion si astia nu-s capabili sa repare niste buguri postate acum 2 ani ,iar comunitate ... |
Topic: Pls watch global |
Replies: 7
Views: 1518
Forum: Romanian Posted: 09-08-2016, 14:02:28 Subject: Re: Pls watch global |
[quote ascuns] Stai am drk cuminte ca nu ai cu cn sa faci trb aici sunt uni care nu intra in game cu saptamanile dar GG au GM
Cel mai bn e sa-ti rezolvi probleme singur nu apela la astia ca si asa 90% sunt degaba |
Topic: Vote FAIL |
Replies: 1
Views: 306
Forum: Trash Posted: 08-08-2016, 13:00:13 Subject: Vote FAIL |
Vai de mama si de om e plin de mizeri la vote ,crd ca sunt gemuri,enchants,Heirlooms din toate patch wolk,cata,mop aruncate la gramda acolo ,un GM chiar ar trb sa faca curat la vote si sa lase decat MOP iteme si sa stearga unele iteme nici nu mai exita odata cu MOP updade
Asta e amuzanta
Am laut un GEM it lv 417 de l ... |
Topic: Intrebare pt GM |
Replies: 1
Views: 400
Forum: Romanian Posted: 05-08-2016, 14:24:05 Subject: Intrebare pt GM |
Stiti cumva daca 10300 HASTE e break-point la druid balance pt multiple dots, sau aici e dus ???
Am inteles de la cativa playeri ca defapt ar fi buguit si ar porni de la 9500-9600 haste cea ce inseamna un avantaj urias pt clase gen warlock/shamy crd ca si DK si poate si altele pt ca nu trb faca CAP ca pe Blizz de 10300 ,inseamand un reforge in Crit sau Mastery de aproape 5% ca ... |
Replies: 1
Views: 266
Forum: Trash Posted: 24-07-2016, 20:48:14 Subject: CEL MAI TARE BG PE ZIUA DE AZI |
De mult nu am mai vazut un bg ca asta de azi |
Topic: Bonus Loot Fail |
Replies: 1
Views: 228
Forum: Item Recovery Posted: 22-07-2016, 08:15:31 Subject: Bonus Loot Fail |
Character Name:Ashbringer
Item Name & ID:
Armory Link:
Details: Am primit la celestials in loc sa imi ... |
Topic: Monk WW , buguit! |
Replies: 38
Views: 7364
Forum: Romanian Posted: 05-07-2016, 22:30:38 Subject: Monk WW , buguit! |
[quote ascuns] imi vine sa vomit lol OF OF OF
Daca nici monk nu e OP atunci ar trb sa ne lasm in plm de wow nu are probleme "pozitive" stai ca inca nu au facut full gear cand o sa se loveasca si ei de MONK o sa vina ca curvele plangand inapoi cum au facut aia cu GREVI SEASON ...
Mai nou iti trb brain sa joci Monk .....ei toate spellurile de la toate clasele si le combini si ai ... |
Topic: Clasa PvP op? |
Replies: 23
Views: 3109
Forum: Romanian Posted: 16-06-2016, 23:42:41 Subject: Clasa PvP op? |
Fati DK tati nu te lua dupa ****** astia ,tu dc crezi ca joaca ei DK si nu joaca Retry/Balance sau Prist Shadow sau alceva "PT ca DK e cea ce trebuie "
Asculta ce spun astia DC crezi ca 90% din server e DK ,DK a castigat arena tournament si e in TOP la PVP face cat 3-4 clase la un LOC
Astia mananca****** care spun ca nu e OP , la PVP domina tot ,nimic nu misca in fata lui
DK la PVP daca intra in voi o ia calculator raszna ... |
Topic: Clasa PvP op? |
Replies: 23
Views: 3109
Forum: Romanian Posted: 16-06-2016, 20:32:33 Subject: Clasa PvP op? |
DK DK DK nici o clasa nu se compara cu DK ,pe servarul asta DK face cat 3-4 dps la un loc
Alege DK nu vei fi dezamagit nu conteaza nuti trb nici macar 1 skill dai la tastatura ca la pian
DK se naste gladiator aici |
Topic: [Druid][Feral] Force of Nature attacks druid sometimes |
Replies: 6
Views: 2562
Forum: PENDING Class spells / talents Posted: 15-06-2016, 20:46:24 Subject: [Druid][Feral] Force of Nature attacks druid sometimes |
De asemena da ROOTS/RAKE si pe cei cu care esti in PARTY sau RAID |
Topic: [FIXED] [Druid][Balance]Switching from solar to lunar eclipse |
Replies: 4
Views: 1267
Forum: Fixed / Closed bugs Posted: 15-06-2016, 19:47:51 Subject: [FIXED] [Druid][Balance]Switching from solar to lunar eclipse |
Uite aici merge cu spatele
Daca va dau Balance vo ia corpul RASZNA
Ma nene Ma DC nu vrei sa mergi corect si corespunzator EFECT:Triggering a Lunar Eclipse resets the cooldown of this spell.
La fel si Celetial Aligment nu resteaza CD la Starfall |